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If you don't know what to expect, pregnancy can be scary. But our article 'Everything you meed to know about pregnancy' is here to help. MEMD Healthtech for Online Doctor Consultation via Video Call / Audio / Chat. Online Gynaecologist Consultation.
Know Everything About Pregnancy If you are reading this, you may be pregnant or planning to get pregnant and want to know everything about pregnancy. Despite the joyous days and dreams of holding a baby in your arms, pregnancy is not easy. It contains several complicated steps and has numerous symptoms. This article will deal with all your possible queries regarding pregnancy, including the procedure, definition, and symptoms. Usually, a woman gets pregnant when sperm fertilizes an egg. Millions of sperm come out every time a man ejaculates. But there is that one sperm that can fertilize the egg. This is the basic understanding of pregnancy. Now, let’s move on to more. When Do You Get Pregnant? Pregnancy happens when a sperm residing in semen comes in contact with the egg an ovary releases. The sperm then fertilizes the egg, and the fertilized egg gets implanted in the inner lining of the uterus. That is counted on the first day of your pregnancy, and your gestational age is counted from that day onwards. It can take 2-3 weeks to get pregnant since the intercourse. What are the Early Symptoms of Pregnancy? Although a missed period is considered the ultimate sign of pregnancy, other pregnancy symptoms can often be misunderstood as PMS. So, taking a home test as soon as you miss your period is wise. Here are some early signs of pregnancy- 1. Missed Period
As mentioned earlier, a missed period is one of the earliest and most prominent signs of pregnancy. As the fertilized eggs get attached to the inner lining of your uterus, the periods don’t occur until childbirth. However, a missed period can also signify underlying problems like hormonal imbalance or PCOD. Before assuming a pregnancy, as soon as you miss your period, talk to a gynaecologist to understand the reasons. 2. Weight Gain Pregnancy may cause sudden weight gain due to hormonal changes. During the first trimester of your pregnancy, it is natural for you to gain about 1-4 lbs weight. However, a protruding tummy doesn’t appear until the beginning of your second trimester. It is the time when the weight gain becomes more prominent. 3. Heartburn The inability to digest food properly and frequent heartburns is early signs of pregnancy. Sometimes a pregnancy causes the valve between your stomach and oesophagus to get relaxed, through which the acid leaks out. This causes heartburn to occur. 4. Constipation and Indigestion Constipation is another common sign of pregnancy that many women experience. During pregnancy, you may face rapid hormonal changes that result in many pregnancy- related issues. Indigestion and Constipation are some of them. Some hormonal changes make your digestive system lag, because of which you cannot digest food properly, which further affects your bowel movement, causing Constipation. 5. Light Spotting Although discovering light spotting after your missed periods is terrible, it is a very common sign that says you are pregnant. Although the reason for spotting can be multiple, that doesn’t rule out the chances of you being pregnant. Light bleeding or spotting can result from the fertilized egg’s implantation inside your uterus. It would be best if you did not ignore these spotting as they can be an implication of many major problems like inflammation or a possible infection. Bleeding can also signify many threatening conditions like a miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy, or placenta previa. Never be late; go for an online gynaecologist consultation if you see such spotting. 6. Changes in Your Breasts Changes in the breasts are common and the most prominent early signs of pregnancy. Your breasts might feel tender, or you can find your breasts swollen and sensitive to the touch. It can give you a sense of heaviness and enlarged nipples that are more sensitive than ever. Pregnancy can also make the areolae get darker in colour.
7. Breakouts Acne is another confusing pregnancy symptom that can also point to a PMS. When you are pregnant, your body produces more androgen hormones which result in severe acne. These hormones are responsible for oily skin, leading to clogged pores. When the pores in your facial skin are clogged, there are more chances for your skin to break out. 8. Feeling Nauseous Feeling pukish is a common thing in pregnancy. Women often complain of ‘morning sickness’ or nausea during the first trimester of their pregnancy and for some even longer. This can result from indigestion or when the stomach gets shifted because of an enlarged uterus. Hormonal changes are also responsible for vomiting or feeling sick. Conclusion If you feel you are having one or more of these symptoms or there are chances of you being pregnant, it is best to go for a pregnancy test at home. These tests are known to have 99% accuracy. Thus, talking to a gynaecologist can clear all your doubts related to pregnancy.