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In The Zone Case Study Willowbrook Primary School

In The Zone Case Study Willowbrook Primary School. Cardiff Kerry Ann Sheppard – PESS Coordinator. Challenges Prior to Training. Football dominating the playground Older children dominating the playground Children don’t know how to use playground markings No shaded area for chill

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In The Zone Case Study Willowbrook Primary School

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  1. In The ZoneCase Study Willowbrook Primary School Cardiff Kerry Ann Sheppard – PESS Coordinator

  2. Challenges Prior to Training • Football dominating the playground • Older children dominating the playground • Children don’t know how to use playground markings • No shaded area for chill • Classroom windows in danger from balls • Engaging children during wet play • MDS being pulled in different directions • Not enough equipment • Children do not know how to use some of the equipment

  3. Strategies • Linking in with the already established peer mentoring system within the school • Application forms from the CD used to select Buddies • Student council used to select children to become buddies • Buddies trained by Year 6 teacher • Buddy trolley and bibs purchased • Buddy board placed in corridor leading to playground • Zoning the playground • Buddies trained on how to use school equipment • Skipping zone run for children to practice skipping before completing Jump Rope for Heart and raising money for more playground equipment and markings • Chill activities used in wet play times to occupy children • In wet play - competition using blank templates, every month/term a child who has designed the best game gets it laminated and included in the In The Zone pack • Zone the playground so that balls are not aiming towards windows • Parasols and benches bought for chill out area • Chill out area fenced off

  4. The Difference • More structured games • More children active during playtimes • Football not dominating as children have other things to do • Children are developing fundamental movement skills • Children are working towards Jump Rope for Heart • MDS are now able to supervise the playground • Buddy’s are responsible for equipment and games run in the zones • Buddy’s will be training up Year 5 children to take their place next year

  5. The New Playground

  6. Skipping Zone

  7. Chill Out

  8. Buddy’s & Their Trolley

  9. Tennis

  10. Basketball

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