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Important Trends that are shaping Asia’s retail landscape in the near future
OMNI-CHANNEL RETAILSOLUTIONS Trends shaping Asia’s futureretail landscape
OMNI-CHANNEL RETAILSOLUTIONS Large Asian countries are poised to have a large consumer base in thecoming yearsthuscreatingahigherdemandforinternationalretailbrands. Foreign retailers focusing on core Asianmarkets
OMNI-CHANNEL RETAILSOLUTIONS SoutheastAsiancountriessuchasIndonesia,Vietnamareseeminglyconverting intonewplaygroundsforbig-nameretailers. BigplayersemphasizingonSoutheastAsianmarkets
OMNI-CHANNEL RETAILSOLUTIONS Omni-channelretailingisenablingretailerstodotransformtheirbusinessandadd featuressuchasclick-and-collectandendlessaisles. Thelinebetweenonline-onlinechannelsareblurring
OMNI-CHANNEL RETAILSOLUTIONS Brandsareannouncingthegrandopeningsofmoreandmorestoresandoutletsin Asianmarkets,goingbeyondtieroneandtiertwocities. Deeperpenetration
OMNI-CHANNEL RETAILSOLUTIONS Every year, 50,000 retail associates use ETP to serve 150,000,000 consumers, selling USD 5,000,000,000 of merchandise. More than 300 brands in over 22 countries, across 10 time- zones, in 200 cities, at 25,000+ stores, in 5 languages run onETP. www.etpgroup.com Australia, Bahrain, China, Egypt, Hong Kong & Macau, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Singapore, Thailand, The Philippines, Tunisia, U.A.E., Uzbekistan, Vietnam andYemen