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Agenda. History of Copyright in Anglo-American LawCopyright in American Higher EducationPeer to peer infringementCourse management and e-Reserves Intellectual property agreementsThe Impact of Copyright Law on the Future of American Higher Education . The Printing Press and the Book. From monasteries to movable typePrinting press (western) 1436/7Critical component of Protestant ReformationRise of literacy and individual interpretation of the Bible(And if we believe Weber
1. Copyright Tracy Mitrano
Director of IT Policy and Computer Policy and Law Programs
Cornell University
2. Agenda History of Copyright in Anglo-American Law
Copyright in American Higher Education
Peer to peer infringement
Course management and e-Reserves
Intellectual property agreements
The Impact of Copyright Law on the Future of American Higher Education
3. The Printing Press and the Book From monasteries to movable type
Printing press (western) 1436/7
Critical component of Protestant Reformation
Rise of literacy and individual interpretation of the Bible
(And if we believe Weber…Capitalism…)
Query: now that it is invented, how – and who – is going to control it?
Stationer’s Company 1557
Absolute monarchy of Tutor reign and monopoly control
De facto “copyright law” and the foundation of “exclusive rights” – but neither “natural” nor property
Publishers as the arm of the crown
4. Anglo-American Copyright Law Statute of Anne 1709
For authors first, not publishers
Following the political economic trends of modern individualism and capitalism
Fourteen years of protection, renewable for another fourteen
Stationer’s rights for 21 years to publish
Limits introduced concept of “public domain” and thus:
Aided democracy by providing information for informed, deliberative citizenry
Balance interests of incentive for authors, rights for publishers and needs of public
5. Anglo-American Copyright Law Constitutional Convention
Washington: access to information required to maintain an informed citizenry as bulwark against tyranny (i.e. public domain)
Jefferson: fear of monopolies caused him to winnow author’s/publishers protection (i.e. no exclusive rights, and very limited years)
Madison: copyright not property, but policy, balancing incentive with learning, progress and innovation.
Article I, section 8:
Congress shall have the power to “promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”
6. Copyright Law of 1790 Exclusive right
From Stationers…
Still with us…
Fourteen years, renewable once
From Statute of Anne
Now for individual 70 years plus life of author
Registration required
Policy, not property
Not now, except for damages
But nota bene the scope: books, maps…
Not now, general: “original work in a tangible medium”
7. Legislative History First copyright law:
Copyright Act of 1790
Major revisions:
1976 is the current law, and each development of the law represents an expansion of scope and terms.
8. Why Is Copyright Law Out of Balance? Scope.
Historically content more rigidly defined
Currently: original work fixed in a tangible medium.
Registration required
Not now, except for damages
Originally copyright law encompassed a smaller class of material, maps. etc..
Almost ubiquitous
Especially in digital form and the functionality of personal computer and network systems.
9. Why Is Copyright Law Out of Balance? Terms.
Originally 14 years (renew once), limited definition, maps, etc.
1909 Act, 14 years plus two renewals, for total of 56.
1976 provided for 50 years plus life individual and 95 years for a company.
1998 Bono Amendment added 20 more years and suggests that copyright protection be extended in perpetuity.
10. Why Is Copyright Such a Big Deal? Copyright is the core battle for control of the Internet.
Imbalance with social norms, business models, technology and law.
Internet placed the expansion of copyright law in a meaningful light for society at large
Personal computers
Networking services
Unusual positioning of academia at the precipice of content creators and users.
11. Core of 1976 Copyright Law Original work fixed in a tangible medium
No copying, distributing or derivative works
Moral rights
Important Exceptions
Fair Use
Market Effect
First Sale Doctrine (libraries)
Compulsory licenses
12. Digital Millennium Copyright Act1998 Amended 1976 Copyright Act by including “digital” material
Section 512 Notice and Take Down
Conduit theory
Safe Harbor for Higher Education
Register with Library of Congress
No knowledge
Terminate Account of Repeat Offenders
Anti-circumvention provisions
Disallow tampering with encryption systems designed to prevent copying
No reverse engineering
Research provision very narrow, may still hamper academic research
Universal v. Reimedres
Edward Felten, Princeton
Coupled with the Copyright Term Extension Act
13. DMCA and Higher Education Combination of factors:
Higher education lead the development of Internet communications
“Big pipes”
File share program technology
“Fastest feed”
Automatic “sharing”
Demographic population
Youth, entertainment and personal identity
Inflated cost of CDs v. few resources
14. Cornell Comply
As a conduit, no duty; as a matter of policy:
Block immediately upon notice
Letter to student
Cease and desist
If intentional, refer to Judicial Administration for discipline
Security compromise
Counter Notice
Hosted on our computers:
Safe harbor, DMCA registration with Library of Congress
15. Cornell Educate
IT Policy tutorial
Annual Notice
DMCA as well as institutional response to subpoena
University Computer Policy and Law Program
Information technology ethics education
16. Cornell No monitoring for Content
University Policy 5.9, Privacy of the Network
Cornell University as a practice does not monitor or restrict the content of material transmitted on the university network or posted on university-owned computers except for the purposes of operational maintenance and security, but reserves the right to limit or remove access to its networks and to material posted on its computers, when applicable university policies or codes, contractual obligations, or state or federal laws are violated.
17. Cornell Legal Music Program
Formerly, the story revolves largely around
DRM (digital rights management) and
Competition with “free”
P.S. UT System
18. The Real Issue for Higher Education?
Not peer to peer file sharing that constitutes infringement on the part of students, but how the law, technology, business models and social norms are impinging on higher education missions in teaching, research and outreach.
19. The Issue in 2001:TEACH Act Technology Education and Copyright Harmonization Act
Original concept
Parity between face-to-face exceptions to copyright law and distance education
Extraordinary difficult with which to comply
Course management systems
More restrained?
Better to rely on fair use options?
20. Five years later… The American Association of Publishers threatens to sue Cornell University for copyright infringement on its course management and e-reserves systems
21. Changes in Course Management System We have changed some text for input of text on the course management system:
Front page overview on copyright, links and references, forewarning of the “good faith” sign off at the end;
Last “sign off” page where individual attests in good faith that there is no copyright infringement.
22. Thoughts: Authentication will not protect institution against copyright infringement!
If done to take advantage of the the TEACH Act, it is a misreading of it;
Intent to harmonize face to face and distant, not to provide more exposure.
Indeed, consensus is that it provides less than fair use and is complicated and difficult to implement.
But this procedure does take the IT people out of the middle of the problem and your VP out of jail!
23. E-Reserves Cornell content down 70% from last year!
Because that much was infringing in the past; or
Because people are afraid, or can no longer be bothered to sort out the complexities of copyright law with their material to the degree required to assure “good faith; or
Because the copyright clearance/business model system for clearance is absent, cumbersome and inadequate to the task?
24. Impact of Copyright Law on Higher Education
25. Intellectual Property Policy within the Academy Example of a poor one, in need of revision:
What’s wrong with it?
Example of a good one: Michigan
What’s right with it?
“Substantial university resources”
26. Dream HE Copyright Policy Policy Statement:
X complies with all copyright laws.
Reason for Policy
To comply with all copyright laws and to strive for the fullest expression of the institution’s missions.
27. Principles and Procedures DMCA Compliance
Course Management and E-Reserves Systems
Intellectual Property
28. Why Is Academia Uniquely Positioned to Negotiate? Higher education is between “malefactors on the left” (“everything should be for free”) and the “malefactors on the right” (content owners…“fair use”)
Higher education includes the whole spectrum of opinion about digital copyright
Academia is in a unique position to speak to a sound social policy and legislative agenda on these matters.
And assume a leadership position in American society and politics to do so.
29. Conclusion Copyright specifically and intellectual property are among some of the most important policy issues of our day, both in terms of national and institutional policy.
Higher education should champion the issue in order to maintain its missions and preserve its institutional autonomy nationally and abroad and to provide a beacon to the world on how to balance private property, open markets, availability of information and the free flow of ideas.
30. Conclusion American higher education has the right motives:
Free inquiry.
Learning for learning’s sake.
Free expression.
All values fundamental to American civil society and to higher education
Role of the citizen in a democratic republic relies on access to information in the public domain.
Through that information the citizen remains informed and educated and can therefore participate in the democracy responsibly.
Return a sense of balance between incentive and innovation.