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Use the .content or .hfeed class for styling instead of #content. --> • <div class="hfeed content"> • <div id="post-8" class="hentry post post-1 odd author-admin"> • <h2 class="post-title entry-title"><a href="http://www.primakers.net/2013/07/30/motivating-your-employees-to-contribute/" title="Motivating Your Employees To Contribute" rel="bookmark">Motivating Your Employees To Contribute</a></h2><p class="byline"><span class="byline-prep byline-prep-author text">By</span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="http://www.primakers.net/author/admin/" title="admin">admin</a></span> <span class="byline-prep byline-prep-published text">on</span> <abbr class="published" title="Tuesday, July 30th, 2013, 12:00 am">July 30, 2013</abbr></p> • <div class="entry-content entry"> • <p><strong>Actively Inspiring One Another In Order To Achieve Collective Goals</strong><br /> The only way you are going to get your employees to participate with 100 motivation is to encourage them to share their ideas. In other words, in order to generate positive effects, you will need to get your whole team to feel like they are indispensable parts of the entire project. Therefore, your goal as the boss should be to make your team feel <a href="http://www.primakers.net/2013/07/30/motivating-your-employees-to-contribute/#more-8" class="more-link">Continue reading “Motivating Your Employees To Contribute”</a></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> • <p class="entry-meta post-meta-data"></p> • </div><!-- .hentry .post --> • <div id="post-7" class="hentry post post-2 even alt author-admin"> • <h2 class="post-title entry-title"><a href="http://www.primakers.net/2013/07/28/community-charities-how-to-start-giving/" title="Community Charities: How To Start Giving" rel="bookmark">Community Charities: How To Start Giving</a></h2><p class="byline"><span class="byline-prep byline-prep-author text">By</span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="http://www.primakers.net/author/admin/" title="admin">admin</a></span> <span class="byline-prep byline-prep-published text">on</span> <abbr class="published" title="Sunday, July 28th, 2013, 12:00 am">July 28, 2013</abbr></p> • <div class="entry-content entry"> • <p>With so many charities and non-profit organizations available, determining the best way to make a philanthropic contribution may seem overwhelming. Fortunately, there are very easy ways that even novices may begin giving. </p> <p>For people who are affiliated with a church or religious organization, opportunities to make local charitable contributions may abound within the group’s meeting place. Even those who are not religiously affiliated may inquire at local churches and places of worship to find out ways in which they are involved in local and international charities. As always, when contributing financially, it is important to do <a href="http://www.primakers.net/2013/07/28/community-charities-how-to-start-giving/#more-7" class="more-link">Continue reading “Community Charities: How To Start Giving”</a></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> • <p class="entry-meta post-meta-data"></p> • </div><!-- .hentry .post --> • <div id="post-6" class="hentry post post-3 odd author-admin"> • <h2 class="post-title entry-title"><a href="http://www.primakers.net/2013/07/26/should-you-advertise-the-amount-your-business-gives/" title="Should You Advertise The Amount Your Business Gives?" rel="bookmark">Should You Advertise The Amount Your Business Gives?</a></h2><p class="byline"><span class="byline-prep byline-prep-author text">By</span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="http://www.primakers.net/author/admin/" title="admin">admin</a></span> <span class="byline-prep byline-prep-published text">on</span> <abbr class="published" title="Friday, July 26th, 2013, 12:00 am">July 26, 2013</abbr></p> • <div class="entry-content entry"> • <p>When your business does something charitable, there is no reason why you should stop yourself from showing off that fact. It is something that you have done, and the customers or potential customers out there will want to know about it. You have to make sure that you can show this off to them in an appropriate way most definitely, but that does not mean that you have to hide the fact of it altogether from them. Just make <a href="http://www.primakers.net/2013/07/26/should-you-advertise-the-amount-your-business-gives/#more-6" class="more-link">Continue reading “Should You Advertise The Amount Your Business Gives?”</a></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> • <p class="entry-meta post-meta-data"></p> • </div><!-- .hentry .post --> • <div id="post-5" class="hentry post post-4 even alt author-admin"> • <h2 class="post-title entry-title"><a href="http://www.primakers.net/2013/07/23/using-social-media-to-show-off-your-ceos-compassion/" title="Using Social Media To Show Off Your CEO’s Compassion" rel="bookmark">Using Social Media To Show Off Your CEO’s Compassion</a></h2><p class="byline"><span class="byline-prep byline-prep-author text">By</span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="http://www.primakers.net/author/admin/" title="admin">admin</a></span> <span class="byline-prep byline-prep-published text">on</span> <abbr class="published" title="Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013, 12:00 am">July 23, 2013</abbr></p> • <div class="entry-content entry"> • <p>Making sure that both those who patronize your business already and those who might be thinking about becoming a customer of your company think highly of your business and its values is essential if you truly want to be successful, and it is also important to make sure that your CEO and the other higher-ups in the company look good to those who are seeking information about your business. Although you might be wondering how you can show the world just how caring <a href="http://www.primakers.net/2013/07/23/using-social-media-to-show-off-your-ceos-compassion/#more-5" class="more-link">Continue reading “Using Social Media To Show Off Your CEO’s Compassion”</a></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> • <p class="entry-meta post-meta-data"></p> • </div><!-- .hentry .post --> • <div id="post-4" class="hentry post post-5 odd author-admin"> • <h2 class="post-title entry-title"><a href="http://www.primakers.net/2013/07/19/picking-the-perfect-charity-for-your-business-to-support/" title="Picking The Perfect Charity For Your Business To Support" rel="bookmark">Picking The Perfect Charity For Your Business To Support</a></h2><p class="byline"><span class="byline-prep byline-prep-author text">By</span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="http://www.primakers.net/author/admin/" title="admin">admin</a></span> <span class="byline-prep byline-prep-published text">on</span> <abbr class="published" title="Friday, July 19th, 2013, 12:00 am">July 19, 2013</abbr></p> • <div class="entry-content entry"> • <p>Business owners often choose to support a charity with the profits from their enterprise, but few actually know how to go about choosing which charity to support. If you are wondering how to make this tough decision, keep reading for more information. </p> <p>1. Choose something you are passionate about. If an important woman in your life recently died from breast cancer, for instance, you may choose to support breast cancer research efforts. </p> <p>2. If there is not a cause that you <a href="http://www.primakers.net/2013/07/19/picking-the-perfect-charity-for-your-business-to-support/#more-4" class="more-link">Continue reading “Picking The Perfect Charity For Your Business To Support”</a></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> • <p class="entry-meta post-meta-data"></p> • </div><!-- .hentry .post --> • </div><!-- .content .hfeed --> • </div><!-- Deprecated. Use the .content or .hfeed class for styling instead of #content. --> • </div><!-- #container --> • <div id="footer-container"> • <div id="footer"> • </div><!-- #footer --> • </div><!-- #footer-container -->