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REGENCY POWER GROUP. Vision and Mission. VISION: “To strive for excellence in our respective fields of work, with a commitment to a stronger, cleaner and better tomorrow for the country and communities we share our vision with”
Vision and Mission • VISION: “To strive for excellence in our respective fields of work, with a commitment to a stronger, cleaner and better tomorrow for the country and communities we share our vision with” • MISSION: “To be a leader in the hydro power – SHP, Infrastructure and various sectors we choose to expand into. Providing self-sustainability to people, communities and the country as a whole from our projects, we conceive. Keeping vested interests of people at large and striving for excellence in all fields”
Regency Power Group is an infrastructural industrialgroup based in Himachal Pradesh with activities / presence in both Himachal and Uttaranchal Pradesh states. The group came in its inception in 1987 with the incorporation of Regency Carbide – a smelting plant for Ferro alloys in Poanta Sahib- Himachal. In time the group has moved into hydro power sector as manufacturing of Ferro alloys, is a power intensive (consumes a lot of energy) activity. Today it is a very diverse group with interests in Energy - Hydro Power generation, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Ferro alloys, and Tourism-hospitality. The group is blessed with sound intelligent people and technocrats from various fields and is on the anvil for expansion into various sectors, seeking entrepreneurship and new challenges. • The group has a good regional presence in Himachal and Uttaranchal Pradesh. The main emphasis of the group remains Energy –Hydro sector (for now) and Infrastructure projects, and is on the anvil /lookout to execute new and challenging projects.
A. POWER HIMALAYAS ; APH M/s A. Power Himalayas Limited, Paonta Sahib, is a specialized company incorporated to undertake designs, consultancy and implementation of Small Hydro Power Projects on turnkey basis as well as own them on the principles of build, operate and own (B.O.O.T.). The company has been promoted by a Group of experienced technocrats, professionals and non-resident Indians who have a wide ranging experience in various fields related to Hydro Power Projects. Promoters of the company are very sound technocrats and professional and have established land mark in Small Hydro Power Sector. The company has in house the capabilities to set up projects from water to wire and also to provide collaboration or consultancy services. The highlights of company are as follows : • The company has set up first private sector SHP project in Himachal Pradesh connected to 33 KV Grid. The company was selected on its merits by reputed international agency like UNDP-GEF to set up first demonstration project at Solang, Manali, H.P. • All the survey, investigation and designs were done in house and accepted by the State Government, Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources and UNDP-GEF. • In addition to Power Station the company also built Transmission Line and 33KV Grid station for HPSEB at Palchan to provide interconnectivity to Solang, SHP project. E N E R G Y
The company has also promoted M/s Regency Aquaelectro And Motelresorts Limited in Uttaranchal for 4.95 MW Hanumangangba Hydro Power Project and in the first phase 3.6 MW has been commissioned. • The projects promoted and implemented by the company are at altitudes 2200 mtr. to 2400 mtr. and thus well experienced to undertake projects in higher Himalayan ranges in Uttaranchal. • The company has also developed expertise in undertaking liasioning services with the various Government Departments to obtain the necessary approvals including land forest, clearance, environmental/pollution clearances, geological clearance, soil analysis/hydrological data and other relevant features connected with Hydro Power Projects. • The company has also received TEC (Techno Economic Clearance) for 2.25 MW Beas SHP project for which implementation agreement has already been signed with H.P.Govt. and project is ready for construction stage.
The Company is also undertaking Aerial Passenger Ropeway on B.O.O.T. basis. The company represents the international leader of Ropeway and Passenger transportation systems (POMA GALSKI, from France) and a unique project of Snow Ski Center along with the Ropeway is under implementation at Solang, District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. The conditions are similar to those prevailing in Uttaranchal and Solang project is being installed on the South Western Ridge of the PHATRU Mountains along with famous Solang Ski Slopes. T O U R I S M
Regency Aquaelectro and Motelresorts; RAAM • Regency Aquaelectro and Motelresorts Ltd., (RAAM) is a specialized company to undertake Industrial ventures and small hydro power projects in the Himalayan Ranges of Uttaranchal and Himachal Pradesh. The main promoter has already successfully set up an Industrial Venture as Regency Carbide Pvt. Ltd., manufacturing Calcium Carbide and Ferro Alloys such as Ferro Silicon, Ferro Chrome, Silico Manganese which are intensive power consuming units. Mr. Arun Sharma stayed abroad 10 years and also represents Non Resident Indians who are eager to invest in the power sector as per the new policies of the Government. • The group is also in the position to set up Industrial Unit in Industrial areas which can consume total power generated under captive use.Promoters have also in house capabilities of civil, mechanical and electrical expertise which is a good asset to undertake turnkey power projects for power consuming industries as per the fixed time schedule.
P R O J E C T S • Solang Hydro Proj (1.5 MW) • Beas Hydro Proj (2.25 MW) • Haripur Hydro Proj (2.5 MW) • Solang Ropeway cum SKI Center • H. Ganga Hydro Proj (4.95 MW) • Badyar Hydro Proj (4.90 MW) • Gangani Hydro Proj (15.0 MW) excellent track record for developing 6 SHP Projects and Passenger Ropeway-cum-Ski Center projectS TotalPower Generation of the Group is of 31.1 MW, and expanding
PrOjeCtS On ANVIL • Taiti Hydro Proj (15.0 MW) – Bid for • Shalvi Hydro Proj (7.0 MW) – Bid for • Development Of Ropeway From Rishikesh To Neelkanth In Uttaranchal (Bid for) • Development Of Ropeway From Rambhara To Kedarnath In Uttaranchal (Bid for)
H E A L T H C A R E manufactures classial and non-classiacal ayurvedic medicines, with medium :: high-end FMCG Products such as shampoos, herbal oils, dyes, perfumes etc R E G E N C Y H E A L T H C A R E :
MA N U F A C T U R I N G RegencyCarbidePvt Ltd (RCPL) : • Regency Carbide Pvt Ltd was formed in the year 1988, to cater the needs of Steel and Iron-Steel related industries in the North India. It makes Calcium Carbide, Ferro Silicon, Ferro Magnese, Ferro Chrome and Silico Maganese to cater the North India market. The company makes high quality Calcium Carbide and other Ferro alloys in all Grades. It has a very good reputation in the market of North India.
PARTNERS & ALLIANCES FINANCIAL : Central Bank of India (CBI) State Bank of India (SBI) IREDA State Bank of Patiala (SBOP) Bank of Rajasthan (BOR)