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中国建筑材料工业节能减排的形势与任务 The situation and tasks of Chinese building materials industry for energy saving and emission reduction 中国建筑材料科学研究总院 China Building Materials Academy 姚燕 Yao Yan 中国建筑材料科学研究总院 China Building Materials Academy 简 介 Introduction 总院拥有资产 30 亿元,净资产 7 亿多元
中国建筑材料工业节能减排的形势与任务The situation and tasks of Chinese building materials industry for energy saving and emission reduction 中国建筑材料科学研究总院 China Building Materials Academy 姚燕Yao Yan
中国建筑材料科学研究总院 China Building Materials Academy 简 介 Introduction
总院拥有资产30亿元,净资产7亿多元 The total assets of 3000 million RMB , the net assets of more than 700 million RMB 科技人员3000多名,其中工程院院士1名,高级科技专 家1200多名 Technical personnel more than 3,000, including an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and more than 1,200 high-tech experts 总院简介 Introduction
国内最具规模和实力的大型研发机构之一;建筑材料与无机非金属新材料专业领域规模最大的综合性研究开发机构和科技开发中心 One of the largest scale and most powerful domestic major research institutions; The largest comprehensive research organization and technology development center in building materials and inorganic non-metallic materials fields. 国务院批准的首批材料学与无机非金属材料专业博士和硕士学位授予点,建有博士后科研工作站 Master and doctor degree awarding units in the major ofmaterials and inorganic non-metal materials approved by State Council firstly, with post-doctoral R&D workstation. China Building Materials Academy
● 水泥材料、工艺与装备 cement materials, processes and equipment ● 混凝土与新型建筑材料 concrete and new building materials ● 玻璃与特种玻璃 special glass and glass ● 纤维与纤维复合材料 fiber and fiber composite materials ● 耐火材料 refractories ● 陶瓷材料与装备 ceramic material and equipment 总院简介 Introduction 主要业务领域 Main field of business
● 墙体材料与工艺装备 wall material and process equipment ● 环境工程材料 environmental engineering materials ● 精密仪器、机电与自动化技术 precision instruments, electromechanical and automation technology ● 工程设计与总承包 design and engineering contract ● 质检、测试与认证 quality, testing and certification ● 工程中心与技术中介 technology and Engineering Center intermediary ● 标准化、行业学会协会组织 the standardization, industry associations Institute China Building Materials Academy
总院简介 Introduction 拥有资源 The resources owned 4个国家、行业重点实验室。 4 state or industry key laboratories. 26个国家、行业建材产品质量监督检验中心。 26 supervision and inspection center for state and building materials industry product quality. 3个国家、行业工程技术(研究)中心 3 state or industry engineering (research) center 5个科技中介机构(国际材料技术促进中心) 5 technological intermediary agencies (International Center for Materials Technology Promotion) 9个全国标准化技术委员会 9 National Standardization Technical Committee
国家节能减排的需求 The state requirements for energy saving and emission reduction 中国建筑材料工业面临的形势 The current situation of Chinese building materials industry 中国建材工业节能减排措施 The measures for energy saving and emission reduction with Chinese building materials industry 节能减排国际合作 International cooperation for energy saving and emission reduction China Building Materials Academy
节能减排的总体目标 The total goals for energy saving and emission reduction 到2010年,万元GDP能耗由2005年的1.22吨标准煤下降到1吨标准煤以下,降低幅度20%左右; Up to 2010, the energy consumption for 10 thousands RBM GDP must be reduced from 1.22 tons of standard coal in 2005 to 1 ton in 2010, about 20% 到2010年,主要污染物排放总量比2005年少10%。 The main pollutant emission must be reduced about 10% during that time 国家节能减排的需求The state requirements for energy saving and emission reduction
节能减排的总体目标: The total goals for energy saving and emission reduction 单位工业增加值用水量降低30%; The water consumption for unit industry growth must be reduced about 30% 全国设市城市污水处理率不低于70%; The percentage for municipal waste water treatment must exceed 70% 工业固体废物综合利用率达到60%以上。 The percentage for utilization of industry wastes must exceed 60% 国家节能减排的需求The state requirements for energy saving and emission reduction
建材工业是国内经济发展的物质基础,如我国水建材工业是国内经济发展的物质基础,如我国水 泥产量几乎随GDP同步增长,至2006年我国水泥产 量达到12.4亿吨,占世界总产量的比例接近50%。 Building Materials Industry is the substance basis of domestic economic development, Chinese cement output almost grows simultaneously with the GDP , reached 1.24 billion tons in 2006, nearly 50% of the world's total output. 中国建筑材料工业面临的形势Current situation of chinese building materials industry
中国建筑材料工业面临的形势Current situation of chinese building materials industry
重大工程建设 Major construction projects 生活水平的提高 Improvement of living standards 城镇化发展 Urbanization and development 1999~2002 3年 1993~1999 6年 1984~1993 9年 1953~1984 34年 2.5亿平方米 中国建筑材料工业面临的形势Current situation of chinese building materials industry 建筑材料产量将继续保持较高的总量 Building materials output will maintain a high gross
能源消耗高: High energy consumption: 2005年规模以上企业消耗能源总量为1.9亿吨标煤; The total energy consumption of the enterprises whose scale is in 2005 is 1.9 million tons Academy; 中国建筑材料工业面临的形势Current situation of chinese building materials industry 可持续发展的问题: Sustainable development issues
资源效率低: Low efficiency of resources: 2005年建材工业资源消耗总量近42亿吨; The total resources consumption of building materials industry is nearly 4.2 billion tons in 2005; 环境污染严重: Serious pollution: 2005年建材工业主要污染物排放总量超过1000万吨。 The main pollutant emissions of building materials industry is over 10 million tons in 2005. 中国建筑材料工业面临的形势Current situation of chinese building materials industry
2006年第50号令《水泥工业产业发展政策》 Order No. 50 of 2006《 Development Policy of Cement Industry 》 2006第2222号《水泥工业发展专项规划》Order No. 2222 of 2006 《 Special Plan for the Development of the Cement Industry 》 2006第609号《关于加快水泥工业结构调整的若干意见》 Order No. 609 of 2006 《 Several Points at Accelerating Structure Adjustment in Cement Industry》 2006年第2691号《关于促进平板玻璃结构调整的若干意见》 Order No. 2691 of 2006, 《 Several Points at Promotion of Flat Glass Restructuring 》 2007年第52号公告《平板玻璃行业准入条件》 2007 Notice No. 52 《 Flat Glass Industry Access Conditions 》 中国建材工业节能减排措施Measures for saving and emission reduction of chinese building materials industry 法律、法规: Laws and regulations
2006年制定了水泥、玻璃、建筑卫生陶瓷、烧结 砖瓦等建材产品能源消耗限额国家强制性标准,并 将列入节能法目录。 Formulated energy consumption limit state mandatory standards of cement, glass, construction ceramics, tile and other building materials sintered product, and will be listed in energy saving law directory in 2006. 中国建材工业节能减排措施Measures for saving and emission reduction of chinese building materials industry 法律、法规: Laws and regulations
中国建材工业节能减排措施Measures for saving and emission reduction of chinese building materials industry 产业政策: Industry policy 淘汰落后产能对节能减排的贡献十分巨大! To eliminate laggard production of energy saving and emission reduction contributes to reducing emissions largely!
中国建材工业节能减排措施Measures for saving and emission reduction of chinese building materials industry 科技计划:“十五”完成的节能减排的研究课题 Science and technology plan: The research on energy saving and emission reduction in "10th Five-Year Plan " 1 “973”计划项目--高性能水泥制备和应用的研究 "973" projects – The research on high performance cement preparation and application —高胶凝性水泥熟料矿物体系的研究 The research on cement clinker minerals with high cementing property —性能调节型辅助胶凝组分的研究 The research on property modifying mineral admixture
中国建材工业节能减排措施Measures for saving and emission reduction of chinese building materials industry 科技计划:“十五”完成的节能减排的研究课题 Science and technology plan: The research on energy saving and emission reduction completed in "10th Five-Year Plan " 2 科技攻关计划项目 Science and technology projects —新型高性能混凝土及其耐久性的研究 -- The research on new high-performance concrete and durability —小城镇新型建材技术研究与开发 -- The research and development of new building materials technology for small towns —绿色建材环境评价技术的研究 -- Research on environmental assessment technology of green building materials
中国建材工业节能减排措施Measures for saving and emission reduction of chinese building materials industry 科技计划:“十五”完成的节能减排的研究课题 Science and technology plan: The research on energy saving and emission reduction completed in "10th Five-Year Plan " 3 “863”计划课题 “863” projects —低环境负荷水泥关键制备技术及产业化 -- Low environmental load of cement key technologies and the industrialization —水泥窑用环境友好碱性耐火材料 -- Environment-friendly basicrefractories for cement kiln
中国建材工业节能减排措施Measures for saving and emission reduction of chinese building materials industry 科技计划:“十五”完成的节能减排的研究课题 Science and technology plan: The research on energy saving and emission reduction completed in "10th Five-Year Plan " 4 重大技术装备研制 Major technical equipment development —日产10000吨水泥熟料新型干法生产工艺与成套设备研制 The research on new dry process and complete set of equipment for 10000t/d cement clinker production
中国建材工业节能减排措施Measures for saving and emission reduction of chinese building materials industry 科技计划:“十一五” 部署的节能减排研究内容 Science and technology plan: The research on energy saving and emission reduction in "11th Five-Year Plan " 1、建筑材料绿色制造关键技术与装备 Key technology and equipment of green building materials manufacturing 总体目标: The overall objectives: • 节能20~45%; saving energy 20-45% • 节约资源15~50%; Saving resource15-50% • 减少排放15~45%。 reducing emission 15-45%
中国建材工业节能减排措施Measures for saving and emission reduction of chinese building materials industry 节能减排效果: The effects of energy saving and emission reduction: 每吨水泥产品节能减排指标 The targets of energy saving and emission reduction products per ton of cement 每公斤玻璃节能减排指标 The targets of energy saving and emission reduction products per kg of glass
中国建材工业节能减排措施Measures for saving and emission reduction of chinese building materials industry 节能减排效果: The effects of energy saving and emission reduction: 百万平米地砖节能减排指标 The targets of energy saving and emission reduction per million square meters of slab
中国建材工业节能减排措施Measures for saving and emission reduction of chinese building materials industry 科技计划:“十一五”部署的节能减排研究内容 Science and technology plan: The research on energy-saving and reductions in "11th Five-Year Plan " 2、建筑材料窑炉关键技术与装备 Key technology and equipment of building materials furnace 总体目标: The overall objectives: 通过本项目实施,可使水泥窑炉、玻璃窑炉、陶瓷窑炉耗能分别降低15~20%、20~25%、 15~25%,减少CO2、SO3、NOx等有害气体排放量均达到20%以上。 Through the implementation of this project, energy-dissipation of cement kiln, glass kiln, pottery kiln reduced 15 to 20%, 20 to 25%, 15 to 25%, reduction of CO2, SO3, NOx emissions reached more than 20%.
中国建材工业节能减排措施Measures for saving and emission reduction of chinese building materials industry 节能减排效果 Reducing energy-saving effects:
节能减排国际合作International cooperation in energy saving and emission reduction • 能效对标体系 • Benchmark with international advance level • 二氧化碳排放统计 • CO2 emission inventory • 能效审计及其方法 • Energy audits and the methods • 其他节能减排技术 • Newly developed technology (BAT)
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