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Burn Scar Treatment In Delhi

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the non-surgical treatment options for burn scars. To make this post authentic, we have taken the insightful knowledge from the expert dermatologists at Mehektagul Derma Clinic, a renowned facility for offering the best burn scar treatment in Delhi.

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Burn Scar Treatment In Delhi

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  1. Non-Surgical Treatment Options for Burn Scars Burns are caused by flames, heat, steam, hot liquids, chemicals, electricity, radiation, or too much sun. Major burns result in permanent skin marks, whereas minor burns do not leave scars. Following the healing of the burns, these lesions, known as scars, require separate treatments. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the non-surgical treatment options for burn scars. To make this post authentic, we have taken the insightful knowledge from the expert dermatologists at Mehektagul Derma Clinic, a renowned facility for offering the best burn scar treatment in Delhi. Non-Surgical Treatments for Burn Scars There are numerous ways to treat burn scars. The skin and your health are carefully examined by the doctor before the procedure is completed. Some of the treatments that are available to treat burn scars are: 1. Over-the-Counter Medicine

  2. First and second-degree burn scars are treated with over-the-counter topical medications. Pain relief and calming effects can be achieved by using antiseptic creams and fragrance-free ointments on the affected area. The scars will disappear with time. 2. Silicone Gel Sheets For more than 30 years, medical-grade silicone gel sheets have been used to treat burns. They are thin sheets. The silicone gel lessens pain, itching, and the thickness of burn scars. They prevent the scars from getting stiff and hindering one’s ability to move. For best effects, the sheets must be worn for six months to a year. One might, in rare cases, be allergic to silicone sheets. For an alternate course of treatment, they should speak with their doctor. 3. Massage Therapy Massage treatment helps lessen burn scar discomfort, stiffness, and skin sensitivity. To improve blood flow and movement, the afflicted area is massaged to manipulate the tissue underneath. This treatment should not be administered without certification or training and should only be started after the burns have fully healed. 4. Pressure Therapy The first line of treatment for hypertrophic scars is pressure therapy. To apply consistent, even pressure on the scars, elastic cloth braces are placed over the affected area. This gradually lowers the height of the scars. Since one must wear them for six months to a year, they may be painful and lead to blisters, among other problems, particularly in hot weather. Because of the adverse effects, not many doctors advise pressure treatment. 5. Laser Therapy Various kinds of laser treatments are applied to different kinds of burn scars. Laser therapy smoothes and lessens redness and wrinkles while also reducing skin stiffness and discomfort. But laser light enhances the patient’s skin's sensitivity to sunlight. It will take several treatment sessions to achieve satisfactory outcomes. 6. Steroid Injections Typically, keloid scars are treated with steroid injections to help them shrink and become softer. Injections reduce pain and itching but also have the potential to thin the skin in the affected area. This should be administered by the doctor according to a set schedule. Conclusion

  3. Burn scars on the face or body can make a person feel conscious of their looks. Fortunately, there are many non surgical and surgical treatment options available today. If one is looking for the best dermatologist in Delhi, they can visit Mehektagul Derma Clinic. The clinic is headed by two exceptionally skilled skin doctors- Dr. Gulhima Arora and Dr. Sandeep Arora. Together, the medical professionals have over 25 years of dermatological experience. Visit the Mehektagul Derma Clinic to learn more.

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