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with minimum efforts in setup and configuration using built-in mapping attribute and periodic scheduling.<br><br>The Google Shopping Feed facilitates to easily display the products to the shoppers. Google has introduced free listings to assist businesses with their current challenges and overcome them.<br> <br>Our Magento 2 Google Shopping Feed extension by Meetanshi comprises of all the functionalities required to submit the products to Google merchant account. The module makes the process easier, reducing the time and efforts put in setup and configuration.<br> <br>
Google Shopping Feed for Magento 2 User Guide Table of Content 1.Extension Installation Guide 2.Configuration 3.Set Google Product Category 4.Bulk Update Product Status for Google Shopping Feed 5.Google Shopping Feed Attribute Mapping 6.Google Shopping Feed Rules 7.Google Shopping Feed XML Log 8.Feed File Upload in Google Merchant Center 9.Feed Fetch Schedule in Google Merchant Center Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi
1.Extension Installation •For Magento Marketplace Customers oFind the Composer name and version of the extension in the extension’s composer.json file. oLogin to your SSH and run: ocomposer require meetanshi/magento-2-google-shopping-feed --ignore-platform-reqs oEnter your authentication keys.Your public key is your username; your private key is your password. oWait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors. oTo verify that the extension installed properly, run the command: ▪php bin/magento module:status Meetanshi_GSFeed --ignore-platform-reqs oBy default, the extension is probably disabled. oEnable the extension and clear static view files: ▪php bin/magento module:enable Meetanshi_GSFeed --clear-static-content ▪php bin/magento setup:upgrade ▪For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy ▪For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f ▪php bin/magento cache:flush •For Meetanshi Customers oExtract the zip folder and upload our extension to the root of your Magento 2 directory via FTP. oLogin to your SSH and run below commands step by step: ▪php bin/magento setup:upgrade ▪For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy ▪For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f ▪php bin/magento cache:flush Note:Prior to installing and configuring the extension, don’t forget to set up Google Merchant Center account and make required settings to enable Google Shopping Ads. Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi
2.Configuration To configure the extension, login to Magento 2 backend, move to Google Shopping Feed → Configuration where you can find various settings to configure the extension. •Add All Product(s) while XML Generation: Adds all products to XML feed generation and ignores the attribute selection of product. •Schedule Periodic XML Generation: Set “Yes” to schedule product feed XML generation on a regular basis. This setting sets up the cron that keeps regenerating the product feed file (XML) that Google Merchant Center fetches to update your shopping feed. •Frequency: Sets frequency for XML generation. oMonthly: generates XML on monthly basis. oWeekly: generates XML on weekly basis. oDaily: generates XML on daily basis. oHourly: generates XML on hourly basis. •Start Time: Starting time of XML generation that considers server time as a base time. Do not forget to schedule cron to periodically generate XML feed. •Remove Out of Stock Product from XML: Set “Yes” to remove out of stock products while creating product feed XML and restrict those products upload in Google Merchant Center. •Apply Catalog Rules on Product Price: Select “Yes” if you want the catalog rules to be reflected in the product prices shown in the Google Shopping. •Remove Pub/ from media url: Set “Yes” to remove “Pub” folder from media URL.It’s used for the URL starting with media folder only, like https://www.abc.com/media/catalog/product/a/b/ab.jpg •Add to Cart Redirection from Google Shopping to Product Page: It redirects from Google Shopping listing to product page if set to “Yes” else it redirects to checkout cart URL. •Show Product Price with Tax/VAT in Google Shopping Feed: Select “Yes” to display product price with Tax/VAT in Google Shopping feed. •Add Product Special Price in Google Shopping Feed: Select “Yes” to display product price with special prices in Google Shopping feed. •Generate XML Manually: Save all the above configuration and click to generate XML having the product feed data. → Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi
Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi
3.Set Google Product Category The extension requires to set Google Product Category for your Magento categories based on Google Product Taxonomy. •For Magento Categories Go to Catalog > Categories, select the category, find the tab “Google Shopping Feed”, and set the ID of the Google product category listed here that best fits with your Magento category. Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi
•For Magento Products Go to Catalog > Products, select the product, find the tab “Google Shopping Feed”. oGoogle Shopping Product: Enable the product to include in Google Shopping Feed. oGoogle Product Category: Set the ID of the Google product category listed here that best fits with your Magento product. Note: The Google Product category will be prioritized in Product >> Category. If you have set Google Product category for the product, it will be shown, else the ID of the category in which the product resides will be shown. Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi
4.Bulk Update Product Status for Google Shopping Feed The extension facilitates to enable the product status for Google Shopping Feed using the mass action. If you want to only show some of the products in Google Shopping Feed, set their product status to YES. Go to Catalog > Products, select the products to update their Google Shopping Feed product status and select the “Enable in Google Shopping Feed” mass action from the Actions dropdown and set the required status in bulk. Note: Updating Google Shopping Feed product status using mass action is not performed immediately but adds the action in queue. The execution of the queue is purely dependent on your cron job set up and number of product updates to reflect the change in Google Merchant Center. Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi
5.Google Shopping Feed Attribute Mapping After the extension installation, the extension automatically creates default mapping between the product attributes and Google Shopping Feed required fields. You don’t need to create mappings for those fields. For example, SKU, name, description, image etc. •Add New Mapping If you have custom fields to be mapped to Google Shopping, you need to create an attribute for the required field and map it with the Google Shopping Feed field. To add new attribute mapping, simply go to Google Shopping Feed > Google Shopping Feed Attribute Mapping and Click Add New Mapping. Select the Google Shopping Feed attribute code and a relevant Magento attribute to create the mapping. Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi
6.Google Shopping Feed Rules The extension facilitates to create rule-based XML feed. For example, if you want to exclude products of some specific categories from the XML, you can create a new Google Shopping Feed rule for the same from Google Shopping Feed → •Add New Google Shopping Feed Rule – Feed Settings While creating new feed rule, add the feed name, path and feed XML file name. → Google Shopping Feed Rules. Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi
•Add New Google Shopping Feed Rule – Product Conditions Set the product conditions based on which you require to create XML feed file. 7.Google Shopping Feed XML Log All the manual and scheduled XML file generation log is saved in a separate grid under Google Shopping Feed > Google Shopping Feed XML Log. You can see the log added every time the product XML gets generated, with the details like start and finish date and time, how the XML generation took place (manually or using schedule), status and other details. You can download the XML file from “Action” column of a grid to use it for the feed upload in Google Merchant Center. Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi
8.Feed File Upload in Google Merchant Center Once you generate products feed XML file, you can upload it in Google Merchant Center.Login to Google Merchant Center, move to Products → → Feeds from the sidebar and click on the + button to upload new XML feed file. It will ask you to add basic feed information. Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi
•Enter feed name and input method. If you want to upload the products feed XML manually, use upload method. You can also use scheduled fetch if you want to automate the process. Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi
•Upload the feed file and click “Create Feed” button to successfully upload all the products for Google Shopping. Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi
•Products successfully uploaded to Google Merchant Center. Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi
9.Feed Fetch Schedule in Google Merchant Center To keep the product feed updated in the Google Merchant Center, you need to setup feed fetch schedule to keep on updating the product XML generated in Magento 2 on a regular basis. If you have set up Periodic XML Generation schedule in Magento 2, you can set up fetch schedule in Google Merchant Center to upload the XML feed file regularly. Move to Settings from the Feeds, and under the feed settings, set fetch frequency, time, file URL. Google Shopping Feed for Magento2 ©Meetanshi