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FEDCOT (Regd. No. 227/90). Federation of Consumer Organisations – Tamilnadu & Pondicherry (FEDCOT) Prof. P. Duraisingam, Chairman & Chief Functionary – FEDCOT 2/84, Melachatram Street, Paramakudi – 623 707, Ramanathapuram District, Tamil Nadu, India.
FEDCOT (Regd. No. 227/90) • Federation of Consumer Organisations – Tamilnadu & Pondicherry (FEDCOT) • Prof. P. Duraisingam, Chairman & Chief Functionary – FEDCOT 2/84, Melachatram Street, Paramakudi – 623 707, Ramanathapuram District, Tamil Nadu, India.
Profile: The Federation of Consumer Organisations – Tamilnadu & Pondicherry (FEDCOT) The Federation of Consumer Organisations – Tamilnadu & Pondicherry (FEDCOT) Is a secular, civic minded, voluntary and non profitable organisation. Volunteerism is the main thrust of FEDCOT.
FEDCOT • Registered under society Registration Act of Tamilnadu. • FEDCOT was founded in the State of Tamilnadu in 1990 with 18 member organisations. • Now 375 member organisations are affiliated with FEDCOT in Tamilnadu and Pondicherry. • More than 200 member councils in Semi-urban and Rural areas.
Vision: • “FEDCOT towards Quality of Life”. Its main concern is not only value for money but more so, the value of people and the quality of life. Achieving this quality of life is FEDCOT’s vision
Motto: • Quality of Life through Awareness
Mission: • FEDCOT acts as a Research, Training, Education, Awareness creating and Advocacy group. It builds linkages and works in partnership with community based organisations and grass root communities to strengthen their capacity and empower them to participate through initiatives in socio, economic accountable governance, sustainable agriculture, gender equalization and ecological endeavours
INTRODUCTION: • “Access to nutritionally adequate and safe food is a right of each individual”. • Street food vendors are those who do not have a permanent place of sale and are very often mobile or semi-mobile.
INTRODUCTION: • Street Food Vendings are situated on the pavements, on roadside, outside complexes, Government offices, beaches, parks etc. • Ensure availability of food at affordable prices on the street for all classes of consumers,
INTRODUCTION: • Street food vending as a business, provides a means of livelihood to many unemployed in the urban area. • Govt. to take necessary legislative actions to ensure the availability of safe food, free from food-borne diseases. • Vendors are often treated as a nuisance.
FINDINGS • Street food vendors play an important socio-economic role in terms of employment potential, particularly for women • Vendors usually locate themselves in places that are easily accessible to consumers:
The pavements -roadside near bus stops – schools – parks - government offices etc. Also located near garbage dumps and municipal drains.
ROLE OF WOMEN • Women provide assistance to the vendor-owner in preparing • serving of food, in the cleaning of the utensils • used for the purpose of cooking and in cleaning the vessels that are used for serving food.
THREAT TO HYGIENE • Varieties of food available at a street vendor’s stall are numerous and a wide range of them are capable of posing health hazard. • food is prepared in the area of vending operation • the pavement that is exposed to vehicular emissions, garbage, sewage etc. Food cooked in such conditions is bound to have contamination.
vendors hardly have any infrastructural facilities for their vending business. • They are not legally recognised and therefore do not enjoy or demand any facilities, even basic facilities like supply of water.
WHAT ACT SAYS: • The PFA (Prevention of Food Adulteration Act) provides for regular inspection of food sold. • But food has not been inspected and no action has been taken against them with regard to their food being unfit for consumption. • Almost all the street food vendors complain of harassment by police and the municipal authorities.
FACILITIES • Vending unitslack basic infrastructure facilities. • No access to: clean water - adequate lighting - availability of garbage disposal and garbage collection facilities. • safety of food served at the vending areas is vital. • Training in issues relating to food handling, food safety, adulteration and nutrition might be necessary. • The study found that none of the vendors had undergone any such training.
STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS • The study recommend that basic training (in the form of information and demonstrations) might be required. • Street food cannot and must not be termed illegal. • Registration of street food vendors is desirable. • a registration help legitimise and de-stigmatise street vending operation also save the vendors from undue harassment. • Street vendors may register themselves and obtain an identification card specifying the place of vending and the kind of vending operation.
STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS • When Master Plans are drawn up streets that can be used for vending and the time within which they can be used for vending maybe specified. • “No-hawking zones” or “hawking zones” may be specified. • Periodic food inspection is necessary to ensure that the quality of the food served is safe. • Water should be provided by the local government authorities to the street food vendor in light of the earlier Supreme Court directive that it is the responsibility of the State to provide water to all.
STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS • Street food vendors need training to handle and serve food in the context of contamination of food. Training should include on-job training and through the demonstration method.
STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS • A self-regulatory mechanism would work best, supported by educational institutions, NGOs etc. • The community should also be involved in monitoring the vendors. • The community is gradually able to take on the responsibility.
STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS • An overall policy or a law that recognises and legitimises street food vending is necessary to protect their rights. • The media should be used to educate consumers about the various facets of street food and clarify the myths surrounding it. • The Government of India’s Draft National Policy on Street Vendors (issued in February 2003) was to be revisited in light of these recommendations.