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Some common problems in the freezing and cryolipolysis equipment

International beauty industry has a history of several<br>decades. In this process emerged many excellent cosmetic technology, from early and a plastic surgery in recent years of laser, radio frequency (RF) technology to continue to emerge, the beauty around at least 50. And now, Amy's friends can even choose beauty methods according to their physical needs, such as frozen dissolved fat the safety of cosmetic technology.

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Some common problems in the freezing and cryolipolysis equipment

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  1. Bomeitong beauty equipment information sharing Some common problems in the freezing and cryolipolysis equipment Bomeitong.john Freeze dissolve fat beauty technology is also known as the freezing of fat, will Cryolipolysis instrument is arranged in the human skin surface, for cooling the subcutaneous tissue to 5 DEG C, premature aging of fat cells, and died in succession, excreted through the metabolism out of the body, achieve the slimming effect. From the United States to lose weight, and through the FDA and CE certification, is currently a new weight loss technology, in the United States, Britain, Canada and other countries have been widely used in clinical applications. KEYWORDScryolipolysis,cryolipolysis equipment, Some common problems New thin body method I International beauty industry has a history of several decades. In this process emerged many excellent cosmetic technology, from early and a plastic surgery in recent years of laser, radio frequency (RF) technology to continue to emerge, the beauty around at least 50. And now, Amy's friends can even choose beauty methods according to their physical needs, such as frozen dissolved fat the safety of cosmetic technology. The people want to lose weight, can only choose to do the traditional liposuction, the process was very difficult and risky. Now, however, a research team in the United States has found that freezing can be used to remove excess fat from the body. But doctors stressed that the freezing method can only remove local fat. Cryolipolysis attempts to use controlled fat cooling, also known as energy extraction, to cause localized panniculitis and fat reduction. By controlling and modulating the cold exposure, it could be possible to selectively damage the adi- pocytes, while avoiding damage to the overlying epidermis and dermis. This would result in an effective, localized, and noninvasive treatment for excess adipose tissue. Principle The use of frozen fat dissolving triglyceride fat within the body at a low temperature 5 ℃ converted into solid, delivered to the specified area extracting fat soluble refrigeration unit to precisely control the energy through non-invasive frozen energy, targeted to eliminate the designated site fat cells, designated parts of the fat cells after a certain low triglycerides from liquid into a solid, one after another after the death of crystal aging, excreted through metabolism, body fat gradually reduced, so as to achieve a partial dissolving fat body sculpting the cold reached effect.

  2. Bomeitong JOHN.JOCAB 2 technology continues to be developed, future studies will need to further investigate these issues. proximately 24 hours after cold exposure. The inflammatory infiltrate results in a lobular panniculitis. The inflammatory cells cause a rupture of the adipocytes, aggregation of the lipids, and the formation of small cystic spaces. This pannic- ulitis slowly resolves over the next several weeks,ultimately resulting in modulation of the fat without any persistent tis- sue damage or scarring. Asimilarmechanismofactionhasbeenproposedforcryo- lipolysis.Inanimalmodels,coldexposureresultsininflam- mation,damagetothefatcells,andultimatelyphagocytosis of the adipocytes.Immediately after the treatment, no fat damageisobservedandtheadipocytesareintact.Initialadi- pocytedamageisnotedhistologicallyatday2,andincreases throughout the next month. Itis believed that adipocyte ap- optosisstimulatestheinitialinflammatoryinfiltrate,though the exact mechanism is not fully characterized; pigadipo- cytes in culture undergo apoptosis and necrosis following exposuretocooltemperatures.13Atday2aftertreatment,pig biopsy samples demonstrate localized subcutaneous mixed inflammation, consisting of neutrophils and mononuclear cells, and the adipocytes remain unchanged. Over the next week, the infiltrate becomes denser and an intenselobular panniculitis develops. The inflammation appears to peak at approximately14daysfollowingtreatmentwhentheadipo- cytes are surrounded by histiocytes, neutrophils, lympho- cytes, and other mononuclear cells. During 14-30 days, the inflammatory infiltrate becomes more monocytic, consistent with a phagocytic process. Macrophages begin toenvelop anddigesttheapoptoticadipocytes,therebyfacilitatingtheir eliminationfromthebody.Asthisprocessoccurs,theaver- agesizeoftheadipocytesdecrease,awiderrangeofadipocyte sizes are observed, and the fibrous septae of the fat layer become widened. The actual elimination of the adipocytes from the body occurs slowly over at least the next 90 days. The exact mechanism and pathway by which the phagocy- tosed adipocytes are eliminated from the body are not fully understood at present. Ultimately, the lobules of fat cells decreaseinsize,andthefibrousseptaeconstituteamajority ofthevolumeofthesubcutaneouslayer.Clinically,thiscor- responds to a decrease in the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. These initial animal studies have helped to shape the likely mechanism of cryolipolysis. However, it should be stressed that the exact mechanism has not been fully elucidated. It is unclear why adipocytes are more sensitive to cold tempera- ture than other cell lines. It is also not fully established why adipocyte apoptosis occurs and how this leads to the ob- served inflammatory infiltrate. Finally, once the adipocytes are phagocytosed and mobilized, the full mechanism of elim- ination is not well characterized. The adipocytes are thought to be mobilized via the lymphatic system, but it remains to be determined how they are then eliminated or redistributed throughout the body in response to cryolipolysis. As the Clinical treatment Frozen fat soluble slimming effect after treatment Generally accepted treatment within two to four months we will see the effect, but surgery does not affect normal lifestyle, without having to leave the resort. Treatment site only minor discomfort, no wounds, in the treatment process will be a slight discomfort, without taking pain measures. After treatment, the treatment site will be temporary redness, bruising, pain, numbness, but the discomfort will gradually subside in 1-3 weeks. Frozen fat dissolving treatment each part takes about one hour each time, experts suggest the United States who received one to three treatments, each three-month intervals. After all the treatment, stick to a healthy diet and exercise, the effect can last forever. Frozen lipolysis surgery only selectively acts on fat cells, and will not hurt the skin tissue or blood vessels and nerves. The other existing technologies while eliminating fat soluble fat cells, it will inevitably hurt the other cells and produce pain, wounds and recovery.

  3. Cryolipolysis Fslimming effect 3 A beauty salon frozen fat dissolving therapy instance Tokyo A beauty salon frozen fat dissolving therapy instance Tokyo Cryolipolysis equipmentTreatment principle diagram Cryolipolysis equipmentTreatment principle diagram. Reference 1.BomeitongseriesCryolipolysisproduct: http://www.bomeitong.com/class/Cryolipolysis_machine-21.html2014.1105. 2.Advantages equipment: http://www.hcbeauty.net/news/2015-10-14/advantages-of- cryolipolysis.html 3.hCryolipolysis machine:http://www.bomeitong.com/news194.html

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