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Tuff Gloss MR

Tuff Gloss MR is a range of laminates with high gloss finish which is strongly resistant to micro scratches and abrasions (mar and scuff). Mar resistance is the ability of a surface to resist permanent deformation/micro-scratches resulting from the application of a dynamic mechanical force. An unbeatable match of highly-reflective surface and toughest resistance to damage gives you the liberty to handle laminates carefree

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Tuff Gloss MR

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  2. Disclaimer “ For Visual representationonly. DesignRange&Finishesaresubject tochangewithoutpriornotice. ActualDesign&Colormayvary whenviewedindigitalformat. PleasecontactyournearestMerino Dealer / Merino Team for order fulfillment” Colorsdepictedmightvaryfromtheactualcolorbecauseofthecompression quality.Forbettervisualization,pleaserefertotheFullSheetImage.

  3. INDEX AboutMerino About MR+ Composition /Features Applications ProductRange Technical Data Warranty

  4. ABOUTMERINO TheMerinoGroupisaleadingplayerinthelaminatesandpanel industry. The first product was plywood, launched in 1974and lateritspreaditswingsintohigh-pressuredecorativelaminates in 1981. The Group has diverse business interests expanding into Interior Architectural Products, Information Technology andFood&Agrobusiness.Over4000employees,5production units and multiple allied surface solutions having endless design possibilities are what ensure a consistent range of superior quality products and the Group's continuous significant growth in the challenging market scenario. With innovation and perfection at its core, Merino commits to the highest manufacturing standards with a strong customer support. 17 NJMMJPO +)1- TIFFUTDBQBDJUZ )JHI$VTUPNFST TBUJTGBDUJPO .VMUJQMF BMMJFE TVSGBDFTPMVUJPOT CERTIFICATIONS “Imageshownareforreference,.Actualproductmayvary” Back ToIndex 03

  5. Super-gloss mar resistantlaminates. Tuff Gloss MR+ is a range of laminateswithhigh gloss finish which is strongly resistantto micro scratches and abrasions (mar andscuff). Mar resistance is the ability of a surfacetoresist permanentdeformation/micro-scratches resulting from the application ofadynamic mechanical force. An unbeatablematchof highly-reflective surface andtoughestresistance to damage gives you the liberty tohandle laminatescarefree. Back ToIndex 04

  6. 21172 BlackCurrent 14675 EbonySepia Back ToIndex “Imageshownareforreference,.Actualproductmayvary” 05

  7. 22112 AdriaticBlue 14675 EbonySepia 40232 SoftTravertine “Imageshownareforreference,.Actualproductmayvary” 06 Back ToIndex 06

  8. Overlay Paper Special abrasive layer to protect the laminatefrom scuff andmar Decorative layerwith Melamine Resin for aestheticlook Layer with selected KraftPaper treated with special grade of Phenolic Resin A layer with selected Kraft Paper is treated with special grade of Phenolic Resin. This is followed by a decorative layer which has Melamine Resin, for an aesthetic look that is strong within. Then, a special abrasive layer is added to protect the laminate from scuff and mar. The aluminum oxide particles in the layer gives 3-4 times better resistance to abrasion and scuff. The gloss is protected 4 times longer as compared to standard high-gloss laminate. The process is completed with an overlaypaper. HIGH ABRASION RESISTANT SCUFF RESISTANT GLOSS LEVEL- 110 110 AT 60˚ANGLE MAR RESISTANT DRY HEAT RESISTANT STAIN RESISTANT Back ToIndex 07

  9. For both horizontal and verticalsurfaces. 21187 Champagne “Imageshownareforreference,.Actualproductmayvary” Wardrobe andCabinets Back ToIndex 08

  10. 14675 EbonySepia 21023 DarkCitrus “Imageshownareforreference,.Actualproductmayvary” Cabinets Back ToIndex 09

  11. “Imageshownareforreference,.Actualproductmayvary” 22105 BerryBunch Dining Tables & PremiumTops Back ToIndex 10

  12. 14168 MediterraneanOak WallPanels Back ToIndex “Imageshownareforreference,.Actualproductmayvary” 11

  13. Merino Tuff Gloss MR+ is crafted for a high aesthetic appeal with sturdiness. This makes it suitable for tough use without compromising on beauty. This is why Merino Tuff Gloss MR+ is especially applicable in sectors like - residential, commercial, media and entertainment, retail, wellness centres, hotels andhospitality. 21065 Cardinal “Imageshownareforreference,.Actualproductmayvary” Media &Entertainment 12 Back ToIndex

  14. 10019 Sapelle “Imageshownarefor reference,. Actualproductmayvary” 14675 EbonySepia Commercial “Imageshownareforreference,.Actualproductmayvary” 21091 FrostyWhite Residential Back ToIndex

  15. 14177 Columbian CadizWalnut “Imageshownareforreference,.Actualproductmayvary” Hotels & Hospitality 14 Back ToIndex

  16. 22067 MorningGlow 21069 SilverGrey “Imageshownareforreference,.Actualproductmayvary” WellnessCentres Back ToIndex

  17. LAMIPLY It is the coming together of laminateson MR+LAMIPLY Itisastephigherintheworldoflaminates.It’sthe wonder created when the decorative MR+Tough Gloss laminate is pasted on the calibrated BWR plywood to give you a perfect glossysurface. plywoodfor your ready-to-use furniture needs.Ithelpssavetime,moneyandgetsyou the advantage of a machine pressedboard. REASONS TO CHOOSE MERINO MR+ TOUGH GLOSSLAMIPLY SCUFF MAR RESISTANT QUALITY PRODUCT READY TOUSE RESISTANT DENSE BWR PLYWOOD SUPERIOR DIMENSIONAL STABILITY TERMITE RESISTANT TOUGH BONDING CHARACTERISTIC DESCRIPTION Thickness 19mm SurfaceFinish MRHi-Gloss SheetSize 8 ft x 4ft Balancing WhiteLaminate Back ToIndex

  18. UNI+ UNI+ is a unique combination of high quality Merino decorative laminates and homogenous solid colour. The uniform colour of the laminatemakesitidealfortabletops,countertopsandmore. Get rid of black edges with unique range of homogeneous solid colours, having the same colour of decorative surfaces and core layers, giving perfect uniformity in look anddesign. 21187 UNIMR+ Champagne Merino UNI+ Unicolour Laminates also Comes with MR+ properties give excellent Mar resistance. Therefore it can maintain the gloss level three times longer than ordinary High Gloss Laminates. Lab result shows 95% gloss retention after being scrubbed withcalibrate as per procedure defined by ATSM D6037- 96(Reapproved in2008) CHARACTERISTIC DESCRIPTION Decor Paper -Melamine Resinimpregnated Thickness ≥1mm in std.grade SheetSize 8 ft x 4ft Core paper - AminoResin impregnatedand sanded onreverse • 1 MR+ ToughGloss • 2Suede SurfaceFinish Disclaimer: The unicore is provided in selected range: 21481, 21091, 21187, 21065, 21069, 21057 &21066 MAR RESISTANT AESTHETICS RESISTANT DRY HEAT RESISTANT STAIN RESISTANT COLOUR FAST Back ToIndex

  19. Un -BEATABLE RANGE - NEWWOODGRAINS NEW14187MR+MarebOntarioOak NEW14661MR+GlastonWalnut Back ToIndex

  20. Un -BEATABLE RANGE - NEWWOODGRAINS NEW14641MR+LauralOakWind NEW14670MR+ClentAltoOak NEW14662MR+TitterWalnut Back ToIndex

  21. Un -BEATABLE RANGE -WOODGRAINS 10523 MR+Tigress Sonalo Teak 14613MR+DoredosCottagePine NEW14674MR+Ebontpeat *14675MR+EbonySepia *Designsalsoavailablein5x12feet Back ToIndex

  22. Un -BEATABLE RANGE -WOODGRAINS *10019 MR+Sapelle 10515MR+CarsimaWood 10592 MR+Orchard Delight 14690MR+AlhamaraWood *Designsalsoavailablein5x12feet Back ToIndex 21

  23. Un -BEATABLE RANGE -WOODGRAINS *14177MR+ColumbianCadizWalnut 14178MR+CherryCadizWalnut 14477MR+ColumbianHorizontalWalnut 14478MR+CherryHorizontalWalnut *Designsalsoavailablein5x12feet Back ToIndex 22

  24. Un -BEATABLE RANGE -WOODGRAINS 14619MR+MansalUluraWalnut 14698MR+EternityBistroWalnut 14406MR+BlackHorizontalWallisPlum 10502MR+ElevatedWood *Designsalsoavailablein5x12feet Back ToIndex 23

  25. Un -BEATABLE RANGE -PATTERN NEW40475MR+BlancoIbiza NEW *40268 MR+ StaggerMarble NEW *40294 MR+ CalderaMarble NEW *40478 MR+ Barmer DarkMarble *Designsalsoavailablein5x12feet Back ToIndex 24

  26. Un -BEATABLE RANGE -PATTERN NEW44722MR+Triton NEW44503MR+BurmudaTriangle *40232MR+SoftTravertine 44773MR+RusticDreams *Designsalsoavailablein5x12feet Back ToIndex 25

  27. Un -BEATABLE RANGE -SOLIDS *21081MR+ WhiteLily 21091MR+ FrostyWhite *21187MR+ Champagne NEW *21069MR+ SilverGrey *21027MR+ IrishCream NEW 21037MR+ Beige NEW 22034MR+ Confetti NEW 22134MR+ FlamingoPink 22115MR+ FiestaRose NEW 21127MR+ Tan 21114MR+ Bubblegum 22172MR+ Enigma 21055MR+ Shangrila *21057MR+ Marigold 21163MR Lime NEW 21143MR+ ParrotGreen 21023MR+ DarkCitrus *22105MR+ BerryBunch *Designsalsoavailablein5x12feet Back ToIndex 26

  28. Un -BEATABLE RANGE -SOLIDS 22017MR+ Parakeet 22067MR+ MorningGlow 22119MR+ AutumnLeaf 22112MR+ AdriaticBlue *21065MR+ Cardinal NEW 22062MR+ Turquoise NEW 21142MR+ PolarBlue NEW 21022MR+ MidnightBlue 22129MR+ CobbleStone 21162MR+ WinterSea 22102MR+ Trooper 21172MR+ BlackCurrent AVAILABILITY MATRIX *21066MR+ Black 22109MR+ PearlBlack NEW 21038MR+ Mocha Limitedwarranty MerinoIndustriesLimited&MerinoPanelProductLtd.warrantthat, undernormaluse&service,thematerial&workmanshipoftheirproductsshallconfirmtothestandardssetforthontheapplicabletechnicaldatasheet foraperiodoftwelve(12)monthsfromthedateofsaletothefirstconsumerpurchaser.Dealers&distributorsareprovidedwiththetechnicaldatasheets,whichcontainspecificstandardsofperformanceoftheproduct.In the event that a Merino Industries Limited or a Merino Panel Product Limited product does not perform as warranted, the first purchaser’s sole remedy shall be limited to repair or replacement of all or any part of the product,whichisdefective,atthemanufacturer’ssolediscretion.Thiswarrantyisnottransferable,andexpiresuponresaleortransferbyfirstpurchaser.Thiswarrantyshallnotapplytodefectsordamagearisingfromany ofthefollowing:Accidents,abuseormisuse,exposuretoextremetemperature,improperfabricationorinstallation,impropermaintenance.Nootherwarranties,expressedorimplied,aremade.Undernocircumstancesshall the manufacturer be liable for any loss or damage arising from the purchase, use, or inability to use the product, or for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.No fabricator, installer, dealer, agent or employeeofMerinoIndustriesLimitedandMerinoPanelProductLimitedhastheauthoritytomodifytheobligationorlimitationofthiswarranty. Back ToIndex 27

  29. TECHNICALSPECIFICATION Disclaimer – Please note that MR+ Tough Gloss is not scratch proof, it has superior mar and scuff resistance. Use of knife, keys and scourer or abrasive cleaners may scratch and damage thesurface. Back ToIndex 28

  30. Contact us MARKETINGOFFICE NewDelhi:70,KLJComplex,2ndFloor, MotiNagar,NewDelhi-110015,India P: 011-45557000,25107617 E:merinodelhi@merinoindia.com BRANCHOFFICES Ahmedabad: P: 079-30075775,26589511 E:merinoahm@merinoindia.com Bengaluru: P:080-42418000 E:merinoblr@merinoindia.com Bhubaneswar: P: 0674-3255594,2597795 E:merinobbsr@merinoindia.com Chandigarh: P: 7087001162/63 E:merinochd@merinoindia.com Chennai: P: 044-49303333,49303300, E:merinoch@merinoindia.com Coimbatore: P: 0422-4243333 E:merinocbt@merinoindia.com Indore: P:07312862272 Ludhiana: P:7347025195 E: merinoludhiana@merinoindia.com New Delhi: P: 011-69015300 E:merinopg@merinoindia.com Hyderabad: P: 040-27901103, 1202, 1203,64590033 E:merinohyd@merinoindia.com Jaipur: P: 0141-2206159, 2209505,2209506 E:merinojaipur@merinoindia.com Kochi: P: 0484-2398265, 2397972, 4183301/4183333 E: merinokochi@merinoindia.com Mumbai: P:022-67991970/71/72 E:merinomum@merinoindia.com Nagpur: P: 0712-2436372,2457123 E:merinonagpur@merinoindia.com Pune: P: 020-24212025,24214025 E:merinopune@merinoindia.com Tinsukia: P: 0374-2338975,2340975 Vijayawada: M +91 919686446121 E:merinohyd@merinoindia.com REGISTEREDOFFICE 5, Alexandra Court,60/1, Chowringhee Road, Kolkata-700020,India P:033-22901214/1215 E: merinokol@merinoindia.com FACTORYOFFICES Hapur: Village-Achheja, PO-Hapur-245101 Dist.–Hapur (U.P.),India P: 0122-3082500,2308601 E: merinohapur@merinoindia.com (FSC COCcertified) Rohad: 44KM.Stone,Delhi-RohtakRoad,Rohad, Distt. Jhajjar, Haryana-124501,India P: 01276-221000,304900 E: merinorohad@merinoindia.com (FSC COCcertified) Hosur:BagalurRoad,KalahasthipuramVillage, Hosur Taluk, Distt.Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu-635103,India P: 04344-293545,327765 E:merinohosur@merinoindia.com (FSC COCcertified) Dahej:PlotNoD2/CH/36,DahejIIIndustrialEstate, VillageVadala,PODahej,DistrictBharuch, Gujarat-392130. P: +91 -7283888832

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