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Experimental Gameplay 2005. Indie Game Jam Chris Hecker, Doug Church et al I Love Bees Jane McGonigal Rag Doll Kung Fu Mark Healey A Tale in the Desert Andrew Tepper Prototyping Chaim Gingold. ** Intermission ** (very short!). Eye Toy AntiGrav Greg LoPiccolo, Rob Kay
Indie Game Jam Chris Hecker, Doug Church et al I Love Bees Jane McGonigal Rag Doll Kung Fu Mark Healey A Tale in the Desert Andrew Tepper Prototyping Chaim Gingold
Eye Toy AntiGrav Greg LoPiccolo, Rob Kay Experimental Gameplay Shalin Shodhan, Project at CMU Kyle Gabler NERO Ken Stanley Nintendo DS Games Steve Okimoto Journey to Wild Divine Corwin Bell, Wendy Goldner Misc Games, Braid
For More Information Indie Game Jam indiegamejam.com Rag Doll Kung Fu ragdollkungfu.com I Love Bees www.ilovebees.com NERO dev.ic2.org/nero_public Chaim Gingold www.slackworks.com/~cog Eye Toy AntiGrav harmonixmusic.com/eyetoy.html A Tale in the Desert atitd.com Nintendo DS nintendods.com Journey to Wild Divine wilddivine.com Braid email braid at number-none.com Experimental Gameplay Project www.etc.cmu.edu/projects/experimentalgameplay/