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Here are given all the bad effects of tobacco smoking
EFFECTSOF TOBACCOSMOKING Presentedby: MWajidurRehman Regno: 2022-UET-NFC-FD-EE02
INTRODUCTION Tobacco smoking has grave consequencesonpublichealth and society. This presentation aimstoshedlightontheharsh reality of smoking and its devastating impact on individualsandcommunities.
HEALTHRISKS Tobacco smoking is a leading causeofcancer,heartdisease, and respiratory illnesses. The toxic chemicals in tobacco smokeposeaseverethreatto the body's organs and overall well-being.
ECONOMICBURDEN The economic burden of tobacco smoking is substantial, encompassing healthcare costs, lost productivity,andpremature death. Governments and societies bear the heavy financial toll of tobacco- relatedillnesses.
YOUTHANDADDICTION The tobacco industry aggressively targets youth through marketing and product design, leading to earlynicotineaddiction.This perpetuates a cycle of lifelong health risks and societalchallenges.
SECONDHANDSMOKE Exposure to secondhand smoke poses significant health risks, especially to children and non-smoking adults.Theinhalationoftoxic fumes from tobacco smoke contributes to a range of healthissues.
MENTALHEALTHIMPACT Tobacco smoking has a profound impact on mental health,exacerbatinganxiety, depression, and stress. The addictive nature of nicotine further complicates the relationship between smoking and mental well- being.
POLICYINTERVENTIONS E ective policy interventions such as tobacco taxes, smoke-free laws, and public healthcampaignsarevitalin reducingsmokingprevalence and protecting individuals from the harmful e ects of tobacco.
GLOBALIMPACT Tobaccosmokingisaglobal epidemic with far-reaching consequences.Itis imperative for international cooperation and concerted e orts to address the widespread impact of smokingonaglobalscale.
HEALTHCAREINITIATIVES Investment in smoking cessation programs and accessible healthcare services is crucial in supporting individuals who wishtoquitsmoking.These initiativesplayapivotalrole in reducing the burden of tobacco-relateddiseases.
EMPOWERINGCOMMUNITIES Empowering communities through education, support networks, and access to resources is essential in combatting the pervasive influence of tobacco smoking. Collective action is keytofosteringasmoke-free environment.
CALLTOACTION Itisimperativetotakeaunifiedstance against tobacco smoking. Through concerted eorts, we can mitigate the devastatingconsequencesandcreatea healthier, smoke-free future for generationstocome.
CONCLUSION Tobaccosmokingexactsaheavytollonpublic health,economies,andsocietalwell-being.Itis incumbentuponustoprioritizecomprehensive strategiesandcollectiveactiontocombatthe pervasiveimpactofsmoking.
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