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Views of Administration of Justice

Views of Administration of Justice. http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/html/dcpi/videos/nypd_video.html. Student Learning Outcome. On the completion of this section, students will be able to discuss the concepts that define the criminal justice system and the various components of the system.

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Views of Administration of Justice

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  1. Views of Administration of Justice http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/html/dcpi/videos/nypd_video.html

  2. Student Learning Outcome • On the completion of this section, students will be able to discuss the concepts that define the criminal justice system and the various components of the system.

  3. Is it really a system? • Is the criminal justice system or administration of justice really a system? • Police • Courts • Corrections

  4. Law enforcement agencies • investigating crimes and apprehending suspects • The court system • Determination of guilt of suspect • Correctional System • Treating, incapacitating and rehabilitating

  5. The criminal justice system • 55,000 public agencies • 17,000 are police agencies • 17,000 courts • 8000 prosecutorial agencies • 6000 correctional institutions • 3500 probation and parole departments • Approximately 2 million involved in the criminal justice system, 900,000 in law enforcement

  6. http://www.cjnowonline.com/cjnowonline8e/cjsystem/cjmap_v1.htmlhttp://www.cjnowonline.com/cjnowonline8e/cjsystem/cjmap_v1.html

  7. The Formal Criminal Justice Process • Initial contact • Investigation • Arrest • Custody • Charging • Preliminary Hearing/Grand Jury • Arraignment • Bail/Detention

  8. The Formal Criminal Justice Process • Plea Bargaining • Trial/AdjudicAppeal/Post Conviction Remedies • Correctional Treatment • Release • Post Release

  9. The Informal Justice System • The Formal Justice System rarely works in a step-by-step process • The Criminal Justice Wedding Cake (Samuel Walker) • Celebrated cases • Serious felonies • Less serious felonies • Misdemeanors

  10. Crime Control Perspective • James Q. Wilson in “Thinking about Crime” • People are wicked • Prevent crime through sanctions • Criminals should fear the justice system • Legal technicalities and “bleeding heart” judges should be abolished • The focus should be on the victim

  11. Crime Control Perspective History • The worse crime gets, the more advocates for deterrence • 1764 Cesare Beccaria • On Crime and Punishment • Certainty and Celerity of Punishment • Jeremy Bentham • Introduction to the Principles of Morals And Legislation

  12. Rehabilitation perspective • The purpose of the justice system is to treat and care for offenders who cannot treat or care for themselves • The goal is lifestyle improvement • Criminals are victims • There are alternatives to crime

  13. Due Process Perspective • Criminal justice should provide fair and equitable treatment • Nonadversarial view of the court room workgroup

  14. Nonintervention Perspective • Being involved in the criminal justice process stigmatizes a person • Decriminalize • Legalize victimless crimes • DE-institutionalize punishment • Community-based treatment programs

  15. Justice Perspective • Law violators should be viewed by their current behavior, not their prior behavior • Punishment should be equitably administered

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