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PART I. Recreation Area Mapping Exercise. These presentation slides taken from the Mapping Exercise Slides. . 05Oct09. VERS Modernization Recreation Area and Traffic Meter Evaluation Exercise. Mapping Exercise Slides. Mapping Quick Reference Slides . Purpose of Mapping Exercise.
PART I Recreation Area Mapping Exercise These presentation slides taken from the Mapping Exercise Slides. 05Oct09
VERS ModernizationRecreation Area and Traffic Meter Evaluation Exercise Mapping Exercise Slides Mapping Quick Reference Slides
Purpose of Mapping Exercise Produce an annotated map of each recreation area that clearly and unambiguously shows recreation area layout, visitor access points, and the visitation monitoring set up. Maps will be used in combination with data from the worksheets to: • Assess traffic visitation monitoring set up and adequacy of traffic meter locations at each recreation area. • Identify options for obtaining visitation associated with different providers ( i.e., Corps-managed vs. marina-provided visitation) • Identify situations on the recreation that that may affect load-factors. • Aid in planning visitation surveys.
Procedure • Download and open the Mapping Exercise Slides. • Download and open-or-print Mapping Quick Reference Slides. • Use tutorial and example slides for reference. • After last slide, create additional PowerPoint slides containing annotated maps of your recreation areas. • When finished, delete the tutorial and example slides from file, and save recreation area maps of your project. • Send completed PowerPoint maps to ERDC.
Project Name: Table Rock Lake Area Name: Eagle Rock ANRMS Code No: 006 Access Configuration: D Street Map View Eagle Rock Marina Satellite Photo View • Example Of A Finished Map • Standard Parts: • Annotated street map of recreation area (Required) • Supplemental aerial or satellite photo of recreation area showing features not visible on street map, such as marinas (As needed). • Title box with four standard pieces of information (Required).
Your goal is to produce an annotated map of each designated recreation area that clearly and unambiguously shows the recreation area layout, visitor access points, and traffic monitoring set up. Each Map Must Show: • Recreation area boundary. • “Recreation sites” comprising the recreation area, where they occur. • Access roads into or out of the recreation area. • Location of gatehouse (fee booth). • Locations and names of all traffic meters. • Locations of administrative facilities, visitor center, marinas, resorts, and other types of facilities influencing types of visitors and traffic through the area. • As needed, text notes describing situations or conditions that may affect visitation monitoring (i.e., sources of non-visitor traffic regularly passing over traffic meter, etc). • Title box containing: • Name of Project • Name of Recreation Area • Recreation Area ANRMS No. (from WebVERS) • Access configuration of recreation area Exactly like this (example): Project Name: Table Rock Lake Area Name: Eagle Rock ANRMS Code No: 006 Access Configuration: D
External Information You Will Need For Identifying Recreation Areas and Constructing Title Box From WebVERS Monthly Meter Reading Report • List of designated recreation areas • Name of each traffic meter • Recreation area ANRMS code number0
Sample Monthly Meter Reading Report Traffic Meter Name Recreation Area Name (ANRMS codes 0-799 only) Area ANRMS Code No.(Note that ANRMS column heading is misidentified in this report)
What is a recreation area? • Known by different terms- not necessarily identical • “Developed recreation area”- in VERS manual • “Park”, “Day-use area”, “Campground”, “Marina”, “Beach”, “Access Point” etc-in recreation brochures, on Corps websites, in Rec.gov, and in informal usage. • “Designated area” -areas in WebVERS with an ANRMS code of 0-799 • “Recreation PSA”-in OMBIL. • Some recreation areas may be identified in OMBIL as one of several other Area Types • For this exercise, a recreation area is a Project-Site-Area (PSA) as it is defined in OMBIL!!! • Splitters: tend to divide a recreation area into multiple PSA’s. • Lumpers: tend to combine separate recreation areas into a single PSA.
Steps in preparing a recreation area (PSA) map1. Obtain a suitable base map(s) of recreation area. 2. Identify boundaries of recreation area and “recreation sites” comprising the area. 3. Finish out the map by adding features needed to show recreation area layout, visitor access points, and visitation monitoring setup. ___________________________ Step 1. Obtaining Base Maps Of Recreation Areas
Base Map Sources: • Maps produced from your project GIS database. JPG them for use here. • Hardcopies of existing recreation area maps. Scan and JPG for use here. • Screen captures of satellite imagery and/or map images that are publically available on the internet or world wide web. For most projects, this may be easiest to do and will provide the best result for the purpose of documenting recreation area boundaries and road access patterns. Suggested web sources: Depending on the project one of these may show recreation area boundaries, roads, etc. better than another. • Google Maps: Go to Google search engine at www.google.com and click on maps option. • Bing Maps (was Microsoft Maps Live): Access interactively online at http://www.bing.com/maps/ • Google Earth: Licensed version of Google Earth Pro for Corps of Engineers personnel is available for download at • at https://corpsglobe.usace.army.mil. • Important Notes: • For some projects, all three map sources will have similar or identical information. At other projects, one of the sources may better show park boundaries, have higher resolution satellite photos, or more street detail, including roads inside recreation areas. We recommend that you evaluate all three map sources before selecting the best one(s) for use at your project. • It will often be useful to show two maps of the same area. A satellite view will often show locations of unmapped roads and other features of interest such as marina facilities. A map view, absent the photographic detail , may show park boundaries and mapped roads more clearly. You can mouse click between aerial imagery and road map views with Google Maps and Microsoft Maps Live Search.
Screen Capturing a Base Map • XP Operating System: With map displayed on computer screen, depress “Alt” and “PrtScn” keys at same time to place entire screen image into the clipboard. Go to PowerPoint and on a blank slide, and paste image from clipboard. To reduce storage size of map image, right click on image, select “Save As Picture” and copy somewhere to hard drive as jpg file. Then insert back onto a PowerPoint slide, replacing the image you inserted from the clipboard. Crop jpg image to show desired area of map. • Full Screen Image capture Use Format options for Final cropped picture image • cropping and sizing map. shown enlarged • For purchase:Corel Paint Shop Pro at http://www.paintshoppro.com/ is a good, easy to use picture • and image management tool that has many uses. • Important Notes: • 1. Inserting maps that have been converted to jpg files will ensure that the entire PowerPoint file remains manageably small. • Using maps that are copied to the clipboard then pasted into in PowerPoint is more convenient, but may produce a • PowerPoint file that is unnecessarily and unmanageable large. • 2. It will sometimes be useful to show two images of the same area on the same slide. An aerial photo image may show • locations of unmapped roads and other features of interest such as marina facilities. A road map without the • photographic detail may show park boundaries and roads more clearly.
JPEG Your Base Maps Either Before or After Copying Them onto a PowerPoint Slide ! • Why • Imported and screen-captured base maps can be 2-5 MB each. Too many maps of this size make the overall PowerPoint file unmanageably large. • Compressing base maps to JPEG or similar format can reduce overall size of PowerPoint file by 90%. • How (after a screen capture has been pasted to PowerPoint) • Replace screen copied base map with JPEG picture of base map. Then complete “Save As Picture” screen. Right click on base map image. Be sure to select “JPEG file interchange format” picture type. Select “Save as picture” from menu that appears on screen.
Traffic meter name Sizing Base Maps: Show some of the area surrounding the recreation area. This Way: Not This Way: Access patterns and traffic meter setup can only be evaluated if the entire recreation area and some of the surrounding area is shown on the base map. A much larger surrounding area may need to be shown if the traffic meter is located on a public roadway well outside the recreation area.
Map Scale Vs Road DetailChoose a scale that shows roads clearly!!! This small scale map of a large recreation area is convenient to create, but does not show road detail clearly. At this scale, the map suggests an additional access point from the highway, that does not, in fact, exist. This larger scale map shows road detail more clearly. At this scale, it is clear that the encircled stretch of park road has no access to the highway.
Map Scale Vs Road DetailIf required, you can overlay screen captures of different parts of the recreation area that are each captured at a large enough scale to show an adequate level of road detail. Here, two separate screen captures of the upper and lower halves of a large recreation area have each been reduced in size by 80%, overlaid so that adjoining features match up , then grouped together to form a single map.
Map Scale Vs Road DetailA separate, very large-scale map of the entrance area may be needed to show locations of gatehouse and traffic counters. Close-up of park entrance large enough to clearly show location of gatehouse and traffic counter.
Step 2. Identifying Recreation Area Boundary • As shown on public map sources • Added manually to base map(s) • To show the “recreation sites” that make up a recreation area
Show the Recreation Area Boundary! This Way: Not This Way: At some lakes, Google maps and Bing maps show the larger Corps property boundary, but not the actual recreation area boundary. Always show the approximate boundary line of the recreation area, drawn manually, if necessary. The recreation area layout and traffic monitoring setup usually cannot be evaluated if the recreation area boundary is not explicitly shown on the map.
Google Maps map view and Microsoft Live Maps street view display area boundaries for some recreation areas at some projects. The same recreation area shown in Google Maps displays an area boundary that is approximately correct. This map is a better choice for showing the recreation area boundary. This side of road not part of park. Where available, recreation area boundaries can be displayed in Google Earth by activating the “Park and Recreation Areas” boundary layer under “Places of Interest”. It this instance, the map boundary shown by Google Earth in green substantially under reports the spatial extent of the recreation area. Recreation Area BoundariesExamples of recreation area boundaries shown in Google Maps, Google Earth, and Microsoft Live Maps. Recreation boundaries shown on this map somewhat over state the spatial extent of the recreation area, but is otherwise correct. This map is usable for visitation planning purposes, provided that it is annotated to note the boundary inaccuracies.
This is also part of area. Camping loop with own entrance off highway Recreation Area Boundaries Examples of recreation area boundaries drawn manually Recreation area boundaries may not be available for some or all recreation areas at a project.. For these recreation areas, boundaries must be drawn manually using the freehand line drawing option available on the AutoShapes menu in PowerPoint. The recreation area shown on this Google Maps map view is partially correct, but does not show the entire extent of the area. An Autoshapes freehand line has been added to show the boundary of the remaining portion of the recreation area. Also added is a camping loop which has its own entrance from the highway and notes explaining these freehand map additions.
Line Color: create or select green with RBG color mix of red=0, green=200, and blue=0. Line Width: Select 2 ¼ to 4 ½ pt line width; 3 pt works well in many situations. Boundary appearance as created Recreation Area BoundariesEditing a freehand boundary shape or line After changing fill color to “No Fill” Fill Color: select “No Fill” After changing line color to green After changing line width to 3 pt
Not Sure of the Recreation Area (PSA) Boundary? • Approximate it as best you can • Good enough to show road access points and visitation monitoring set up. • Not an officially-recognized boundary. • Include: • Area readily recognized by visitor as part of the park. • If applicable, all of the separate parts included in the corresponding OMBIL PSA. • Exclude: • Adjacent undeveloped Corps lands.
Use boundary lines to identify separate “recreation sites” in the recreation area In some recreation areas, the park layout or park road system is configured in such a way that different parts of the recreation area are isolated from each other, preventing a visitor in one part of the recreation area from driving directly to another part of the same area without first leaving, and then re-entering the recreation area at another access point. An objective of the mapping exercise is to identify portions of a recreation area that are isolated from each other in the way described above. We refer to these different places in the recreation area as separate “recreation sites”. Every recreation area can be organized into one (most common) or more recreation sites. How to Recognize a Recreation Site: Different places inside a recreation area are part of a different “recreation site” when: • There are no roads inside the recreation area that connect the two places. • Driving from one place to the other within the same recreation area requires that you exit the recreation area at one access point, then re-enter it at a different access point. Examples: • See next three slides
Drawing recreation area boundaries to show separate recreation sites- Example 1 of 3 Show This Way: Not This Way: This recreation area consists of two separate recreation sites located on opposite sides of a state highway, each with its own access points from the highway. To travel from one site to the other, you must exit the recreation area to the highway then reenter the recreation area at an access point to the other site. In the recreation area classification system introduced on a later slide, this recreation area has Access Configuration D.
Drawing recreation area boundaries to show separate recreation sites- Example 2 of 3 Show This Way: Not This Way: This edited base map, obtained from Google Maps, accurately shows the recreation area boundary, but an internal boundary line is needed to show the separate marina and campground recreation sites that comprise this area. The marina and campground are separate recreation sites because there are no roads inside the recreation area connecting one to the other. To drive from the campground to the marina, you must exit the recreation area at the campground access point to a public road, then re-enter the recreation area at the marina access point. In the recreation area classification system introduced on a later slide, this recreation area has Access Configuration C.
Does this recreation area consist of one recreation site or two? Example 3 of 3 Correct: Incorrect: A recreation area that separates day-use and camping visitors may or may not consist of separate recreation sites. This map, taken from a project brochure, shows a single access point to a recreation area that is internally divided into day-use and camping sections. Because vehicle travel between the day-use and camping sections can be accomplished on park roads without leaving the recreation area, the recreation area boundary should show the recreation area as a single recreation site. In the recreation area classification system introduced on the next slide, this recreation area has Access Configuration A.
Step 3. Finishing out the map:adding traffic meters, other features, and explanatory notes
Use Provided Symbols and Suggested Colors to Show Recreation Area Features PowerPoint Lines and text notes: • Recreation area boundary:freeform bright green line or shape () • One-way road: Note direction of one-way travel with green arrow green arrow ( ) • Pedestrian traffic counter: Include an arrow and text note pointing out location of all pedestrian traffic counters at building entrances and other locations. Show labels and arrows in red. • Noteworthy features:add text boxes, as needed, to identify: • Subdivisions and other sources of non-recreation traffic that regularly goes over traffic counter. • Marinas, resorts, or other non-Corps recreation providers operating within a Corps-managed recreation area. • Occurrence of tour bus traffic • Anything else potentially relevant to traffic monitoring or load-factors. PowerPoint Copy and Paste Icons:click on icon, copy to clipboard, then paste onto your map where desired. Resize as needed. Vehicle Traffic Counter Visitor Center or Office Facility Gatehouse No Traffic Counter No Traffic Counter Installed At This Area
Text Notes: Click on text box icon, move cursor to desired text location, click mouse desired text location to open text box, begin typing text Arrows: Click on arrow icon, move cursor to desired start location on slide, click and hold on mouse while lengthening arrow to end location. Use line color, and line width to change arrow appearance. Adding Notes And Arrows
Group Objects: Maps, text boxes, lines, and other objects can be grouped together so they move and resize as a group. To group- depress start key while clicking mouse on each desired object. Then choose group option under the draw function. The text inside a text box will not automatically resize when resizing a grouped object. Text must be made lager or smaller separately, by changing text font features. To ungroup- click on grouped object to select it. Then select the ungroup option under draw function. Resize Map Manually: Click on map object. Hover cursor over one of the open circles at corner or mid-length of object border until cursor changes to an arrow ( ), then resize map by dragging cursor in appropriate direction while depressing cursor. It is possible to distort the map by resizing horizontal and vertical directions by different amounts. Helpful Editing Features- 1 of 3
Helpful Editing Features- 2 of 3 Order of Objects : Objects are added to a slide in layers, one on top of the other. To see all objects, the largest (usually the base map) should be the bottom layer, and progressively smaller objects layered on top. Adding a large object may cause previously added objects to disappear from view. To bring a hidden object back into view, double-click on the larger, overlying object, to select it and bring up the edit menu, then send the selected object backwards using the Oder option. Undo: Some actions, whether intentional or accidental, produce an undesirable result. To undo the action, choose the undo option (first on list) from the Edit menu located at the top of your browser screen.
Helpful Editing Features- 3 of 3Convenient Access to Object Editing Features 1. Select object, then right click on mouse to show object editing options. 3. This will bring up a Format dialog box that will give you access all editing features. 2. Select “Format Object” Commonly Used Options: Colors and Lines: Access to outline characteristics for shapes, lines, and arrows, all in one place. Size: Resize an object, vertically or horizontally, in inches or by percent of original size. Applies to pictures, shapes, lines, and arrows. Picture: Crop picture from top, bottom, right, or left. Applies only to picture objects.
1 of 2 Access Configuration A Recreation areas consisting of a single site with a single access point into / out of the site. 1. 110 Mile Recreation Area, Pomona Lake. Map view showing all major features of interest at this relatively small recreation area. 2. Long Creek Recreation Area, Table Rock Lake.Web map view shows the recreation area boundaries and layout of roads. A supplemental satellite view shows marina and other features of area. 3. Oakland / Ozark Isle, Bull Shoals Lake.None of the 3 web map sources show a recreation area boundary, so the boundary was manually added to the road view map shown. With the recreation area boundary in place, the map suggests 3 access points. But as explained by the added text note, two of the apparent access points no longer exist because the roads have been permanently blocked-off. A close-up view of a portion of the recreation area was added so gatehouse and traffic counter locations could be more clearly shown.
2 of 2 Access Configuration A Recreation areas consisting of a single recreation site with a single access point into / out of the site. 4. Dam Site and Tionesta Launch Recreation Areas, Tionesta Lake.This map shows a Corps-owned scenic loop road on which there are two recreation areas. Both recreation areas consist of s single recreation site with a single exit road, so both have Access Configuration A. However, a case could be make for classifying the Tionesta Launch as Access Configuration B because the access road spits into two roads (ramp entrance and parking lot entrance) at the recreation area entrance. They are shown on the same map to better communicate the fact that both areas utilize traffic counts from the same traffic meter to estimate visitation. This is an uncommon situation, but does occur elsewhere.
Project Name: Pomona Lake Area Name: 110 Mile ANRMS Code No: 005 Access Configuration: A 110 Mile meter Boat Ramp Class C Camping
Long Creek meter American Star tour-boat rides (some visitors arrive by bus) Long Creek meter Table Rock Lake Resort Houseboat Rentals Gages Long Creek Marina Project Name: Table Rock Lake Area Name: Long Creek ANRMS Code No: 009 Access Configuration: A
Close-up of Oakland Park Oakland Park Oakland Marina To Ozark Isle Only one access to Oakland / Ozark Isle complex Oakland Ozark Isle No. entrance or exit here. Connecting roads shown entering / exiting recreation area are permanently blocked. Oakland meter Project Name: Bull Shoals Area Name: Oakland / Ozark Isle ANRMS Code No: 002 Access Configuration: A
Note: There are two recreation areas on this slide that utilize counts from the single traffic counter shown. Road closed to visitors Paved Parking One-way loop Dam Site meter One-way traffic starts here Tionesta Launch Recreation Area Dam Site Recreation Area Unpaved Overflow Parking Tionesta Marina Boat Launch Tionesta Launch Recreation Area Project Name: Tionesta Lake Area Name: Tionesta Launch ANRMS Code No: 010 Access Configuration: A Overview of Dam Site and Tionesta Launch Recreation Areas Maintenance Facility One way road splits to launch ramp and parking area Project/ Ranger Offices Dam Site Entrance Start one-way traffic Information Center Picnic / Trail Project Name: Tionesta Lake Area Name: Dam Site ANRMS Code No: 001 Access Configuration: A Water release control tower Dam Site Recreation Area
Access Configuration B Recreation areas consisting of a single recreation site with two or more access points from which you can enter or exit the area. A distinguishing feature of these recreation areas is that you can enter at one access point and exit from the same or another one. 1. Shadow Rock Park, Bull Shoals Lake.A municipal out-grant park with a main entrance and a little-used back road from a nearby subdivision. 2. Theodosia Park, Bull Shoals Lake.This is another municipal out-grant park, with several access points into and out of the park. The street map shown is a composite of 3 separate screen captures, each showing an extreme close-up view of the roads in a portion of the park. This was the only way to show roads with sufficient detail to clearly show entrance and exit points. 3. Table Rock State Park, Table Rock Lake.There are two vehicle access points from which to enter and/or exit Hwy 165. There is no other vehicle access to the park. The park access shown near at the Branson Belle tour boat site is incorrect. This road actually dead-end’s near the State Park boundary. A text note was added to the map to this effect.
Shadow Rock Park meter Project Name: Bull Shoals Area Name: Shadow Rock ANRMS Code No: 011 Area Configuration: B Elevated highways have no park access Unmetered back road to / from residential area
Satellite View Access Points: Theodosia Marina-Resort Theodosia Park meter Camping Loops Project Name: Bull Shoals Area Name: Theodosia ANRMS Code No: 006 Access Configuration: B To Marina Map View Of Roads
Satellite Overview Launch Ramp Marina Project Name: Table Rock Lake Area Name: Table Rock State Park ANRMS Code No: 006 Access Configuration: B State Park meter Branson Belle Tour Boat Out-Grant is not part of State Park State Park shown in cross-hatched area in this lake brochure. Note:There are 2 metered vehicle access points to Hwy 165. No other places to enter or exit the Park. Park Boundary is approximately here. Park Road dead ends here; road does not connect to Branson Belle Out-grant area as shown on base map. Launch Ramp Marina Campground
Access Configuration C Recreation areas consisting of two or more recreation sites, either physically separate or adjacent, with a separate access road to each. 1. Heber Springs Recreation Area, Greers Ferry Lake.This recreation area has two separate sites, located on opposite sides of a bay. Each site has it’s own access road shown and labeled on the map. Since recreation area boundaries were not present on any of the available base maps, approximate recreation area boundaries were added manually. • Michigan Valley Recreation Area, Pomona Lake.This area has the appearance of a single recreation site, but it functions as two adjacent sites (marina and campground) , with separate entrances to them. To drive from one site to the other, you must exit the recreation area to the public roadway, then re-enter the recreation area at the access point for the other site. The internal boundary line separating (approximately) the two adjacent sites that make up the recreation area are show as a dashed line, instead of the solid line normally used to show the recreation area boundary. There is a single traffic counter serving the two sites, which is located on the adjacent highway. Using the meter location instead of the access roads as the reference point for identifying the access configuration might lead to you to incorrectly assign Configuration B, instead of Configuration C to this recreation area. . 3. Baileys Point Recreation Area, Barren River Lake.Like the recreation area above, this area has the appearance of a single recreation site, but functions as two separate sites because there are two different access roads that provide access to two different places (Campground, picnic area) within the area. To drive between the campground and picnic area, you must exist from one site to the county road, then enter the other site on a different entrance road. This map was produced by project staff at one of our test sites. Base maps were produced using the project GIS system. The maps were JPEG’ed, copied into PowerPoint, then annotated using PowerPoint editing tools. 4. Indian Point Recreation Area, Table Rock Lake.There are two slides shown for this recreation area. One is an overview showing both satellite and map views. The second is annotated to show details relevant to visitation monitoring. This area consists of three adjacent sites (marina, campground, boat club), with no internal park roads connecting them. To drive between one site and another, you must exit the recreation area out to the public road, then re-enter the recreation area at the access point for another site. The recreation area boundary is shown with the same solid green line used on maps of other recreation areas. In addition, the individual sites are shown approximately by a corresponding dashed line. The four traffic counters present in this recreation area are shown where they occur and are labeled with the meter names used in WebVERS.
Sandy Beach meter Heber Springs Marina Heber Springs – Sandy Beach Heber Springs campground and marina Heber Springs meter Project Name: Greers Ferry Lake Area Name: Heber Springs ANRMS Code No: 003 Access Configuration: C Close-up of entrance
Not part of park. Michigan Valley meter Note: Two separate entrances from Lake Road 1. One leads to campground / day-use area. The other leads to Marina. Northshore Marina Michigan Valley Camping / Day-Use Area Class A Camping 81 Campsites Beach Meter is located on public road adjacent to the two access roads to park and marina. Project Name: Pomona Lake Area Name: Michigan Valley ANRMS Code No: 004 Access Configuration: C
Map View Boat Ramp Boat Ramp Camp- ground Camp- ground Picnic Area Picnic Area Baileys Point Picnic meter Baileys Point meter Baileys Point Picnic meter Baileys Point meter Satellite View Picnic Area is only accessible by exiting the main part of the Recreation Area and traveling ¼ mile down a county road. It is metered separately. Project Name: Barren River Lake Area Name: Baileys Point ANRMS Code No: 011 Access Configuration: C