Family members Family members ??????? ???? Family members ? http:// http://enbooklets.blogspot.com
English booklets Family Members my relatives ??ر??ا I usually call male ?آذ female ???ا relationship to me him... her... ( م?ا وا ب?ا ) ??او parent relative of whom I am the child Father, Daddy, Dad, Papa Mother, Mummy, Mum, Mommy, Mom, Mama, Ma father با Mother ما ??ا / خا sibling we have the same father and mother first name; sometimes Bro first name; sometimes Sis brother خا Sister ??ا uncle / ل?? aunt ???? sibling of my parent Uncle [first name] Aunt/Auntie [first name] ?? ??? / ة?? / ?? grandparent parent of my parent Grandfather, Grandpa Grandmother, Grandma grandfather ?? grandmother ة?? cousin ?????ا child of my uncle or aunt first name / ????ا / ل???ا / ???ا ???ا وأ ??ا ??وز جوز / Spouse relative to whom I am first name 1 www.enbooklets.blogspot.com
English booklets Family Members husband جوز wife ??وز married child ??? relative of whom I am the parent first name son ??ا daughter ???ا nephew ???ا niece ???ا child of my sibling first name / خ?ا ??ا خ?ا ???ا / ة???? ???? / grandchild child of my child first name Grandson ???? granddaughter ة???? great grandfather ???ا ??او / ة???ا great grandmother ???ا ة??او / ة???ا parent of my grandparent Great Grandpa Great Grandma father-in-law ??? Mother- in-law ة??? parent of my spouse first name; Dad first name; Mum, Mom brother-in-law ??و??ا وا جو??ا ??ا / ???ا جوز Sister- in-law ??و??ا وا جو??ا ??أ / خ?ا ??وز sibling of my spouse; spouse of my sibling first name 2 www.enbooklets.blogspot.com
English booklets Family Members son-in-law ????ا جوز daughter-in-law ???ا ??وز spouse of my daughter/son first name ex-husband ???? جوز ex-wife ????? ??وز my previous spouse (we divorced) first name half-brother ??? م?ا وأ ب?ا ?? خا half-sister م?ا وأ ب?ا ?? ? ??? my sibling born to my father or mother but not both first name أ ? step-parent ب?ا ??وز new spouse of one of my parents first name م?ا جوز / stepfather م?ا جوز stepmother ب?ا ??وز stepchild ??و??ا وأ جو??ا ???ا child of my spouse but not of me first name ??ا / stepson ??و??ا وأ جو??ا ??ا stepdaughter ??و??ا وأ جو??ا ???ا child of my step-father or step- mother. Step-sibling ب?ا ??وز وأ م?ا جوز ???ا وأ ??ا 3 www.enbooklets.blogspot.com
English booklets Family Members Step-brother ??وز وأ م?ا جوز ??ا ب?ا Step-sister ??وز وأ م?ا جوز ???ا ب?ا Reference : https://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/family.htm 4 www.enbooklets.blogspot.com