3. READING AND THE THREE CUEING SYSTEMSBY SEBASTIAN WREN, PH. D. As you come in, please read the article and the prompts for integrating the Three Cueing Systems
Also, take a look at the Decodable Texts and lessons from Reading A-Z
4. TALK WITH YOUR TABLE What are your thoughts on this article and The Three Cueing Systems?
How might you use Reading A-Z decodable texts with the students you work with?
5. WORD WALLS Used to teach/practice phonics, spelling, and specific language concepts
Built collaboratively
Provides support and a reference
Portable word walls can be made on an open manilla folder. Select words to meet individual needs.
6. “Doing a Word Wall” Different from “having a word wall”
Add words gradually (5 per week)
Be selective about words that go on the wall
Practice by chanting and writing
Do a variety of review activities
Hold students accountable for Word Wall words in their writing
7. “Doing A Word Wall” Video clip with Pat Cunningham
2 Elements of Phonics
Read and spell high-frequency words
Read and spell words that share common patterns
8. BRAND NAME PHONICS Facilitates the transfer of spelling patterns from known words to new words
Use brand names to introduce/review word patterns
Students make a chart of words that fall under each pattern.
9. ENVIRONMENTAL PRINT BOOKS Students and teachers collect artifacts of environmental print that students can already read.
Create a display so students can see how many things they can already read.
Students problem solve and sort and classify artifacts turning them into books for the classroom library.
From Stop Signs to Golden Arches
Students need to see themselves as readers
Gives students an opportunity to show what they are learning in school even if they come from a home lacking books and magazines.
11. Diller’s Suggestions for Work Stations Word Study: Use hands-on materials to blend sounds to make words using phonetic patterns being studied (letter tiles, cubes, cards, etc.)
Classroom Library: Keep a basket of decodable books for students solidfy a particular phonics pattern.
Big Book Station: Make task cards students use with phonics elements you are studying (long a words, oi/oy, vowel + r, etc.)
Pocket Chart Work Station: Kids sort words by patterns in a pocket chart. They could sort by vowel pattern, initial sound, final sound,etc.)
Computer Work Station: Use computer programs related to phonics elements students are working on in whole or small group time.
12. MAKING WORDS Word study/Word Building activity
Introduced by Patricia Cunningham in 1991
Guides students through a process of manipulation a set of letter cards to construct words (Word Builders would work well)
Actively engaging and meaningful
13. MAKING BIG WORDS Grades 3, 4, 5, 6
Teacher guides students in making 10-15 big words.
Sort for rhymes, related words, prefixes, suffixes
Provide students with transfer words
14. Making Words and Making Big Words
15. MAKING AND WRITING WORDS Variation to Making Words
Adapted by Rasinski
Students write the words rather than manipulate letter cards
I like to combine the two so that students can have the cards to manipulate but also a recording sheet to track the words they make.
16. BRAIN RESEARCH Brain is a pattern detector not a rule applier
Decoding occurs when the brain recognizes a familiar spelling pattern
To find patterns in big words, the brain chunks the word
17. NIFTY THRIFTY FIFTY Students need to decode larger words.
List of 50 words contains common roots, prefixes and suffixes.
Helps students with decoding and spelling.
Once they master the 50 words they can apply to many others they encounter.
Cunningham states that for each Nifty Thrifty Fifty word a student learns they can read and spell at least 7 others.
18. NIFTY THRIFTY FIFTY http://www.quia.com/cb/144251.html
Nifty 50 Speed Challenge (PPT)
Monthly Plan: See website for pdf
19. CEREAL BOX BOOKS Stop! Don’t throw it away!
Surely that box can have another day.
Use your imagination and take a look!
Turn that trash into a book!
20. GAMES ONLINE Check webpage each week
21. ASSESSMENT Phonics Screening: Crumrine
Words Their Way
Reading A-Z