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Nanotechnology Update Nanomedicine – Fighting Cancer Today’s Focus Nanomaterials – Cleaning Water Rescheduled to later

Nanotechnology Update Nanomedicine – Fighting Cancer Today’s Focus Nanomaterials – Cleaning Water Rescheduled to later date. Presented to Minnesota Futurists 16 January 2010 David Keenan. Nanomedicine – Fighting Cancer. Futures Methodology – Technology Scanning Background

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Nanotechnology Update Nanomedicine – Fighting Cancer Today’s Focus Nanomaterials – Cleaning Water Rescheduled to later

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  1. Nanotechnology UpdateNanomedicine – Fighting CancerToday’s FocusNanomaterials – Cleaning Water Rescheduled to later date Presented to Minnesota Futurists 16 January 2010 David Keenan

  2. Nanomedicine – Fighting Cancer • Futures Methodology – Technology Scanning • Background • Overview of Approaches & Benefits • Examples • Status of Developments – Clinic Trials • Cautionary Statements • Possible Futures

  3. Technology Scanning • Usually applied by companies to explore opportunities for expansion or threat assessment from competitors • New markets, new products, new technologies • Foresight: Wise anticipation that leads to action • Structured procedures for opportunity search • Types of scanning • (i) Exploratory gazing. (ii) Structured scanning. • (iii) Directed viewing. (iv) In depth probing • Structured scanning • Preparation. • Observation. • Interpretation. • Evaluation. • To find • (i) Landmark technologies (ii) Targeted technologies (iii) Market ideas Van Wyk, R.J. Copyright 2000, Center for the Development of Technological Leadership, (now Technological Leadership Institute) 1300 South Second Street, Minneapolis, MN 55454

  4. Seven Pools of Information • Macro-map of technological trends:technoscan®  • Landmark technologies  • Corporate competencies • Technology relevance matrix • List of targeted technologies • Probes of targeted technologies  • Roadmaps of selected technologies  Used to prepare today’s presentation – review of 56 source articles Van Wyk, R.J. Copyright 2000, Center for the Development of Technological Leadership, (now Technological Leadership Institute) 1300 South Second Street, Minneapolis, MN 55454

  5. Cancer Detection - Conventional Imaging • Current imaging methods can only readily detect cancers once they have made a visible change to a tissue, by which time thousands of cells will have proliferated and perhaps metastasized. • And even when visible, the nature of the tumor—malignant or benign—and the characteristics that might make it responsive to a particular treatment must be assessed through biopsies. http://nano.cancer.gov/learn/impact/diagnosis.asp

  6. Cancer Detection – Next Generation Imaging • Imagine if cancerous or even pre-cancerous cells could somehow be tagged for detection by conventional scans. • Two things necessary—specifically identify a cancerous cell and something that enables it to be seen. • Antibodies that identify specific receptors found to be overexpressed in cancerous cells can be coated on to nanoparticles which produce a high contrast signal on MRI or CT scans. • Inside the body, the antibodies on these nanoparticles bind selectively to cancerous cells, effectively lighting them up for the scanner. • Nanotechnology will enable the visualization of molecular markers that identify specific stages and types of cancers, allowing doctors to see cells and molecules undetectable through conventional imaging. http://nano.cancer.gov/learn/impact/diagnosis.asp

  7. Cancer Screening – Next Generation • Screening for biomarkers in tissues and fluids for diagnosis will also be enhanced and potentially revolutionized by nanotechnology. • Individual cancers differ from each other and from normal cells by changes in the expression and distribution of tens to hundreds of molecules. • As therapeutics advance, it may require the simultaneous detection of several biomarkers to identify a cancer for treatment selection. • Nanoparticles such as quantum dots, which emit light of different colors depending on their size, could enable the simultaneous detection of multiple markers. The photoluminescence signals from antibody-coated quantum dots could be used to screen for certain types of cancer. Different colored quantum dots would be attached to antibodies for cancer biomarkers to allow oncologists to discriminate cancerous and healthy cells by the spectrum of light they see. http://nano.cancer.gov/learn/impact/diagnosis.asp

  8. Nanotechnology Benefits for Treatment and Clinical Outcomes • Cancer therapies are currently limited to surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. All three methods risk damage to normal tissues or incomplete eradication of the cancer. • Nanotechnology offers the means to aim therapies directly and selectively at cancerous cells. • Nanocarriers • Passive Targeting • Active Targeting • Destruction from Within http://nano.cancer.gov/learn/impact/treatment.asp

  9. Nanocarriers • Conventional chemotherapy employs drugs that are known to kill cancer cells effectively. But these cytotoxic drugs kill healthy cells in addition to tumor cells, leading to adverse side effects such as nausea, neuropathy, hair-loss, fatigue, and compromised immune function. • Nanoparticles can be used as drug carriers for chemotherapeutics to deliver medication directly to the tumor while sparing healthy tissue. Nanocarriers have several advantages over conventional chemotherapy. They can: • protect drugs from being degraded in the body before they reach their target. • enhance the absorption of drugs into tumors and into the cancerous cells themselves. • allow for better control over the timing and distribution of drugs to the tissue, making it easier for oncologists to assess how well they work. • prevent drugs from interacting with normal cells, thus avoiding side effects. http://nano.cancer.gov/learn/impact/treatment.asp

  10. Passive Targeting • There are now several nanocarrier-based drugs on the market, which rely on passive targeting through a process known as "enhanced permeability and retention." • Because of their size and surface properties, certain nanoparticles can escape through blood vessel walls into tissues. • In addition, tumors tend to have leaky blood vessels and defective lymphatic drainage, causing nanoparticles to accumulate in them, thereby concentrating the attached cytotoxic drug where it's needed, protecting healthy tissue and greatly reducing adverse side effects. http://nano.cancer.gov/learn/impact/treatment.asp

  11. Active Targeting • On the horizon are nanoparticles that will actively target drugs to cancerous cells, based on the molecules that they express on their cell surface. • Molecules that bind particular cellular receptors can be attached to a nanoparticle to actively target cells expressing the receptor. Active targeting can even be used to bring drugs into the cancerous cell, by inducing the cell to absorb the nanocarrier. • Active targeting can be combined with passive targeting to further reduce the interaction of carried drugs with healthy tissue. • Nanotechnology-enabled active and passive targeting can also increase the efficacy of a chemotherapeutic, achieving greater tumor reduction with lower doses of the drug. http://nano.cancer.gov/learn/impact/treatment.asp

  12. Destruction from Within • Moving away from conventional chemotherapeutic agents that activate normal molecular mechanisms to induce cell death, researchers are exploring ways to physically destroy cancerous cells from within. • One such technology—nanoshells—is being used in the laboratory to thermally destroy tumors from the inside. Nanoshells can be designed to absorb light of different frequencies, generating heat (hyperthermia). Once the cancer cells take up the nanoshells (via active targeting), scientists apply near-infrared light that is absorbed by the nanoshells, creating an intense heat inside the tumor that selectively kills tumor cells without disturbing neighboring healthy cells. • Similarly, new targeted magnetic nanoparticles are in development that will both be visible through Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and can also destroy cells by hyperthermia. http://nano.cancer.gov/learn/impact/treatment.asp

  13. “ The science in this area is exploding. The cancer community really gets into this now.” - Gregory Downing, National Cancer Institute Nanotechnology Takes Aim at Cancer – Science Vol 130 18Nov05 pp1132-1134

  14. Nanotechnology Based Drug Delivery Systems for Cancer Therapy Schematics - Reproduced from Sahoo and Labhasetwar, 2003 with kind permission from Drug Discovery Today. http://www.cancer-therapy.org/CT3A/HTML/13.%20Orive%20et%20al,%20131-138%20.html 2005

  15. Nanotechnology Based Drug Delivery Systems for Cancer Therapy http://www.cancer-therapy.org/CT3A/HTML/13.%20Orive%20et%20al,%20131-138%20.html 2005

  16. Examples of nanocarriers for targeting cancer A whole range of delivery agents are possible but the main components typically include a nanocarrier, a targeting moiety conjugated to the nanocarrier, and a cargo (such as the desired chemotherapeutic drugs). http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/v2/n12/fig_tab/nnano.2007.387_F3.html

  17. Examples of nanocarriers for targeting cancer Schematic diagram of the drug conjugation and entrapment processes. The chemotherapeutics could be bound to the nanocarrier, as in the use of polymer–drug conjugates, dendrimers and some particulate carriers, or they could be entrapped inside the nanocarrier. http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/v2/n12/fig_tab/nnano.2007.387_F3.html

  18. Mechanisms by which Nanocarriers Can Deliver Drugs to Tumors Polymeric nanoparticles are shown as representative nanocarriers (circles). Passive tissue targeting is achieved by extravasation of nanoparticles (NP) through increased permeability of the tumor vasculature and ineffective lymphatic drainage (EPR effect). Active cellular targeting (inset) can be achieved by functionalizing the surface of NP with ligands that promote cell-specific recognition and binding. The nanoparticles can (i) release their contents in close proximity to the target cells; (ii) attach to the membrane of the cell and act as an extracellular sustained-release drug depot; or (iii) internalize into the cell. http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/v2/n12/fig_tab/nnano.2007.387_F1.html

  19. Who is doing what

  20. Quantum Dots • Raw quantum dots, 2-8 nm are toxic, CdSe or CdTe cores with ZnS shell • But they fluoresce brilliantly, better than dyes (imaging agents) • Coat with tri-n-octyl-phosphine oxide (TOPO), then polymer to prevent toxicity • Add polyethylene glycol (PEG)to improve biocompatibility • Add other links to attach to target receptors • Only way of clearance of protected QDs from the body is by slow filtration and excretion through the kidney http://www.azonano.com/Details.asp?ArticleID=1726

  21. Quantum Dots • A research team from Quantum Dot Corporation and Genentech proved the potential of QDs to identify live breast cancer cells that are likely to respond to an anti-cancer drug • QD technology helps cancer researchers to observe fundamental molecular events occurring in the tumor cells by tracking the QDs of different sizes and thus different colors, tagged to multiple different biomoleules, in vivo by fluorescent microscopy. • QD technology holds a great potential for applications in nanobiotechnology and medical diagnostics where QDs could be used as labels. • Use of QDs in humans requires extensive research to determine the long-term effects of administering QDs. http://www.azonano.com/Details.asp?ArticleID=1726

  22. Nanoshells http://blogs.chron.com/sciguy/archives/2008/07/at_long_last_na.html

  23. Nanoshells • Developed by Drs. Naomi Halas and Jennifer West – Rice University 1994 • Nanoshells have a core of silica and a metallic outer layer. These nanoshells can be injected safely, as demonstrated in animal models. • Because of their size, nanoshells will preferentially concentrate in cancer lesion sites. This physical selectivity occurs through a phenomenon called enhanced permeation retention (EPR). • Can further decorate the nanoshells to carry molecular conjugates to the antigens that are expressed on the cancer cells themselves or in the tumor microenvironment. This second degree of specificity preferentially links the nanoshells to the tumor and not to neighboring healthy cells. http://singularityhub.com/2009/12/14/nih-guides-nanomedicine-towards-killing-cancer/

  24. Nanoshells • Externally supply energy to these cells. The specific properties associated with nanoshells allow for the absorption of this directed energy, creating an intense heat that selectively kills the tumor cells. The external energy can be mechanical, radio frequency, optical - the therapeutic action is the same. • The result is greater efficacy of the therapeutic treatment and a significantly reduced set of side effects. • Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyhxRIvw_cY&feature=player_embedded & http://singularityhub.com/2009/12/14/nih-guides-nanomedicine-towards-killing-cancer/ • In clinical trials as AuroLase™of June ‘08 via Nanospectra founded by Halas and West.2 • Video of AuroLase http://www.nanospectra.com/autolasevideo.html http://singularityhub.com/2009/12/14/nih-guides-nanomedicine-towards-killing-cancer/ 2 http://www.nanospectra.com/documents/NanospectraPilotHNTrial2008-07-01.pdf

  25. Review of Trials 2005 Still in trials FDA fast track ’06 2 Approved ‘05 In Market 3 Nanotechnology Takes Aim at Cancer – Science Vol 130 18Nov05 pp1132-1134 2 http://www.starpharma.com/vivagel.asp 3 http://nano.cancer.gov/learn/now/clinical-trials.asp

  26. Starpharma - Dendrimers • Dendrimers can be divided into three sections: • the multivalent surface, containing a high number of potential reactive sites • the outer shell just below the surface, • the core in case of higher generation dendrimers.  • Demonstrated improved solubility of Paclitaxel by 9,000x • Starpharma – Melbourne, Australia (SPX:ASL, SPHRY:OTCQX- ADR) Sales ~ $10M ’09, ’08 not yet profitable • US Division – Dendritic Nanotechnologies, Mt. Pleasant, MI 2 http://www.starpharma.com/about-starpharma.asp 2 http://dnanotech.com/glossary.php 3 http://dnanotech.com/targetedDrugDelivery.php 3

  27. http://www.starpharma.com/data/product-pipeline-002.pdf

  28. NCI ANCApproaches In Trial or Ready Soon • Drs. Caius Radu, Owen Witte and Michael Phelps at the Nanosystems Biology Cancer Center (Caltech/UCLA CCNE) have developed a series of positron emission tomography (PET) imaging agents. These agents are being tested for assigning patients for chemotherapy with drugs such as gemcitabine, cytarabine, fludarabine, and others used to treat cancers including metastatic breast, non-small cell lung, ovarian, and pancreatic, as well as leukemia and lymphomas. Tumors responsive to these drugs show up as bright images in PET scans when patients are first dosed with imaging agent. Biodistribution studies have been conducted in eight healthy volunteers. Clinical development is being conducted by Sofie Biosciences. • At the Center of Nanotechnology for Treatment, Understanding, and Monitoring of Cancer (NANO-TUMOR) (UCSD CCNE), Dr. Thomas Kipps developed a chemically engineered adenovirus nanoparticle to deliver a molecule that stimulates the immune system. Phase I clinical trials, being run jointly by Memgen and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, are underway in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. An ongoing Phase I dose escalation study is evaluating patients who received direct intranodal injection of the chemically-engineered virus. Systemic clinical effects have been observed with a single injection with significant reductions in leukemia cell counts and reductions in the size of all lymph nodes and spleen. One patient went into complete remission. http://nano.cancer.gov/learn/now/clinical-trials.asp

  29. NCI ANCApproaches In Trial or Ready Soon • Calando Pharmaceuticals, founded by Dr. Mark Davis at the Caltech/UCLA CCNE, is conducting clinical trials with a cyclodextrin-based nanoparticle that safely encapsulates a small-interfering RNA (siRNA) agent that shuts down a key enzyme in cancer cells. This open-label, dose-escalating trial is testing the safety of this drug in patients who have become resistant to other chemotherapies. Calando is also conducting clinical trials cyclodextrin-based polymer conjugated to camptothecin. This trial is also an open-label, dose-escalation study of IT-101 administered in patients with solid tumor malignancies. • At the Siteman Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence (Washington University CCNE), Drs. Gregory Lanza and Samuel Wickline have developed a nanoparticle magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent that binds to the αvβ3-intregrin found on the surface of the newly developing blood vessels associated with early tumor development. Kereos, which was founded by Alliance investigators, is conducting Phase I clinical trials with this agent to assess its utility in the early detection of cancer. http://nano.cancer.gov/learn/now/clinical-trials.asp

  30. NCI ANCApproaches In Trial or Ready Soon • Diagnostic company Nanosphere, founded by Dr. Chad Mirkin to commercialize technology developed at the Nanomaterials for Cancer Diagnostic and Therapeutics Center (Northwestern Univ. CCNE) has already received FDA approval for a nanosensor test for the drug Coumadin. This same technology can be easily adapted to detect important cancer biomarkers, such as prostate specific antigen (PSA) or to measure blood levels of anticancer agents. A joint project between Nanosphere, the Northwestern CCNE, and the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center is conducting a clinical study using human tissue samples to monitor very low levels of PSA to determine if such measurements, which are well beyond the sensivity of conventional PSA assays, can provide early warnings of disease recurrence. • Dr. Ralph Weissleder, an investigator at the MIT-Harvard Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence, is leading a clinical trial to determine if lymphotrophic superparamagnetic nanoparticles developed at the CCNE can be used to identify small and otherwise undetectable lymph node metastases. • The Integrated Blood Barcode (IBBC) chip, developed by Dr. James Heath at the Caltech/UCLA CCNE, is now undergoing validation tests to measure the levels of approximately 800 miRNAs from 21 melanoma patients before and after therapy. http://nano.cancer.gov/learn/now/clinical-trials.asp

  31. NCI ANCApproaches In Trial or Ready Soon • Clinical trials - scheduled to begin later this year on a new type of CT scanner, developed by Dr. Otto Zhou at the Carolina Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence (UNC) uses carbon nanotubes as the x-ray source. This new scanner, developed through a joint venture with Xintek, founded by CCNE members, and Siemens, a leader in medical imaging, contains 52 nanotube x-ray sources and detectors arranged in a ring, that eliminates the need to move the x-ray source and increases precision and speed of CT scanning, could be preferred method for detecting small tumors. • Discussions with the FDA to start clinical trials using carbon nanotubes to improve colorectal cancer imaging. Imaging agent being developed by Dr. Sanjiv Sam Gambhir from the Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence Focused on Therapy Response Stanford Univ. • A nanoparticle designed to cross the blood-brain barrier and specifically target glioblastomas is also nearing clinical trials. This nanoparticle agent can function as both an MRI contrast agent and a drug delivery device. Developed by Dr. Miqin Zhang - Univ. Washington Cancer Nanotechnology Platform Partnership for Pediatric Brain Cancer Imaging and Therapy. http://nano.cancer.gov/learn/now/clinical-trials.asp

  32. NCI ANCApproaches In Trial or Ready Soon • BIND Biosciences, founded by Drs. Robert Langer and Omid Farokhzad of the MIT-Harvard CCNE, anticipates having its lead compound in clinical trials in 2010. BIND’s targeted nanoparticles consist of a polymer matrix, therapeutic payloads, functional surface moieties, and targeting ligands which allow for particle optimization (i.e., accumulation in target tissue, avoidance of being cleared by immune system, and delivery of drug with desired release profile). • Liquidia Technologies founded by Univ. North Carolina CCNE Dr. Joseph DeSimone. Liquidia's proprietary PRINT (Pattern Replication In Non-wetting Templates) technology enables the design and manufacture of precisely engineered nanoparticles with respect to particle size, shape, modulus, chemical composition, and surface functionality. http://nano.cancer.gov/learn/now/clinical-trials.asp

  33. Similar to BIND Bioscience Triple threat – one example a multi-function nanoparticle combines tumor seeking sensors, imaging agents and toxins to kill cancer cells Nanotechnology Takes Aim at Cancer – Science Vol 130 18Nov05 pp1132-1134

  34. Doxil - Approved • Approved for • Ovarian Cancer • AIDS-related Karposi’s Sarcoma • Multiple Myeloma • The STEALTH® liposome • methoxypolyethylene glycol • (mPEG) containing • Antitumor antibiotic • Interferes with cell division • Half life 55 hours in humans • ~ 100 nm size • Produced by Ben Venue Labs, - Bedford, OH, contract mfg Div. of Boeringer Ingelheim • Distributed by Centocor Ortho Biotech, Inc – Horsham, PA private, Div. of J&J • STEALTH ® and DOXIL ® are trademarks of ALZA Corporation, Div. of J&J http://www.doxil.com/assets/DOXIL_PI_Booklet.pdf

  35. Abraxane - Approved • Approved for Breast Cancer • Albumin-bound Paclitaxel • Paclitaxel – powerful anticancer drug – not water soluble • Abraxane is water soluble – reduces treatment to 30 min from 3 hrs for solvent version & its side effects • ~130 nm • American Pharmaceutical Partners and American BioScience, Inc – approved by FDA 05Jan05 • Produced by Abraxis BioScience – Los Angeles, CA • Not yet profitable ABII:NASDAQ • Drugs are delivered to tumors by leaky junctions in the blood vessels. • Drugs also bind to albumin and are transported in the blood and delivered to tumors. This is accomplished first by taking advantage of the transport system (gp60 pathway) across the endothelial cells and then concentrating within the tumor interstitium by its affinity for SPARC (Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich in Cysteine). • Finally, the water insolubility of many active chemotherapy agents is overcome by using proteins instead of additional chemicals to dissolve the active drug. http://www.abraxisbio.com/rnd_platform_nab.htm

  36. Coroxane – In Phase 2 Trials • Angioplasty, removal of plaque in arteries, short-term solution Next, a bare metal stent is placed to keep the vessel from narrowing. Drug-eluting stents containing either paclitaxel or rapamycin have been approved for treatment of restenosis in the coronary arteries. The drug helps to prevent hardening of the artery in conjunction with the stent. • COROXANE™, a microtubule stabilizer, is being developed by Abraxis to be used in conjunction with stents to prevent arterial restenosis. • Coronary Artery Restenosis: ~800,000/yr procedures of coronary artery stenting in the US alone. While drug-eluting stents are encouraging, may be complications after surgery, weakening of the artery wall, blood clots, and an increased risk of heart attack when the vessel doesn’t heal completely. COROXANE™ is currently in phase 2 trials for CAR. • Peripheral Artery Disease of the lower extremities is common in older adults, caused by thickening of the blood vessel wall that limits blood flow to the legs. Standard treatment is angioplasty alone. Surgical placement of stents in the blood vessel has had limited success. Phase 2 studies are focusing on the use of COROXANE™ along with angioplasty of the affected blood vessel. • Produced by Abraxis BioScience – Los Angeles, CA http://www.abraxisbio.com/rnd_pipeline_nda.htm

  37. Latest News Items • Newest Breathalyser Knows if You Have Lung Cancer - Israeli Institute of Technology breathalyser works using gold nanoparticles to detect 4 of the 42 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that indicate lung cancer. Clinical trials expected in 2 years. 1 Sep09 • Ultra-tiny 'bees' target tumors - tiny particles designed to destroy cancer cells by delivering a synthesized version of a toxin called melittin that is found in bees - Nanobees, are engineered to travel directly to tumor cells without harming any others. They leave the healthy cells alone because the blood vessels around a tumor express a particular protein to which a substance on the nanobees has a chemical affinity. So far tested only on mice, with promising results. therapy could become widely available in humans in 5 to 10 years.2 Aug 09 • Nano-treatment to torpedo cancer – School of Pharmancy,London Nanotechnology has been used for the first time to destroy cancer cells with a highly targeted package of "tumor busting" genes, which were taken up by cancer cell, but not surrounding healthy cells. 3 Mar 09 1 http://singularityhub.com/2009/09/01/newest-breathalyser-knows-if-you-have-lung-cancer/ 2 http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/08/18/nanotech.cancer.nano.tumors/ 3 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7935592.stm

  38. Latest News Items • Nanotechnology in clinical trials to restore normal gene function to cancer cells - Loss of normal p53 function results in malignant cell growth and has been linked to resistance to radiotherapy and chemotherapy in a number of cancers. Ester Chang, Georgetown Univ. delivered group delivered functional p53 genes to tumor cells and tumor metastases in 16 different types of cancer in animal models. When the job of reinstating a normal p53 suppressor gene is done, the nanoparticle, essentially a little fat droplet wrapped around the gene, simply melts away, unlike non-biodegradable delivery systems. Phase 1 human trials are underway at Baylor Univ - Dallas. 1 Apr09 • Nanotechnology therapy for brain cancer - Argonne National Laboratory show the first evidence of successful bioconjugated nanoparticles targeting toward cancer and away from normal brain cells. Uses 5 nm TiO2 nanoparticles that are covalently conjugated with an antibody that specifically targets certain tumors, including GBM. A naturally occurring metabolite of dopamin, DOPAC, is used as a linker molecule to tether the antibody to the nanoparticles. The TiO2 absorb energy from light, which is then transferred to molecular oxygen, producing cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS damages the cell membrane and induces programmed death of the cancer cell. 2 Oct 09 1 http://www.foresight.org/nanodot/?p=3018 2 http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=12962.php

  39. Latest News Items Multifunctional nanotechnology device for integrated, cell-based nanotherapy • Dr. Dean-Mo Liu, National Chiao Tung University team developed core/shell drug-delivery nanocapsule – a polymer core covered with a thin layer of single-crystal iron oxide shell and then deposited zinc-copper-indium-sulphur (ZCIS) nanocrystals onto the surface to form a nanoscale multifunctional platform. • The iron oxide shell opens with magnetic field in 60 sec. and triggers a color change in the non-toxic quantum dot allowing in-situ monitoring. Nov09 http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=13428.php

  40. Latest News Items University research teams mix nanomaterials that give tumors a one-two punch in trials • Teams of researchers from three universities are jointly developing a nanotechnology cocktail that should target and kill cancerous tumors. • The mixture of two different-sized nanoparticles work with the body's bloodstream to seek out, stick to and kill tumors. The nanomaterials are injected into the patient's vein. One is designed find the cancerous tumor and then adhere to it, while the second is designed to then kill the tumor. • "This study represents the first example of the benefits of employing a cooperative nanosystem to fight cancer," said Michael Sailor, a lead researcher on the project and a professor of chemistry and biochemistry at the University of California, San Diego. • The study, which has been tested on mice, is being conducted by teams of researchers at MIT, the University of California, San Diego, and UC Santa Barbara. 07Jan10 http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9143286/Researchers_Nano_cocktail_could_target_kill_cancerous_tumors

  41. Cautionary notes • Why is x not listed? • Success or failure of a clinical trial • Lots of different cancers • What about other diseases?

  42. Summary • Cancer Study • Quantum dots improve study of cell biology of diseases • Cancer Detection • Nanoparticle imaging agents improve early detection • Nanosensors aid in screening • Cancer Treatment • Wide variety of nanoparticles as drug or gene delivery vehicles • Nanoparticles as absorbers for IR energy for heat death • Multi-function Approaches • Efforts to combine detection, collection at tumor sites, observation and treatment

  43. Possible Futures • With first approvals, a few nano-drugs are in the market. • Several more will follow. • A few will fail – consequences. • Insurance reimbursement may lag • High initial cost may limit who gets to benefit • Scale-up of new technology drugs may limit availability • Some early company success stories will fail or wallow • Difficult to grow • Difficult to leverage technology • Difficult to recoup start-up costs • Difficult management issues, legal, IP, etc • Some cancers will remain unresponsive • Some cancers will be cured

  44. Thank you for your interest

  45. Coming Attractions

  46. Nanotechnology for Clean Water • Based on ICPC Nanotechnology for Water Purification WebConferences - Dec 2, 8 & 15, 2009 • ICPCNanoNet is a 4-year project, funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme • Aims to provide wider access to published nanoscience and nanotechnology research and opportunities for collaboration between organizations and scientists in the EU and International Cooperation Partner Countries • Online workshop brought together experts in the field interested in cooperating with their peers in Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America and other parts of the world. • Information available at http://www.icpc-nanonet.org/mos/Frontpage/Itemid,1/

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