3. Background Teach courses on renewable energy, pollution prevention, pollution control, resource management strategies and waste management/resource recovery
Conduct research on renewable energy and waste management, primarily related to business and agriculture
Member of the UWGB Sustainability Committee
Member of the Mayor’s Sustainability Committee
Adjunct faculty member for UW-Extension Solid and Hazardous Waste Education Center (SHWEC)
Technology Lead on Biomass Combustion for Focus on Energy
4. Presentation Goals Summarize the importance of sustainability and renewable energy issues
Describe ongoing activities by NEW ERA Institutions
Consider future collaborative opportunities
5. Business and the Environment in Words “No generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its own existence.”
-Thomas Jefferson
“The supreme reality of our time is the vulnerability of our planet.”
-John F. Kennedy
7. Business - the most Important part of the System? Business activities impact “resource extraction” and “residuals generation”
Land use planning
Green buildings
Green products
Life Cycle Analysis, environmental and carbon footprint, energy and resource efficiency, supply chain management, etc.
Pollution prevention / waste minimization
Process residuals – can be a symptom of an inefficient process
8. Business - the most Important part of the System? Business will only survive by maintaining the natural assets within the system, but the natural environment is unlike any other issue faced by business because it can’t be controlled by man.
Many view the current economic system as being flawed because of subsidies/incentives, monopolies, common property, externalities, etc.
Increased competition for resources by countries like China and India may severely stress the natural assets of the system.
10. Business and the Environment in Words
“No perfection so absolute that some impurity doth not pollute.”
- William Shakespeare, The Rape of Lucrece
“Another industrial ugly morning. The factory belches filth into the sky.”
- The Police (Sting), Synchronicity II
12. Economic Development and Environmental Protection Considered by many to be mutually exclusive, which requires us to choose one or the other
Big business and entrepreneurs alike are finding opportunities to protect the environment and prosper economically
Noble fortunes to be made by these visionary early adopters
13. What about Higher Education? How do we make students aware and get them interested in sustainability and renewable energy related issues?
What skills do they need to succeed in these rapidly emerging and expanding fields of study?
How do we maximize our current resources, while providing flexibility for all types of students?
How do we stay flexible and nimble enough to keep up with a rapidly changing world?
14. What is meant by Flexible and Nimble?
“If I take the revenue in January and look again in December of that year, 90% of my December revenue comes from products which were not there in January.”
Craig Barrett, Chairman of Intel Corporation
Similarly, universities and technical colleges must train students for jobs that may not exist yet.
15. What is Higher Education Doing Now? Wisconsin Technical College System - NWTC
Renewable Resources Technology Center
Bio-Science Occupational Clusters that will offer certificates, one-year technical diplomas, and a new associates degree in sustainable science management. The center will focus on biofuels, alternative energy, and bio-health and will enhance the skills of existing programs such as Power Engineering and Boiler Operation, Gas Utility Construction, and Electrical Power Distribution.
17. What is Higher Education Doing Now? Wisconsin Technical College System - FVTC
Denmark Sustainable Energy - May 2008
This program on Sustainable Energy combines home stays with academic seminars, hands-on applications, cultural immersion, and local sightseeing. The Sustainable Energy program has proven successful for students in diverse disciplines from business to political science and energy/environmental studies.
Mike Merbach is a very enthusiastic participant in these efforts.
18. What is Higher Education Doing Now? Wisconsin Technical College System - LTC
Wind Energy Technology Associate Degree
The wind energy industry is the fastest growing segment of renewable energy production. U.S. and Canadian commercial wind farms are experiencing annual growth of 25%. Employers seek skilled technicians for operation and maintenance activities in local wind farm settings. There is also intense demand for upper-level technicians within U.S. and international wind turbine manufacturers, including installation technicians, quality control technicians, and warranty and commissioning technicians.
Jenny Heinzen is instrumental to this program.
20. What is Higher Education Doing Now? Wisconsin Technical College System - LTC
Sample Classes
Introduction to Wind Systems
Wind System Technician I & II
Programmable Controllers- Allen Bradley
Industrial Controls and Motors
Industrial Codes, Troubleshooting, and Frequency Drive Procedures
Careers in Wind Energy Technology
Wind Turbine Technician/Mechanic/Tower Climber
Installation Technician
Operation and Maintenance Technician
Wind Farm Maintenance Manager
21. What is Higher Education Doing Now? College of Menominee Nation
Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) is dedicated
to examining sustainability issues and applying them to
the Menominee model of sustainable development.
The Institute fulfills its mission through scholarship,
research and demonstration projects, policy
recommendations, and academic preparation in
Sustainable Development and Timber Harvesting.
Long-running sustainable forestry operation
All students are required to take a course on sustainability
22. What is Higher Education Doing Now? UW - Fox Valley
Environmental Studies Certificate
The Environmental Studies Certificate provides an interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental issues, encompassing aspects of biological and physical science, natural resources, and environmental ethics and economics.
A maximum of three credits may be transferred into the certificate program from institutions outside of the UW Colleges.
23. What is Higher Education Doing Now? UW - Oshkosh
Center for the Advancement of Sustainable
Processes and Environmental Research
VISION: A regional center for Sustainable Supply Chain and Environmental excellence
FOCUS: Flow, efficiency, innovation with focus on the triple bottom line (economics, environment, equity) from a proactive, design based perspective.
Dr. Steve Dunn has provided great leadership in this area.
24. What is Higher Education Doing Now? UW - Oshkosh
Sustainability Committee
Named as one of four campuses for Governor Jim Doyle’s Energy Independence Initiative
EPA Green Power Partnership
Largest state purchaser of renewable energy
25. What is Higher Education Doing Now? UW – Green Bay
Signed the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment
“A major development will be our pledge to target and ultimately neutralize greenhouse gas emissions. I’m excited about that initiative, but it’s the coalition’s second pledge — to educate the next generation of leaders in the areas of energy conservation and environmental awareness — that strikes me as “old hat,” a bit redundant for us here in Green Bay. We’re already there. Always have been.”
Bruce Shepard, UWGB Chancellor
26. What is Higher Education Doing Now? UW – Green Bay
Recommitment to the environmental roots of the campus (back to the Eco-U days?)
Institute for Environmental Management and Business
Rewrite of the campus mission statement to include “environmental sustainability”
Sustainability included in the campus master plan
Formation of a campus Sustainability Committee
Named as one of four campuses for Governor Jim Doyle’s Energy Independence Initiative
27. What is Higher Education Doing Now? UW – Green Bay and NWTC
Two meeting schedule this fall to formalize opportunities and curriculum for renewable energy programs
Discussions have also take place regarding a Center of Excellence at the high school level to provide a feeder program to the universities and technical colleges
Almost 300 students participate in the WPS Solar Olympics each year
28. Potential Opportunities/Issues Many existing resources and potential areas for collaboration, along with several “champions”
Significant federal and state funding
Degree and certificate programs
Multiple entry points for students
Transfer of credits between institutions
Theoretical versus hands on courses
Interactions with the community/business
Multiple career opportunities for locally based businesses
29. WTCS Ideas – Bob Gilbertson Develop a renewable energy curriculum bank
Develop a renewable program planning model
Schedule a coordination meeting with the technical colleges regarding efforts on renewable energy
Assist in the development of a renewable/green supplier network in Wisconsin
Expand the Renewable Energy Summit to include curriculum related presentations
30. What do we do next? How do we make students aware and get them interested in sustainability and renewable energy related issues?
This is the easy part – these students already exist and will be the ones that challenge the educational system to do better in these areas
What skills do they need to succeed in these rapidly emerging and expanding fields of study?
Environmental science, business, economics, chemistry, mathematics, social sciences, technology……………
31. What do we do next? How do we maximize our current resources, while providing flexibility for all types of students?
Cooperation between institutions, which may require an initial investment of time and resources.
How do we stay nimble enough to keep up with a rapidly changing world?
Dedicated faculty that are rewarded for providing a strong vision and taking risks.
-- Entrepreneurial model?
32. Conclusions Business success and environmental protection are not mutually exclusive – early adaptors may gain the most!
Environmental leadership is beginning to emerge at all levels of the economy and in higher education
Most of the institutional/educational activities discussed during this presentation did not exist three years ago
33. Conclusions (cont.) The next generation of students want to:
work for green companies
live in areas with recreational opportunities
have a positive impact on the bottom line and the environment
These students will ask a lot of questions that CHALLENGE the status quo
We need to determine the best ways for these students to achieve their goals, which will provide long-term benefits to the local community
34. Questions?
Thank You
Dr. John F. Katers
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311
Phone: 920-465-2278
E-mail: katersj@uwgb.edu