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visual analytics: key enabler to canadian public security st

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visual analytics: key enabler to canadian public security st

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    3. A changing world: a complex Security & Defence challenge!

    4. The Issue: Is Canada Prepared? New, complex & emerging threats oftentimes by S&T-savvy criminals, require forward-looking S&T solutions. Investment in S&T solutions can advance Canada’s security capabilities to prepare for and prevent short and long-term, natural and human-made security threats and disasters.

    5. Is Canada Prepared? Congressional investigators have found U.S. borders, especially in the north, are vulnerable to terrorist entry. VOA's Alex Villarreal reports from Washington. Speaking before the Senate Finance Committee, Director of Special Investigations at the U.S. Government Accountability Office, Greg Kutz, said the protection of U.S. borders is woefully inadequate. U.S. Border Patrol Agent Lonnie Schweitzer poses for a photo on the North Dakota-Canada border

    6. Tenet “Canada’s S&T capacity stretches across many Departments & Agencies, Academia & Industry, and it constitutes a strategic resource which, when appropriately engaged, will be a powerful enabler of the Federal Public Safety and Security agenda.” Dr Bob Walker, Assistant Deputy Minister (S&T), 2007

    7. The S&T Context / Endorsement Today Speech from the Throne draft National Security Statement Federal S&T Strategy Assistant Deputy Ministers (ADMs) of Science Integration Board -led Federal S&T Enterprise Defence S&T Strategy Critical Infrastructure Strategy Cyber Strategy CBRNE Strategy…

    8. Weapons Effects Vehicles Autonomous Systems Military Engineering Chem & Bio Defence Defence R&D Canada

    9. Governance and Program Management Structure DMs of PSC & DND ADM Level Steering Committee (PSST SC) DG Level Board Program Management Board (PSST PMB) Mission Area Committees Portfolio/Project Management

    12. Challenge --- mobilize S&T community –performers, transformers and receptors

    13. DRDC Centre for Security Science Created by Departments of Public Safety Can and National Defence – MOU DND/PS, signed August 2006 Coordinates the federal public S&T Strategy and the resulting S&T program with a range of federal partners including academic and industrial networks Coordinates S&T reach-back into the federal S&T community including DRDC, NRC, NRCAN, PHAC, CFIA, RCMP, etc….. Funds Exercises/Workshops for Responder community Integral part of Defence S&T program with links to Canada Command Coordinates International Activities: MOU DHS S&T

    14. Center for Security Science Vision: To be known worldwide as the Leader in Public Safety & Security S&T Mission: Through S&T, to strengthen Canada’s ability to Prepare, Prevent, Respond & Recover from high-consequence public security events by our S&T Advice, R&D activities & Natl/Intl Leveraging CRTI represents first quadrant and can be used as the example for the rest of the presentation.CRTI represents first quadrant and can be used as the example for the rest of the presentation.

    15. Capabilities S&T Advice, R&D activities, Horizontal S&T funding Natl Leveraging for horizontal capabilities; Intl Leveraging (i.e: bi-lat PSTP, NATO); Natl & Intl S&T access; Consolidated Risk Assessment analysis; Capability Assessment analysis; Architecture Framework analysis (DoDAF); Modeling & Simulation & Synthetic Environment & Serious Games; Live, Virtual, Constructive M&S studies; Studies requiring Access to 1st Responders and to Priv. Sector (end-users); Rapid capacity to scale up for large studies with Industry & Academia; Rapid turnover of publications, supporting partner’s decision making with the right documentation. CRTI represents first quadrant and can be used as the example for the rest of the presentation.CRTI represents first quadrant and can be used as the example for the rest of the presentation.

    16. Expanding DND’s hugely successful “CRTI” model into a “PSTP” construct supporting new mission areas.

    17. Public Security S&T Mission Areas

    18. M&S supports all Mission Critical Outcomes Canada has Public Safety and Security policies to enable Natl capability Canada, its peoples, allies, institutions and socio-economic fabric have a greater resilience to high-consequence public security events. Canada has Natl capabilities that produce a secure and efficient flow of people, goods and services across its borders and ports of entry. A Natl emergency management and response system capabilities that are in place and providing an effective full-spectrum protection of people, responders and critical infrastructure from all-hazards. The public is confident that public security threats are being identified, assessed and addressed in a way that reflects Canadian values, and maintains the integrity of the criminal justice and national security systems.

    19. Obj. of “Surveillance Intelligence & Interdiction”: Identify and stop terrorists/criminals and their activities. Border Security Transportation Security Marine Security First Responder, Policing and Officer Safety CONOPS: Form the Community of Practice and analyze: Mandate – Capability –Capability Gaps – blend of People Process & Technology to fix the gap.

    21. Capability–based approach: Mission to Capabilities to Technologies

    23. Capability-based Security S&T Program

    24. Key OUTCOMES of SII mission Area: Increase detection of illegal border activity; Increase detection, interdiction and targeting of cargo across the Point of Entry; Radio Interoperability by ensuring connectivity to law enforcement officers; Increase detection of WMD ; Credible “Cross Government All Hazards Risk Assessment” analysis on front end, and on back end, “Capability Assessment & Metrics”.

    25. One Issue: Managing Massive Data Sets? DHS-funded Natl Visualization Analytics Centers (NVAC; http://nvac.pnl.gov/ ) investigate “Complexity Science/Complexity reduction” tools and techniques. Due to an existing bi-lat between DHS S&T & DRDC, as well as CA interest & capabilities, CSS is establishing a Canadian Program of virtual Can Visual Analytics Centers.

    26. Must Deal with immensely different quantities of data

    27. Visualization analytics Visualization analytics assist in: Interacting with data differently; Visualizing the data set; Detecting the Expected – discover unexpected; COMBINING Human Intuition with the obj. Science of Mathematical deduction; Perceiving Patterns; Deriving Knowledge.

    29. Visual Analytics Directly from your NVAC slidesDirectly from your NVAC slides

    30. US R&D Agenda (apparent) Challenges: Science of Analytical Reasoning• Science of Visual Representations & Interactions• Data Representations & Transformations• Production, Presentation, & Dissemination• Moving Research Into Practice• Positioning for an Enduring Success; Engaging the RVACs

    31. Initial Canadian R&D Agenda (Proposed ) Challenges:• Real-time data access and aggregation, multi-source, very large volume; Data mining both structured and unstructured data; Distributed collaborative visualization platforms; Cognitive perceptions of large volume complex data representations Operational use of V.A.; Engaging the CanVACs; Leveraging off xVAC, and ultimately, improving national capabilities.

    32. Using CA eyes, Potential value added of V.A. in HLS/HLD

    33. Proposed Approach Underpinned by the CIPaBS treaty between the 2 nations; Underpinned by the CA/US PSTP “MOU”, between DND’s DRDC and DHS S&T; Built a COOPERATIVE ACTIVITY AGREMENT (CAA) on V.A., signed by Under Sec. Cohen and Assist. Dep. Minister Walker; each Annex is a stand-alone Project. PSTP is competing a “BAA”–like contract to: Recognize “CanVACs”; Enable a contracting vehicle to build S&T Agenda East-West North-South as required; Engage Can Commercial Corp (Canada’s International Contracting Agency, a secure and transparent government-to-government contracting platform (http://www.ccc.ca/eng/home.cfm) Participate in Consortium coordination/networking activities to take V.A. to the next level, cooperatively;

    34. Conclusion Investment in S&T solutions can advance Canada’s security capabilities to prevent, prepare, respond & recover from hi-consequence events. Visual Analytics can enable Communities of Practice, their partners in Border Security, Border Enforcement, Remote Sensing, Perimeter Monitoring incl. cross border, thus enhancing such capabilities. Visual Analytics can become a key enabler that can transform Homeland Security capabilities, for Canada and partners; Nations developing Visual Analytics programs that are complementary to NVAC, can only observe synergistic benefits.

    35. Questions?

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