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Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch . Objectives. 1. Represent physics associated with all terrestrial waterInclude physics associated with the terrestrial water cycle, including flow and storage of ground water, vadose, streams, lakes, estuaries, glaciers, snow, etc.2. Accommodate parameters and physics over a wide range of scalesInclude techniques for adjusting equations to accommodate scales from pores to continents; methods to up-scale and down-scale parameters. 3. 9444
1. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform
2. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch
3. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch More Objectives
4. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Architecture
5. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Packages on the Platform Forward package with general capabilities to represent multi-domain (all domains) of distributed hydrologic processes
Inverse package with parameter estimation and optimization schemes
Stochastic package with general geostatistical capabilities
Visualization package with general graphical and data display capabilities
Data package Store existing observational and computed data.
6. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Communication and Growth
7. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Key to Growth: Peer-reviewed publication of functionality and data
8. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Forward model, options 1. Couple existing models
Selected analytical, numerical models
Couple together with OpenMI, CCA…
2. Revise existing models
Ed, Chris, Reed…
3. New Approach
Hydrologic Multiphysics
Commercial (Comsol, ANSYS, CFD-ACE, ABACUS/ Simulia…)
Open source (Salome, OpenFOAM, Elmer…)
9. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Hydrologic Multiphysics
10. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Performance ComparisonResearch code development Write new code
Modify existing source code
Include new module
11. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Write new code Example: Flow through deformable fracture
DFrx code [Murdoch and Germanovich, 2006]
Laminar/turbulent flow through fracture in elastic material. Propagation possible
Finite difference + semi-analytical + coupling
100 pages of Fortran source
Time required: 2 years
Multiphysics implementation
Same physics and coupling as above
Time required: 1 week
12. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Modify existing source code Example: Flow of power-law fluid through porous media to evaluate experiments
Rewrite viscosity function
Modification of Fortran source
Time required: 4 months
Multiphysics implementation
Time required: 30 minutes + 1 day to check
13. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Include existing module Fresh water lens over saltwater
Include libraries, set-up solver in GUI
Read about module
Get it to run
Time required: 7 hours
Multiphysics implementation
Time required: 1 minute + 10 minutes to check
14. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Comparison
15. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Multiphysics Multiscale
16. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Dissolution of a stream bed
17. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Dissolution of a stream bed
18. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Advantages Huge flexibility in designing analyses, wide range of problems in hydrology and related
Capabilities beyond most hydro models
Fast to set-up
Easy to communicate new methods
Access to equations; good for modification, good for teaching
Built on Matlab, so powerful opportunities for coupling with optimization, stochastic, image processing, visualization, other.
19. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Current limitations Geometries designed for engineering, more work needed for hydrologic geometries, irregular geometries in 3-D
Some applications are slow, need work on formulation and verification
Parallel processor capability available, but currently optimized only for a few processors
20. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch
21. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch General Approach
22. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Conclusion Objectives
HM Evaluation Project
23. Community Hydrologic Modeling Platform, Larry Murdoch Objectives 1. Represent physics associated with all terrestrial water
2. Accommodate parameters and physics over a wide range of scales
3. Flexibility to represent many physical, chemical and biological processes
4. Ability to advance and modify capabilities using input from the community
5. Easy to use and readily available to community
6. Visualization
7. Facilitate education
8. Execute simulations on single, or many parallel processors
9. Couple with Ocean and Atmospheric Circulation Models
10. Exchange data with Hydrologic Information System
11. Ability to estimate model parameters and characterize uncertainty from large data sets
12. Stochastic processes