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HPL laminates are high-quality laminates made under high pressure and heat to increase their strength. A special kraft paper is infused with synthetic thermostatic resins, giving it the flexibility and endurance to withstand extreme pressures, making it unbreakable.
WhatMakesHighPressureLaminatesthe GoodChoiceforContemporary Decor? • Laminates are now commonly used in residential and commercial spaces due to their durability, versatility,andaestheticproperties.Aderivative,HighPressureLaminate, haspropertiesthatmake it stand out among other laminates. Moreover, HPL fits perfectly with the contemporary styles of interiordesign. • WhatareHighPressureLaminates? • HPLlaminates arehigh-qualitylaminates madeunder highpressureandheattoincrease their strength.Aspecialkraftpaper isinfusedwithsyntheticthermostaticresins,givingittheflexibilityand endurance to withstand extreme pressures, making it unbreakable. Its surface layers are impervious to water or air, making it long-lasting. The natural texture of high-pressure laminates is accentuated byboldpatternscoupledwithsolidcolours. • Whyinvestin highpressurelaminates? • HPL laminates give more creative freedom to interior designers looking to get premium laminates in tune with contemporary market trends. Merino HPL laminates mark the changing market dynamics and trends. Hence our outstanding HPL laminates check all the boxes of industry standards. Here are someofthebenefitsthatmake theinvestmentin Merinohighpressurelaminates worthit. • Versatility • High pressure laminates are lucrative options in home decor since they can be moulded and used on bothfurnitureandwalls.ThemultipurposeabilityofHPLlaminatesenhancestheirversatilityandgives themanedgeinservinghighdefinitiondecorativeroles.Theycanalsobe used onfalse ceilingsorflat woodenflooring foranaestheticglow. • Durability • While this feature is inherent in almost all laminates, HPL laminates have better quality strength than laminates induced with melamine. Every component molecule of an HPL laminate is closely linked, increasingitsoverallflexibilityanddurability.Consequently,theselaminateslastrelativelylongerand are resistant to water, oil, and termite and bacterial infestation. They remain evergreen and ensure thatyourhomeandofficespaceiscleanandhygienic. • Modernaestheticfinish • ThedesignsandfinishingonHPLlaminatesareofthehighestquality.Thisaccentuatesthearea’sshine andaestheticfactors.Youcancustomisethefinishingandchoosetextureslikesuede,HDgloss,or
even 3D textures and imagery finishes that will increase the depth of the laminate and will give it a uniquelookinlinewiththecontemporaryhomedecortrends. • Limitlessoptions • High pressure laminates have versatile and diverse abilities and can be used in any space, opening up limitlesspermutationsandcombinationsforcontemporaryinteriordecor.Youcaneasilyfindtheright setoftexturesandcoloursthatsuityourneedsandbudget.Thewidearrayofoptionsinhighpressure laminates gives you the liberty to choose a novel look, making your home and office look unique and outstanding. Merino has a wide variety of options to choose from, and our team of expert interior designers will guide you through the complete process and help you pick the best HPL laminate for yourdecorrequirements. • If you are interested in getting the best-in-class HPL laminates, Merino HPL laminate is the most lucrativeoption available.Merino laminateshave beenrankedamongthe bestHPLsheet companies with accredited gold standard quality of laminates. To expand your palate of home decor, looknofurther.Formore informationcontactusnow. OriginalSource-https://newsbosst.com/2023/02/20/what-makes-high-pressure-laminates-the- good-choice-for-contemporary-decor/