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Magento 2 Product Labels

Highlighting the products with discounts and new arrivals greatly influence the customersu2019 shopping decisions. One way to do that is by adding tags such as u2018New Arrivalu2019, u2018Limited Priceu2019 to the products, making them stand out from the other products.<br><br>However, no such functionality is provided by Magento in its basic version. Therefore, Meetanshi has developed Magento 2 Product Labels extension to allow the store owners to highlight such products in their store to motivate the customers to purchase the product.<br><br>

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Magento 2 Product Labels

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  1. Product Labels for Magento 2 User Guide Table of Content 1.Extension Installation Guide 2.Configuration 3.‘Is New’ Condition 4.Display Settings 5.Manage Product Labels 6.Product Labels in frontend Product Labels for Magento 2 ©Meetanshi

  2. 1.Extension Installation •For Magento Marketplace Customers oFind the Composer name and version of the extension in the extension’s composer.json file. oLogin to your SSH and run: ▪composer require meetanshi/magento-2-product-labels oEnter your authentication keys.Your public key is your username; your private key is your password. oWait for Composer to finish updating your project dependencies and make sure there aren’t any errors. oTo verify that the extension installed properly, run the command: ▪php bin/magento module:status Meetanshi_ProductLabels oBy default, the extension is probably disabled. oEnable the extension and clear static view files: ▪php bin/magento module:enable Meetanshi_ProductLabels --clear-static-content ▪php bin/magento setup:upgrade ▪For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy ▪For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f ▪php bin/magento cache:flush •For Meetanshi Customers oExtract the zip folder and upload our extension to the root of your Magento 2 directory via FTP. oLogin to your SSH and run below commands step by step: ▪php bin/magento setup:upgrade ▪For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy ▪For Magento version 2.2.x & above - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy –f ▪php bin/magento cache:flush Product Labels for Magento 2 ©Meetanshi

  3. 2.Configuration To configure the extension, login to Magento 2 backend, move to Stores → Meetanshi → → Product Labels where you can find various settings to configure the extension. •Product Labels: Enable the Product Labels extension from here. •Show Multiple Labels on Product: Select YES to display multiple Labels on Product •Show “Out of Stock” Label only for Out of Stock Products:Select YES to display “Out of Stock” label only for Out of Stock Products only. •Exclude Pages for Labels Display: Select the pages to exclude from displaying product labels. → Configuration → → 3.‘Is New’ Condition While using product conditions as New to show product labels, you need to specify how to consider the product as new. Select one of the options below for the same. •Is New: Select how you want to consider products as new: Is New Attribute: Considers product as new if the “Is New” attribute is set to Yes from the product edit section. Use “New from Date” and “New to Date”: Considers product as new based on “new from date” and “new to date” specified under the product edit. Created Date: Considers product as new based on product creation date. Product Labels for Magento 2 ©Meetanshi

  4. 4.Display Settings •Product Page Label Container: Add the specific product page label container according to your current theme. •Product List Label Container: Add the specific category page label container according to your current theme. 5.Manage Product Labels The extension facilitates a separate backend grid to manage all the already created and saved product labels. •Add New Label – Text Only Type With the product labels extension, you can create new label on click of “Add New Label”. oName: Add new label name. oStatus: Enable the product label from here. oLabel Type: Select product label type, here text only. oLabel Text: Enter product label text. You can use the variables listed under the comment. oText Color: Set text color for the product label. oText Font Size: Enter the text font size in pixels. oLabel Position: Set Label position to display the product label in frontend. oLabel Preview: You can see the preview of product label accordingly. Even though preview has HTML tags, they will not be shown in the frontend. oAdvanced Settings/CSS: Add advanced CSS if required. oPriority: Enter the priority of the product label. oApply to Out-of-Stock Products: Select YES if you want to apply the product label for out of stock products. oDate From/To: Select the date range until which you desire to display the product label. Product Labels for Magento 2 ©Meetanshi

  5. oStore View: Select the store views to which you want to show product label. oCustomer Group: Select the customer groups to which you want to show product label. oAdd Condition: Add specific condition to show product label in frontend. (Note: Leave blank to show labels on all products.) Product Labels for Magento 2 ©Meetanshi

  6. •Add New Label – Image Type oName: Add new label name oStatus: Enable the product label from here. oLabel Type: Select product label type, here upload image. oLabel Image: Upload the product label image. oLabel Position: Set Label position to display the product label in frontend. oLabel Preview:You can see the preview of product label accordingly. Even though preview has HTML tags, they will not be shown in the frontend. oAdvanced Settings/CSS: Add advanced CSS if required. oPriority: Enter the priority of the product label. oApply to Out-of-Stock Products: Select YES if you want to apply the product label for out of stock products. oDate From/To: Select the date range until which you desire to display the product label. oStore View: Select the store views to which you want to show product label. oCustomer Group: Select the customer groups to which you want to show product label. oAdd Condition: Add specific condition to show product label in frontend. (Note: Leave blank to show labels on all products.) Product Labels for Magento 2 ©Meetanshi

  7. 6.Product Labels in Frontend Once you have configured the extension successfully, product labels are shown in frontend based on their settings. Product Labels for Magento 2 ©Meetanshi

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