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benefits of water purifier in offices
Water Welfare in the Workplace: Benefits of Using Water Purifiers for Offices Health, safety and welfare are basic requirements at work, and can be divided into four broad categories: the working environment, welfare facilities, workplace safety and housekeeping. The provision of adequate welfare arrangements is important both in terms of complying with the law, and keeping the workforce happy. People tend to perform better and be happier at their work if they are working in a safe and healthy environment. Indeed, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the performance of an entire company can be directly linked to the well-being of its employees. Organisations that offer employees healthy facilities and help to support positive lifestyle choices are rewarded by lower absenteeism, increased productivity and improved morale – all of which can be felt, seen and shared. It has been estimated that the average worker operates at only 65% of his or her potential if not properly hydrated and this can mean that it is easy for staff to be distracted by social media, to feel lethargic and generally demotivated. Providing access to office water coolers and cold-water dispensers in the workplace, and actively encouraging people to use them, is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to ensure that
employees significantly increase their water consumption; and brings improvements to their health as a result. An adequate supply of clean drinking water must be available. This should normally be obtained from a tap directly from a rising main, but drinking water can be provided from a tap supplied by a storage cistern, providing this is cleaned and disinfected regularly. Where there may be confusion with non-drinking water, the drinking water source should be clearly identified. In locations where the quality of water is questionable, a safe bet would be to install UV Water Purifiers for your offices. UV water purifiers kills most bacteria in water and deactivate all of them ensuring clean water is provided when it is consumed. Buy a UV Water Purifier Online now! Suitable drinking cups should be provided where required. If it is not possible to provide a piped supply of water, bottled water or water dispensing systems may be provided as an alternative source of drinking water. Containers should be refilled at least daily unless they are chilled water dispensers where containers are returned to suppliers for refilling. Maintaining health is important in an office environment, and staying hydrated is part of that equation. Immune system benefits of drinking water include: • Water is used by the kidneys to flush toxins from the body and helps to oxygenate the blood. • Water is important in the production of lymph, which carries nutrients and removes toxins. • Water aids the digestive system and helps cells extract nutrition from the blood. By the time a person feels thirsty she may already be slightly dehydrated. Good hydration will ensure an optimal mental and physical performance. Concentration Boost for Employees Studies have shown that anywhere from 75 to 96 per cent of office employees do not drink enough water during the day. This can lower the productivity in an office. Even a small amount of water deprivation can affect an employee’s performance. In a sedentary state and hot conditions the recommended daily intake of water is up to 2.5 litres. Drinking small amounts at regular intervals throughout the day is the best way for employees to function at their best. The benefits of drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated in the workplace and beyond are significant, and as a manager you want to create a safe, healthy working environment for your staff. Let Moonbow provide you with an affordable, convenient way to offer great tasting spring like water to meet your company’s needs. Moonbow offers a wide range of water purifiers online at the best price. The water purifiers are stylish and look professional in any setting. They are easy to install and offer the convenience of not having to deal with bottle deliveries and bottle recycling. Moonbow’s Water Purifiers are an excellent choice in commercial or industrial areas where you want to offer your staff water with DIY easy installation or no installation for table top options.