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Change Over Time

Change Over Time. Engaged Learning Brooke Wilson. Target Learners. 12 th grade high school students Area of interest: American Government and Politics. Objectives. Students should be able to read and analyze historical material

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Change Over Time

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  1. Change Over Time Engaged Learning Brooke Wilson

  2. Target Learners • 12th grade high school students • Area of interest: American Government and Politics

  3. Objectives • Students should be able to read and analyze historical material • Know the institutions of American government and the specific roles of each institution • Students should know and recognize the consequences of specific historical events • Be up to date on current political issues and how these issues affect our system today

  4. Content Standards • Civic Involvement- Students can engage societal problems and participate in opportunities to contribute to the common good through governmental and nongovernmental channels. • Civic Participation and Skills-Democratic government is enhanced when individuals exercise the skills to effectively participate in civic affairs • Basic Principles of the U.S. Constitution- Principles related to representative democracy are reflected in the articles and amendments of the U.S. Constitution and provide structure for the government of the United States • Structure and Functions of the Federal Government- Three branches compose the basic structure of the federal government. Public policy is created through the making of laws, the execution of the laws and the adjudication of disputes under the laws.

  5. Content Standards cont. • Role of the People- The government of the United States protects the freedoms of its people and provides opportunities for citizens to participate in the political process. • Ohio’s State and Local Governments- the state of Ohio acts within the framework of the U.S. Constitution and extends powers and functions to local governments. • Public Policy- Federal, state, and local governments address problems and issues by making decisions, creating laws, enforcing regulation and taking action. • Government and the Economy- The actions of government play a major role in the flow of economic activity. Governments consume and produce goods and services. Fiscal and monetary policies, as well as economic regulations, provide the means for government intervention in the economy. Source: ODE

  6. Overview of Lesson • The class will start out with a video of FDR’s Pearl Harbor address. This will prepare the class for the activity done later on. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VqQAf74fsE

  7. Overview cont. • The class will then be split up into several groups and each group will be given a different presidential speech whether it be an inaugural address or a state of the Union address. • Each group will discuss the details and the specifics of each speech and collectively as a group, record major themes or issues addressed.

  8. Overview cont. • The class will then come together and a spokesperson from each group will describe what their speech detailed and themes explained. • There will be class discussion on all speeches and how each speech represents change over time.

  9. Activity • Each individual student will choose two of the speeches discussed and write a short analytical essay on change over time and how both compare or contrast on current issues our nation faces today.

  10. Evaluation

  11. Universal Design • The lesson incorporates universal design because most of the lesson is surrounded by group work. Group work allows students to work and talk with each other, as well as sharing ideas. If one student struggles with the assignment then another student can help them understand. • The short writing assignment is for those who are able to express what they know more easily through writing rather than speaking.

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