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... the prayer service and necessary business, Floor Committee 8 will present ... The principal business of a convention of the Synod shall be the consideration ...
Slide 2:Purposes of this Pre-ConventionDelegate Orientation
General Orientation Items of Importance Purposes of Convention Duties of a Delegate Major Convention Matters
Slide 3:The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
What is a Synod?
Slide 4:The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
A group of faithful Lutheran Christians empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament working, walking and worshiping together Essentially, a voluntary association of congregations and ministers of religion (ordained and commissioned) United by a common confession of faith grounded in Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions Focused primarily on missions, Christian education and human care
Slide 5:2.34 Million Baptized members 1.80 Million Confirmed members 6,170 Congregations 24,000 Professional Church Workers 18,000 Teachers (6,000 Commissioned) 6,000 Pastors
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Slide 6:35 Districts 60 Separate Corporations 2700 Elementary Schools (Pre-K -> 8th Grade) 100 High Schools 10 Colleges and Universities 2 Seminaries
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Slide 7: Districts of the Synod
Slide 8:Reasons for the Forming of a Synodical Union
1. The example of the apostolic church. Acts 15:1?31 2. Our Lord's will that the diversities of gifts should be for the common profit. 1 Corinthians 12:4?31
Slide 9:The Synod, and every member of the Synod, accepts without reservation: 1. The Scriptures of the Old and the New Testament as the written Word of God and the only rule and norm of faith and of practice 2. All the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as a true and unadulterated statement and exposition of the Word of God
The Synod’s Confessional Basis
Slide 10:The Lutheran Confessions
Apostles’, Nicene, Athanasian Creeds Unaltered Augsburg Confession Apology of Augsburg Confession Smalcald Articles Treatise on Power and Primacy of Pope Luther’s Large Catechism Luther’s Small Catechism Formula of Concord
Slide 11:Summary of The Objectives of the LCMS
1. Conserve and promote the unity of the true faith; work toward fellowship with other Christian church bodies; provide united defense against schism, sectarianism, and heresy . . . 2. Strengthen congregations and their members in giving bold witness to the love and work of the true God and extend that Gospel witness into all the world . . . 3. Recruit and train pastors, teachers, and other professional church workers and provide opportunity for continuing growth . . .
Slide 12:4. Express Christian concern, love, compassion . . . 5. Aid congregations in Christian education and establish agencies of Christian education . . . 6. Aid congregations in recognizing, promoting, expressing, conserving, and defending their confessional unity in the true faith . . . 7. Encourage congregations to strive for uniformity in church practice and develop appreciation of a variety of responsible practices and customs in harmony with our profession of faith. . .
Summary of The Objectives of the LCMS
Slide 13:8. Provide evangelical supervision, counsel and care for professional church workers of the Synod in the performance of their official duties . . . 9. Provide protection for congregations and professional church workers in the performance of their official duties and the maintenance of their rights. . . 10. Aid in providing for the welfare of professional church workers and their families in the event of illness, disability, retirement, special need, or death.
Summary of The Objectives of the LCMS
Slide 14:The Mission of the LCMS
In grateful response to God’s grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacraments, the mission of the LCMS is vigorously to make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our churches, communities and the world!
Slide 15:General Orientation
Welcome to Houston! Godspeed as you travel! A unique experience awaits you! Registration materials at GRB, Second Floor National Offering, “ONE People—Sharing Christ’s Love,” will be collected at the opening worship service National and International Mission Planting Congregation Revitalization Stewardship Renewal and Education Additional National Synod Mission and Ministry Needs
Slide 16:Pre-convention
Prayer Opportunities Prayer lists on the Web site 24/7 Prayer Vigil week of convention, sign-up on convention Web site began in May Devotions “Forgiven to Forgive” devotion book “This We Believe: Selected Topics …” Distributed to voting and advisory delegates
Slide 17:Purposes of National Convention
Opportunities for worship, nurture, inspiration, fellowship, communication of vital information Principal legislative assembly, amends Constitution and Bylaws Considers and takes action on reports and overtures Elects national officers and members of boards and commissions
Slide 18:Purposes of National Convention
Establishes general Synod positions and policies Provides and evaluates overall programs, policies, directions, priorities Provides responsible service for and on behalf of its members Handles appropriate appeals
Slide 19:Purposes of National Convention
“Only a national convention of the Synod shall authorize affiliation or association of the Synod with other church bodies, synods, or federations, and the discontinuance of such affiliation or association.” (LCMS Bylaw 3.1.1)
Slide 20:Duties of a Delegate
Bylaw Responsibilities of Delegates Congregations shall not require their delegates to vote in accordance with specific instructions... Every delegate shall be permitted to vote according to his or her own conviction... Delegates are nevertheless responsible to the circuits they represent...
Slide 21:Duties of a Delegate
They shall attempt to discover the sentiment of the members of their circuit… They shall be faithful in attendance at all sessions of the convention... After each convention they shall report the actions of the Synod to their circuits... Voting delegates shall serve a three-year term beginning with the convention...
Slide 22:Duties of a Delegate
They shall function as advisory members of the circuit forum... They shall serve as resource persons in the circuit... They shall assist in the dissemination and implementation of Synod resolutions in their area.
Slide 23:Special First Day EventsSaturday, July 10
Floor Committee Open Hearings, 9 am–12 noon Committees 1-7 – Hilton Hotel Committee 8 – GRB General Assembly Theater Floor Committee 8 on Friday – July 9, 1:30-5:50 pm Delegate Orientation, GRB, 1:30-3:00 p.m. (All delegates should attend this session) Opening Convention Worship Celebration with Holy Communion, GRB, 4:00 p.m. All-Delegate Dinner, Hilton, 6:30 p.m.
Slide 24:Special Notes about Convention Agenda
As previously communicated, following those actions that must be conducted in order for the convention to convene and that are in accord with bylaw requirements, such as credentials report, adoption of standing rules, agenda, and President’s report, the first two days of the convention will be dedicated to matters regarding Synod structure and governance. On Sunday, following the prayer service and necessary business, Floor Committee 8 will present structure and governance proposals to include floor discussion, primarily Q&A for the purpose of clarification. No action will be taken on resolutions unless discussion is completed and/or delegates decide to begin action.
Slide 25:Special Notes about Convention Agenda
On Monday morning, convention delegates will be asked if they are ready to act on structure and governance resolutions. If so, then resolutions will be considered. If not, then discussion/Q&A will continue with the President asking delegates at regular intervals if they are ready to act. On Tuesday morning, if not already completed, action will be taken on structure and governance resolutions that impact the election of officers and national structure. Election of officers will begin Tuesday afternoon.
Slide 26:Convention Agenda
Tentative schedule for convention was finalized after floor committee May 21-23 weekend Printed in the first issue of Today’s Business Posted on the convention Web site Handout today A gavel–to-gavel Web cast of the convention proceedings will be broadcast on Synod WEB site: www.lcms.org
Slide 27:About the Convention: Use of Electronic Devices*
* Subject to adoption in convention Standing Rules. Note: No extension cords allowed or electrical connections provided.
Slide 28:Election of Officers President First Vice-President Vice-Presidents Two, Three, Four, Five Secretary Vice-President-Finance—Treasurer, unless otherwise determined by convention action Board of Directors Election of other Boards and Commissions
ElectionsIn Order of Election Convention Business
Slide 29:Review Carefully the “Biographical Synopses & Statements of Nominees” from the Convention Nominations Committee Consider the tasks of each office and the experiences of those nominated for such offices Ignore voting lists from unofficial publications
Election of Synod Officers Convention Business
Slide 30:Principal Business of Convention
The principal business of a convention of the Synod shall be the consideration of reports and overtures (ref. Bylaw 3.1.6) All reports and overtures accepted by the President in accordance with the bylaws of the Synod shall be referred by him to convention committees (ref. Bylaw 3.1.7) Convention Business
Slide 31:Convention Floor Committees
#1 Missions #2 District and Congregational Services #3 Theology and Church Relations #4 Administration and Finance #5 Seminary and University Education #6 Human Care #7 Ecclesial Matters #8 Synod Structure and Governance #9 Registration, Credentials and Elections #10 Nominations Convention Business
Slide 32:Convention Resolution Process:An Overture Summary
Submission of Overtures by Congregations, Conventions, Conferences, Boards, etc. Review of Overtures by Synod President and Legal Counsel (Bylaw for: Material error Apparent misrepresentation of truth or character Potential civil action for libel or slander Review of Overtures by Floor Committees Floor Committee Action: Submission of Overture to Convention via Resolution Inclusion of Overture in Omnibus Resolution Declination of Overture Convention Business
Slide 33:Convention Resolution Process:An Overture Summary
Additional Overtures not in the Workbook Received but inadvertently left out of Workbook See Today’s Business (TB) pp. 24-28 Late Overtures Received after deadline Considered important and urgent by Synod President, First Vice President and Secretary per Bylaw 3.1.6 (a) See TB pp. 29-46 Convention Business
Slide 34:Convention Resolution Process:An Overture Summary
Omnibus Overtures Resolution A TB p.47 Overtures request action that is a responsibility of various boards, commissions or individuals to study and implement and need to be referred to such Resolution B TB p. 48 Issues have been acted on by previous Synod conventions Resolution D TB p. 49 Overtures of thanks and commendation Convention Business
Slide 35:
The following slides provide a summary of some of the matters submitted in the reports and overtures for floor committee consideration. This overview highlights the theme and scope of some of the key issues to be considered by each floor committee for convention resolutions. To view all submitted items, read the Convention Workbook. Floor Committee Considerations: A Summary of Matters Submitted Committee Considerations
Slide 36:
1-01 Completion of “Fan Into Flame” Formal completion on 10-31-2011 1-02 Provide Guidance for Future Direction of Ablaze! Evaluate with Scriptures and Lutheran Confessions 1-03 Increase Outreach to Immigrants at Congregational Level 1-04 Respond to Opportunities for Outreach to Muslims 1-05 To Affirm & Encourage Military Chaplains 1-06 To Encourage Participation in Operation Barnabas MissionsFloor Committee # 1 Committee Considerations
Slide 37:
1-07 Encourage Inter-District Dialogue in the Establishment of New Church Starts, Satellite Worship Sites and Specialized Ministries Across Geographical District Lines 1-08 Encourage the “Wittenberg Project” as a Gospel Outreach Opportunity 1-09 Respectfully Decline Overtures Overtures 1-06, 1-07, 1-08 & 1-11 MissionsFloor Committee # 1 Committee Considerations
Slide 38:
1-09 Respectfully Decline Overtures 1-06 Provide Exclusively Lutheran Theological Training for Missionaries 1-07 Set Aside Reformation Day 2010 for Fasting, Prayer, Confessions and Repentance 1-08 Encourage Visitation by District Presidents of Other Districts’ Institutional Ministries 1-11 Ask CTCR and Seminaries to Evaluate Transforming Churches Network MissionsFloor Committee # 1 Committee Considerations
Slide 39:2-01 Continues Support of Children’s Ministry, Family Ministry, School Ministry, Singles’ Ministry, Stewardship Ministry and Youth Ministry 2-02 Assist Congregations and Support Workers in Planning and Implementing “Reduction in Force Policies 2-03 Appoint a Commission to Study Congregational Size, Generations and Life-Stage Ministries 2-04 Encourage Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families
District & Congregational ServicesFloor Committee # 2 Committee Considerations
Slide 40:2-05 Commend These on Worship and Model Theological Conference on the Theology of Worship 2-06 Encourage Study of the Lutheran Confessions During Reformation Celebration 2-07 Compensation for Professional Church Workers Calling entities encouraged to follow district guidelines
District & Congregational ServicesFloor Committee # 2 Committee Considerations
Slide 41:2-08 Respectfully Decline Overtures 2-09 Direct CPH to release 1986 translation of Small Catechism 2-10 Publish Orthodox translation of Bible 2-11 Instruct CPH to Stop Using ESV 2-17 Give Thanks for Dedication of Issues, Etc. 2-18 Encourage Support for Issues, Etc. 2-19 Commend Issues, Etc. 2-10 Support the Ministry of Issues, Etc.
District & Congregational ServicesFloor Committee # 2 Committee Considerations
Slide 42:3-01 Commend the International Lutheran Council and LCMS Task Force on Implications of the 2009 ELCA Decisions 3-02 Support Confessional Lutheranism at Home and Abroad 3-03 Cooperation in Externals with Theological Integrity CTCR & Praesidium develop in-depth theological criteria to assess cooperative endeavors with ELCA & report to next convention 3-04 Amend Bylaw re Altar & Pulpit Fellowship with small, Formative or Emerging Confessional Lutheran Churches After consultation the Synod President can make a declaration 3-05 Request a Thorough Response to ELCA Social Statement Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust CTCR and seminaries’ faculties
Theology and Church RelationsFloor Committee # 3 Committee Considerations
Slide 43:3-06 To Commend Creator’s Tapestry 3-07 Prepare New Studies on Biblical Interpretation 3-08 Encourage Collaboration Between CTCR and seminaries’ faculties 3-09 Decline Overture 3-16 Different ILC Church Fellowship Practices
Theology and Church RelationsFloor Committee # 3 Committee Considerations
Slide 44:3-10 To Respectfully Decline Overtures 3-09 To End All Official Talks with ELCA 3-10 To Request the Synod President Not to Attend ELCA Churchwide Assemblies 3-31 To Return to a Scriptural Position on Birth Control
Theology and Church RelationsFloor Committee # 3 Committee Considerations
Slide 45:4-01 To Lead Districts and Synod in a Stewardship Renaissance 4-02 To Address Synod’s Financial Crisis 4-03 Broadly Communicate the Statement of Financial Position of LCMS 4-04 Study Higher Education System and Bring an Action Plan to the 2013 LCMS Convention 4-05 Revise Synod Election Process No more than one member from each category and no more than two from any one district.
Administration and FinanceFloor Committee # 4 Committee Considerations
Slide 46:4-06 Amend and Restate Articles of Incorporation 4-07 Amend Bylaws re Convention Preparations 4-08 Improve Procedure for Establishing Synod Convention Times and Locations 4-09 Amend Bylaw 3.1.7 re Convention Committees 4-10 To Return LCEF Bylaw to Pre-2004 Wording 4-11 Provide Definition for Term “Operating Board” 4-12 Clarify Definition of “Governing Board”
Administration and FinanceFloor Committee # 4 Committee Considerations
Slide 47:4-13 Change Auxiliary Terminology Presidents become “chief elected officers” 4-14 Amend Bylaw 1.5.3 re Agency Meeting Agencies choose meeting formats 4-15 Change Composition of Commission on Ministerial Growth and Support From 13 members to 7
Administration and FinanceFloor Committee # 4 Committee Considerations
Slide 48:4-16 Respectfully Decline Overtures 4-09 Compile Report on Designated Gifts 4-10 Curb Synod’s Finances 4-21 limit Convention Time of Incumbent Prior to Presidential Elections Allocate Investment Earnings Back to Human Care
Administration and FinanceFloor Committee # 4 Committee Considerations
Slide 49:5-01 Recruit and Retain Full-Time Church Workers 5-02 Celebrate and Support “For the Sake of the Church” 5-03 Address Lay Deacons 5-04 Increase Impact of Vicarage Program 5-05 Support Pastoral Formation
Seminary and University EducationFloor Committee # 5 Committee Considerations
Slide 50:5-06 Revise Bylaw re Election Process for College & University Presidents 5-07 To Revise Bylaw re College & University Presidents Responsibilities 5-08 Revise Bylaw Colloquy Committee for Commissioned Ministry 5-09 Revise Bylaw re Board of Regents Qualifications 5-10 Clarify Bylaw re Promotion of Faculty 5-11 Clarify Bylaw re Promotion of Faculty 5-12 Revise Bylaw (b) re Faculty Appointments
Seminary and University EducationFloor Committee # 5 Committee Considerations
Slide 51:5-13 Respectfully Decline Overtures 5-16 Provide Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) Students the Same Core Curriculum as Residential Seminary Students 5-22 Direct President Clarify Teaching of Six-Day Creation in Synod Schools 5-23 Oppose evolution and commend Creation Research Society and creation museum
Seminary and University EducationFloor Committee # 5 Committee Considerations
Slide 52:6-01 Commend LCMS Disaster Relief Work, Particularly Haiti 6-02 To Be a Light for Life 6-03 Amend Bylaws to Allow the Extension of Calls to Institutional Chaplains and Counselors 6-04 Combat Malaria 6-05 Encourage Continued Emphasis on Prison and Jail Ministry 6-06 Continue Work Initiated by the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Task Force 6-07 Support Efforts to End Human Trafficking/Slavery
Human CareFloor Committee # 6 Committee Considerations
Slide 53: 7-01 Encourage the Task Force on Synodical Harmony 7-02 Affirm Ecclesiastical Supervision 7-03 Provide for Removal of Individual Board or Commission Members 7-04 Approve Changes to the Process of Bylaws 2.14, 2.15 and 2.17 7-05 Clarify Bylaw re Specific Ministry Pastor Limitations
Ecclesial MattersFloor Committee # 7 Committee Considerations
Slide 54: 7-06 Amend Bylaw 2.5.2 re Congregations Calling Pastors 7-07 Add Wording to Bylaws re Expectations of Synod Membership 7-08 Study Time Limitations for Initiating Dispute Resolution Process
Ecclesial MattersFloor Committee # 7 Committee Considerations
Slide 55:7-09 Respectfully Decline Overtures 7-04 Rightly Understand Advisory Nature of Synod 7-08 Revise Selection of Commission on Constitutional Matters 7-11 Require Consideration of CCM-related overtures and resolutions re theological matters 7-18 Post Standard Operating Procedure Manuals on Synod WEB site 7-19 Require use of Investigation Committee, Reconciliation Committee, and Referral Panel in expulsion process 7-20 Rescind 2004 Resolution 8-01A and develop new adjudication process
Ecclesial MattersFloor Committee # 7 Committee Considerations
Slide 56:Foreword to Committee 8 Work – please read 1. Focus on congregational mission 2. Develop synodical leadership 3. Create a flexible international center 4. Affirm congregations as principle stakeholders in the Synod
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 57:8-01 Amend Article V of Synod Constitution – see Today’s Business (TB) pages 160-161 Voting Membership Individual Membership Laity 8-02 Restore Circuits to Their Primary Purpose – see pages 318-322 of TB Circuits no longer for election purpose for Synod Convention Circuits formed by will of districts – geographic, demographic and mission Circuit Forums can submit overtures to district and Synod conventions
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 58:8-03 Election of Circuit Counselors (TB) pages 318-321 8-04 Enhance District Convention Representation TB page 312 Senior or sole pastor & lay delegates If senior or sole pastor vacancy exists options are: Individual member (commissioned) & lay delegates Vacancy/intentional interim pastor & lay delegates Vacancy/intentional interim pastor & individual member (commissioned) Multiple congregation parishes Sole pastor & lay delegates Sole pastor vacancy – then individual member (commissioned) & lay delegates Congregations with 750 or more in weekly worship attendance two additional delegates
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 59:8-05 Elect Delegates to Synod convention – see TB pp. 228-231 Districts determine how congregational groupings to choose delegates to Synod convention Delegates to Synod convention are also delegates to district convention Congregational groupings choose their delegates to Synod convention Circuit counselors chair these groupings for elections and report results to district secretary
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 60:8-06 Give Priority to Circuit and District Overtures at Synod Conventions – TB pp. 232-233, 311 8-07 Study Future District Function and Configuration Appointed Task Force One lay and individual member from five regions One district executive One member of BRTFSSG One member of CCM One district president appointed by COP Chief Mission Officer of Synod
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 61:8-08 Realign National Synod Ministries Around Two Mission Boards CTCR, CDR, CCM and COH stay as they are Vice President for Finance—Treasurer be changed to Chief Financial Officer and appointed by Synod Board of Directors National Office for domestic ministries Board for National Ministries – 11 members regionally elected 5 laity & 5 professional church workers & Synod Pres. or rep. Office for International Mission for overseas work Board for International Mission – 11 members regionally elected 5 laity & 5 professional church workers & Synod Pres. or rep. Chief Mission Officer appointed by President with Board of Directors for day to day national ministries Chief Administrative Officer works closely with CMO and CFO Board for University Education will become part of the Concordia University System
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 62:8-09 Develop a Process for Developing Quadrennial Mission and Ministry Emphases 8-10 Amend Constitution Articles X & XI – see TB pp. 163-165 8-11 Adopt a Process for Considering a New Name for the Synod 8-12 Direct Board of Directors Amend Bylaws as Necessary 8-13 Elect First Vice President President chooses five nominees from a list of 20
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 63:8-14 Elect Five Vice Presidents by Region 8-15 Enable Regional Elections at 2010 Convention TB pp. 242-243 Only Boards of Directors, National Missions and International Missions 8-16 Ensure Regional Representation on Board of Directors of Synod 14 members Five laypersons, one from each region Two ordained elected at-large One commissioned elected at-large Two laity elected at-large Up to three at-large laity appointed by the elected Board members President of the Synod
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 64:8-17 Elect Synod President Three candidates receiving highest nomination numbers Four weeks before convention, delegates from previous district conventions cast votes If no majority received, a second ballot is cast Results announced two weeks prior to the Synod Convention
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 65:8-18 Amend Article VIII of the Synod Constitution – see TB p. 162 Adopt a four year cycle for conventions Circuit theological conference District theological conference District convention Synod convention 8-19 Amend Bylaws 4.9.1, to Create Four Year Convention Cycle
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 66:8-20 Implement Four Year Cycle District and Synod officers serve an additional year 8-21 Establish Consistency in Terms of Office 8-22 Amend Article VIII C of Constitution Doctrinal Resolutions requires 2/3 vote 8-23 Amend 1.6.1-1.7.2, 3.1.1 re Doctrinal Resolutions 8-24 Amend Article IX of the Synod’s Constitution 8-25 Amend Article XII of the Synod’s Constitution
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 67:8-26 Determine Number of Delegates to the Synod Convention Number of delegates to Synod Convention based on 10% of congregations in Synod six months prior to the Convention District representation calculated on the average of the following factors: % of district’s member congregations compared to number of member congregations in Synod % of number of confirmed members of the district’s congregations compared to Synod numbers 8-27 Add New Article XIV to the Constitution Synod’s Constitution trumps a Bylaw that would contradict it.
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 68:8-28 Clarify the Preamble to the Constitution of Synod – See TB p.158 See new wording 8-29 Amend Article II of the Constitution – see TB p. 158 Confession 8-30 Amend Article VI of the Constitution – see TB p. 161 Requirements of Membership 8-31 Amend Article III of the Constitution – see TB pp. 159-160, 169-170, 172, 193, 249, 271, 309m 314 Mission & Purpose 8-32 Amend Article VII – see TB p 162 8-33 Amend Bylaws 2.1.1, 2.13.1, 213.4.2,, 2.14.3, 2.14.4, 2.18.2 and 2.18.1 – see TB pp. 193ff, 201, 204, 206, 207, et. al.
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 69:8-34 Respectfully Decline Overtures 8-02 Allow Time for Reasonable Conversation and Consideration of Changes to Structure 8-03 Foster Greater Unanimity in Decision re Structure 8-04 Postpone Consideration and Implementation of Task Force Report 8-05 Exercise Care and Delay Implantation of Structure Changes 8-06 Allow Time to Study Task Force Recommendations
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 70:8-34 Respectfully Decline Overtures 8-07 Submit BRTFSSG Report to All Congregations For Study and Defer Action Until following Convention 8-08 Proceed with Task Force Proposals Only If Full and Timely Disclosure of Proposed Revisions is Provided 8-09 Reject Blue Ribbon Task Force Recommendations 8-10 Defer proposed Restructure/Reorganization to 2013 Convention 8-12 Consider Recommendations of BRTFSSG as Separate Items to be Voted on Separately 8-65 Operate with Board of Directors Serving as National Consistory 8-66 Establish Position of Chief Executive Officer 8-82 Exercise Appropriate Care Considering Structure Changes
Synod Structure and GovernanceFloor Committee # 8 Committee Considerations
Slide 71:Five Critical Considerations
Doctrinal Agreement Unity – Concord – Harmony LCMS Mission Global Confessional Leadership Financial Realities
Slide 72:Convention Spirit
Hopefully not: “The assembly was in confusion: Some were shouting one thing, some another. Most of the people did not even know why they were there.” (Acts 19:32)
Slide 73:Convention Spirit
But prayerfully: “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 15:5-6)