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Male Fertility Treatment Centre in Faridabad

Medicheck Hospital is a trusted male fertility treatment centre in Faridabad. Our specialists provide the best treatment for male infertility with utmost care.

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Male Fertility Treatment Centre in Faridabad

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  1.   (+91)8010800100 Medichecfi MaleInferĺiliĺy HomeMaleInfeítility InferĺiliĺyTreaĺmenĺ ICSITreatment IVFTreatment IUI Treatment EggDonation Ovarian Induction Male Infertility BlastocystCulture FrozenEmbryoTransfer

  2. ConĺacĺUs (+91)8010800100 ConsultOuíTíustedFeítilityCentíe,Makeanappointment.The best ofmodeínhealthcaíetoensuíeyoustayhealthy,always. ContactUs BesĺMaleInferĺiliĺyService Infiaridabad Male infeítility isawidespíeadíepíoductivepíoblemthatimpactsmany couples globally.Afteíayeaíofconsistent,unpíotectedsexualactivitywith hispaítneí,it isdescíibedastheman'sincapacitytocontíibute toahealthy píegnancy.Manyíeasons,includinghoímoneimbalances,geneticflaws, infections,tíauma,badlifestylechoices,andenviíonmentalvaíiables,might contíibute toinfeítility.Lowspeímcounts,slowspeímmotility,andabeííant speímmoíphologyaíeonlyafewofthesymptomsofmaleinfeítility.

  3. Dependingonthe undeílying cause, Medichech hospital, Faíidabad, offeís seveíal tíeatment options foí male infeítility. Dí Ranjeeta Gupta at Medicheck Hospitalusescontempoíaíyequipmenttopíovidethemost successfultíeatmentfoímaleinfeítility. CausesOfMaleInfeítility Millionsofmenthroughouttheworldstrugglewithmaleinfertility,whichis aprevalentproblem. The inability to become pregnant after a year of unprotected sex is known as infertility. The male partner is the only cause or a contributing factor in around one-third of cases of infertility. We advise couples on possible solutions and appropriate medical treatment by understanding the reasons formaleinfertility.Here areafewofthefrequentreasonsformaleinfertility. Havinginsuf몭cientorpoorsperm:Maleinfertilityhasseveral majorcauses,includinglow spermcountorpoorspermquality. The quantityofsperminonemillilitreof semenis known as the sperm count. 15 million to 200 million sperm per millilitre of semen is considered a good sperm count. Sperm that are abnormal in size, shape, or motility are referred to as having poor sperm quality. These problems might make it challenging for sperm to reach an eggandfertiliseit. Hormonal irregularities: Male infertility might result from hormonal abnormalities that interfere with sperm production. The testicles and pituitary glands produce hormones that regulatethegenerationof sperm.Ahormonalimbalancemightcauselowspermcountsor inadequate sperm quality. Doctors at Medicheck hospital suggest numerous underlying factorscouldbethecauseoflowtestosteroneandotherhormonalissues. Genetic problems: Male infertility may also be in몭uencedby genetic factors. Male reproductiveorgansgrowabnormallyinthepresenceofgeneticdisorderssuchasKlinefelter syndrome, in which males have two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome at birth rather thanoneXandoneY.Moreover,Kallmann’ssyndromeandcystic몭brosisarechromosomal syndromeslinkedtoinfertility. Environmental factors: Male infertility might also be brought on by environmental factors. Toxins, including lead, radiation, and pesticides, can harm sperm and impact fertility. Infertilitycanalsobecausedbylifestylechoiceslikesmoking,drinkingalcohol,andabusing drugs. Medical conditions: Male infertility might also be brought on by speci몭cmedical disorders. It ispossibleforautoimmuneillnesses,diabetes,andhighbloodpressureto have an impacton spermfunctionandproduction. Several ofthedrugsprescribedtoaddresstheseailments

  4. maypotentiallyharmfertility. 6.Ejaculationissues:When semen duringorgasmentersthebladderratherthancomingoutof the tip of the penis, this is known as retrograde ejaculation. Diabetes, spinal injuries, drugs, and surgeries on the bladder, prostate, or urethra are just a few of the medical problems that mightresultinretrogradeejaculation.

  5. IVFTíeatmentAppíoach ToTíeatMaleInfeítility Forcoupleswhoarehavingtroublegettingpregnant,invitro fertilisation (IVF)isa popular fertilitytherapymethod.IVF is frequentlythoughtofasatreatmentforfemaleinfertility;however, it can also be employed by us for treating male infertility. Several things, such as low sperm counts,slowspermmovement,oraberrantspermsizeorshape,canbringonmaleinfertility. Naturalfertilisationofaneggmaybehamperedbytheseproblems,necessitatingIVF. Injections of intracytoplasmic sperm are commonly used during our IVF treatment for male infertility(ICSI).WithICSI,aneggisfertilisedbyasinglespermthatissubsequentlyplaced insideofitandputintotheuterus.Thismethodavoidstherequirementforthespermtoswimand fertilisetheeggonitsown. Themalepartnermustsupplyasampleofsemen beforeICSImaystart.The quantity,quality,and velocity of the sperm in the semen sample will be evaluated. ICSI could be suggested if the semen analysis shows that there are insuf몭cient viable sperm present for natural conception. The female partner will get hormone injections to encourage the production of numerous eggs before the ICSI procedure. Once they are fully developed, the eggs are removed from the ovaries and fertilisedusingICSI. After fertilisation, the eggs are observed by our doctors for a few days to make sure they are growing normally. The embryos are transported by catheter to the uterus at speci몭c developmental stages. With different success rates based on the underlying reason for male infertility,IVFtreatmentforinfertilityinmalescanbehelpful.In upto50%ofcases,IVFwithICSI

  6. canproduceaviablepregnancywhenthemalepartnerhasalowspermcountorpoorspermcanproduceaviablepregnancywhenthemalepartnerhasalowspermcountorpoorsperm velocity.Successchancescouldbedecreasedwhenone partner is amanwithserioussperm abnormalities. NotethatIVFtherapyprovidedbyus formaleinfertilitycanbecostlyandmaynotbereimbursed by insurance. There are additional hazards connected with the therapy, including the chance of multiple pregnancies and the potential for ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in the femalespouse. FactoísThatInfluenceTheIVFTíeatmentFoíMaleInfeítility IVF can be used to treat male infertility even though it is frequently associated with female infertility.WeuseIVFtotreatmaleinfertility,butthereareanumberofvariablesthatcanaffect howwellitworks. The sperm’s quality is one of the main variables that can impact IVF treatment for male infertility. Age, genetics, lifestyle choices like smoking and drinking, and exposure to pollutants from the environment are just a few of the variables that might have an impact on spermquality. The outcomeofIVFtreatmentmaybeimpactedbylow-qualitysperm’sability tosuccessfullyfertiliseanegg. The existence of underlying medical issues is another aspect that may in몭uencehow successfulIVFtreatmentformaleinfertilityworks.Itcanbemorechallengingto accomplish fertilisation when conditions including varicocele, swelling of the testicular veins, and infectionsofthereproductivesystem

  7. impaiíspeímpíoductionandfunction The timingoftheIVF cycle mightalsoin몭uencetheeffectivenessoftreatmentformale

  8. infertility.WhileperformingIVF,itmaybenecessarytotimeittofallduringthesperm’s peak phase,whichvaries basedonseveralcircumstances. The use of speci몭cdrugs or dietary supplements might also impact the effectiveness of male infertility IVF treatment. Steroids and some herbal supplements have been proven to lower sperm quality, whereas other drugs may be used to increase sperm production and function. The outcomeofourIVFtreatmentformaleinfertilitymayalsodependontheage ofthemale partner. The number and quality of sperm produced by males tend to decrease with age, whichcanaffectfertilisationsuccessanddiminishIVFtreatmentsuccessrates. Thebesĺassisĺanceforyourinferĺiliĺy journey Invitíofeítilisation(IVF)canhelpmenoveícomeinfeítilitybyallowingtheiíspeím tobediíectlyinseítedintoawoman'seggs,bypassingpotentialbaííieís.Menwith pooíspeímcounts,iííegulaílyshapedspeím,oíimmobilespeímmaybenefitfíom IVFaswell.Foícoupleswhoaíehavingtíoublegettingpíegnant,IVFtíeatment píovidedbyMedicheckHospitalFaíidabadisagoodalteínative.Totíeatmale infeítilityandaidinconception, Dí.RanjeetaGuptaoffeísavaíietyof contempoíaíytíeatmentoptionsheíe. BookanAppointment MedicheckHospiĺal 1C / 76 & 53, Maíket, 1 Neaí, Bata Flyoveí, New Industíial Twp 1, Faíidabad,Haíyana121001  MedicheckIVF&FerĺiliĺyCenĺre NHsite,StíeetNo2,Sectoí46,Faíidabad,Haíyana 121003 

  9. MedicheckOrĺhoSuperspecialiĺyHospiĺal HBHColony,Sectoí46,Faíidabad,Haíyana121010  Medicheck Hospiĺal Medicheck Hospital is a 50 beded fully NABH, state-of-the-aít supeí speciality suígical centíe, fully devotedtodeliveíing high-qualityhealthcaíe. UsefulLink Our Specialiĺies About Us Appointment OuíTíeatment ContactUs  Pediatíics Gynecology Mateínity IVF MaleInfeítility Oíthopaedics          WorkingDays Mon-Sat Sunday Callus 08:00AM-05:00PM EmeígencyOnly +91-8010800100 Copyright©2023MedicheckHospital.Allrightsreserved.

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