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Top 5 Advantages of Installing Countertops Surfaces in kitchen

When thinking of remodeling the kitchen, choosing the right surface for countertops can prove to be a confusing process. Countertops are the focal point and the most used workspaces in a kitchen. There are plenty of things that can be done to adorn the countertops like selecting the right design theme and pattern.<br>

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Top 5 Advantages of Installing Countertops Surfaces in kitchen

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  1. Top 5AdvantagesofInstallingCountertops Surfacesin kitchen When thinking of remodeling the kitchen, choosing the right surface for countertops can prove to be aconfusingprocess.Countertopsarethefocalpointandthemostusedworkspacesinakitchen.There are plenty of things that can be done to adorn the countertopslike selecting the right design theme andpattern. WithitscollectionofImprezaUnicolorCoreTops,Merinosurfacesolutionsprovidesone-stopsolution to a range of interior décor needs. The unicolor theme with unique designs creates an elegant appeal inakitchenandturnsitintoalivelyspace. WhatareImprezaUnicolorCoreTops? Impreza unicolor core tops are made of layers of resin-treated papers that are heat and pressure processed to form a strong, flexible ornamental surface. A special technology called EP+ (Enhanced Performance) transforms the Impreza unicolor core top’s manufacturing process. Aluminum Oxide particlesaredepositedinoverlaylayersbyEP+technologyforimproveddurability,scratch/scuff/mar resistance,printquality,andcolorsaturation.

  2. WhataretheAdvantages of ImprezaUnicolorCoreTops? Customized Appeal– A unique and versatile range of high-performance ultra-thin compact surfaces, carefully designed to maintain a uniform color in its core. The range allows you to make choices with colourschemes,bringing everything together inasynchronizedlook. WideApplicability–Popular in internationalmarkets,theseUnicolorcoretops arewidelyused countertops,breakfastcounters,backsplash,undermountsinksandupstandapplications. Broad Range of Designs– Impreza Core Tops offer diverse unicolor schemes with a huge family of designsstarting from woodtostone andsolid. Extra Durable– Exclusively engineered by Merino,Impreza is the more durable range than other productsinthemarket.Itgives2-3timesbetterabrasion,heat,waterandscuffresistancethannormal ultra-thincompactsandinhibitsthegrowthandspreadofbacteria. Low Maintenance– When it comes to maintenance, these countertop compacts look brand new for a long time with very little effort. With just a sponge or a piece of cloth, you can keep your countertops clean. Thesecountertopshaveastain-resistantandscratch-resistantsurface. Impreza kitchen countertops are a great way to upgrade the look of your home. They are beautiful, long-lasting,andcost-effective.Check outtherangenowtomake yourhome standout. OriginalSource-https://www.merinolaminates.com/en/blogs/top-5-advantages-of-installing- countertops-surfaces-in-kitchen/

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