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Here’s Why Awan is All Your Projects Need for Coordinated Door Solutions! (1)

If youu2019re looking for the perfect door and frame solution for a project, then Awan Door Solution is the right pick. Awan, a premium range of matching door frames, edge bands and laminates by Merino Surface Solutions is an ideal choice for expert interior designers and architects. Awan door components including door laminates, architrave, jamb, and stopper are carefully selected and tested for coordinated and comprehensive product performance.

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Here’s Why Awan is All Your Projects Need for Coordinated Door Solutions! (1)

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  1. Here’s Why Awan is All Your Projects NeedforCoordinatedDoorSolutions! Whenitcomestointeriordesign, doorsarecrucialsincetheygiveaspaceitsinitialimage.Thedoor is the first thing that captures the eye when entering a building. A stunning door with a coordinated door frame and edge bands enhances a home’s appearance while adding welcoming elegance to the space.Therightdoorservestherequiredsecurityandsafety.Hence,itisimportanttochoosetheright doorsfocusing ondualfactors-betterfunctionalityandaesthetics. WhyChooseAwanDoorSolutions? If you’re looking for the perfect door and frame solution for a project, then Awan Door Solution is the right pick. Awan, a premium range of matching door frames, edge bands and laminates by Merino SurfaceSolutions isanidealchoicefor expertinteriordesignersandarchitects. Awandoor componentsincludingdoorlaminates,architrave,jamb,andstopperarecarefullyselectedandtested forcoordinatedand comprehensiveproductperformance.Theyareavailableinavarietyofstylesand have a sophisticated look. This premium door solutions range provides both functional and aesthetic benefits,improvingthedoor’sappearancewhilereducingwaste.Itcomesinavarietyofsizesandhas the best-in-class matching finish. Awan door frame profiles three different types of architraves in stunninglygorgeousdesignsfor youtopickfrom-Ogee,Bullnose andTorus.

  2. WhatAretheKeyAdvantagesof Awan Door Solutions? PerfectMatch-Witharangeof options,Awanunites thedesignlanguageofthedoor frame,thedoor laminate, and the edge band delivering synchronized and extensive product performance. It helps to customizeyourinteriorstoyourproject’sspecifications. Various Design Options- It allows you to upgrade your interiors with a variety of contemporary solid andwoodgrainstyles. Andmakes the doorattractiveandbeautiful. EasytoInstall-Itissuitablefordiverseneedsasthecomponentscanbe simplycuttoany formorsize andprovideaneasy installationwithoutputting anyextraeffort. Varied Applicability- Due to a wide range of size availability, Awan Door Solutions are suitable for diverse applications including hospitals, showrooms, schools, shopping malls, kitchens, bathrooms, restaurants,andworkplaces among others. Low Maintenance- It requires little maintenance to keep the door new for years. Wipe the surface regularlyusingaslightlydampandsoftcloth containingwarmorsoapywater.Toremovestains,apply a water-based mild cleaning spray and gently rub with a soft cloth. Make sure the area is completely dry using asoftdry towel,leaving nosprayresidue. Awan is a premium door solutions range thoughtfully created to redefine elegance for a coordinated look. It is your one-stop shop for multiple door needs. Visit Awan Door Solutions page now to learn moreaboutthecollection. OriginalSource-https://www.merinolaminates.com/en/blogs/heres-why-awan-is-all-your- projects-need-for-coordinated-door-solutions/

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