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Elysian is a decentralized Ecommerce platform to build websites on the blockchain with improved security and revolutionary user experience. Customer data storage becomes more secure, and users are able to actively engage in platform or website navigation through the implementation of aesthetically pleasing technological advancements such as Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality. The platform serves as an intermediary between Ecommerce businesses, which build their websites on our platform, and their targeted demographic of consumers.<br>For more information visit : https://icocrown.io/ico/elysian
4.8 4.6 ICO PROFILE 4.9 TEAM 4.8 VISION 9 expert ratings Elysian A Blockchain Ecommerce Platform to Build Websites Elysian is a decentralized Ecommerce platform to build websites on the blockchain with improved security and revolutionary user experience. Customer data storage becomes more secure, and users are able to actively engage in platform or website navigation through the implementation of aesthetically pleasing technological advancements such as Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality. The platform serves as an intermediary between Ecommerce businesses, which build their websites on our platform, and their targeted demographic of consumers. Artificial Intelligence Business services Cryptocurrency Platform Smart Contract Virtual Reality TIME Pre ICO Start in 22 Days 15 Hours 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-24 Token ELY Price 1 ELY = 0.12 USD Tokens 230000000 Token Type ERC20 Hard Cap 19,000,000 USD Soft Cap 4,000,000 USD Platform Ethereum Distributed 23% Accepting Ethereum Pre ICO Start 2018-05-21 Pre ICO End 2018-06-03 ICO Start 2018-06-04 ICO End 2018-06-24 Country Saint Kitts and Nevis MORE ON ICO Report About Team Milestones Ratings Public Discussion White paper SHARE
Elysian is a decentralized platform that builds Ecommerce websites on the blockchain and uses innovative features such as upgraded security and unprecedented user experience to ?x current ?aws in the Ecommerce industry. The platform integrates blockchain technology to provide improved services in comparison to its competitors that do not operate on the blockchain. Elysian will use the Proof-of-Authority algorithm on its platform. Proof-of-Authority consensus will provide the Elysian ecosystem with a private blockchain to store encrypted credit card information and other user data securely over a distributed network, which will build trust between Ecommerce businesses and consumers. In addition, user experience faces a drastic transformation by implementing arti?cial intelligence and virtual reality to create simple, e?cient website navigation and aesthetically pleasing graphics for users to provide the ultimate experience. Twitter feed ICOCrown is an ICO rating platform supported . © 2017 - 2018 All rights reserved. Mail at : info@icocrown.io Premium listing | Terms | Privacy policy | Contact Us