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benicar order posted by mark zamora
Case 1:15-md-02606-RBK-JS Document 222 Filed 01/14/16 Page 1 of 11 PageID: 5818 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEW JERSEY CAMDEN VICINAGE IN RE: BENICAR (OLMESARTAN) PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION CIVIL NO. 15-2606 (RBK)(JS) * * HON. ROBERT B. KUGLER THIS DOCUMENT RELATES TO ALL ACTIONS * HON. JOEL SCHNEIDER * **************************************** CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER NO. This matter having come before the Court upon application by Defendants on January 8, 2016, and for good cause shown, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that Exhibit A to Case Management Order Number 13 (Doc. No. 170) shall be amended as follows: I. “Elizabeth Maa” shall be corrected to “Elizabeth Maceo” Ranjeeta Sinvhal, 2. and Nabil Said will be removed fi-orn the list of the Daiichi U.S. Defendants’ custodians whose documents will be the subject of collection, review and production; 3. Mirei Tanaka will be added to the list of the Daiichi U.S. Defendants’ custodians whose documents will be the subject of collection, review and production. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the revised list of Daiichi U.S. Defendants’ custodians whose documents will be the subject of collection, review and production are listed in Amended Exhibit A and no further additions may be made to the list of custodians on Amended Exhibit A absent a showing of good cause. 83XS2423 2O)4 I O 5! 0357
____ Case 1:15-md-02606-RBK-JS Document 222 Filed 01/14/16 Page 2 of 11 PageID: 5819 Camden, New Jersey, this day of January, 2016. . Joel chneider Un ted States Magistrate Judge o 83882423.1 209410/510357 2
Case 1:15-md-02606-RBK-JS Document 222 Filed 01/14/16 Page 3 of 11 PageID: 5820 In re Benicar (Olmesartan) Products Liability Litigation MDL No. 2606 Amended Exhibit A Daiichi U.S. Defendants Custodians Adeyemo, Oluwarde Martins Alexander, John Andrus, Mary Arnold, Janice Arunachalam, Meena Bailey, William Barrett, Gregory Beech, James Bell, Donna Marie Benezra-Kurshan, Diane Bergstrom, Alan Bower, Laura Bruckelrneyer, Melissa Campbell, Richard Caspard, Herve Chavanu, Kathleen Chen, George Corrado, Anthony DaSilva, Elizabeth $3$823 IX. I 2t)94 I 05 t)357 1
Case 1:15-md-02606-RBK-JS Document 222 Filed 01/14/16 Page 4 of 11 PageID: 5821 In re Benicar (Olmesartan) Products Liability Litigation MDL No. 2606 Name Donnelly, Michael Dorn, William Dornseif, Bruce Dosunmu, Ronke Dubiel, Robert Feingold, Jay Feldman, Alan Frank, Marika Friedland, Barbara Gargiulo, John Goh, Bo Young Gormley, Glenn Gruber. David Haile-Meskale, Ruth Hauser, Brian Hessels, Amy Heyrman, Reinilde Ho, Tina Hoffman, Howard Jacobs, Robert Jaffe, Jonathan Jhonsa, Mehul X3X23 18.1 2t))4IO 510357 2
Case 1:15-md-02606-RBK-JS Document 222 Filed 01/14/16 Page 5 of 11 PageID: 5822 In re Benicar (Olmesartan) Products Liability Litigation MDL No. 2606 Name Johnson, Michael Jones, Michael Kaiso, Tetsuya Kelly, Rosemarie Kessler, Howard Kleu, Jon Kornokata, Yuko Lagomarsino. Edward LaRosa, Daniel. Jr. Leahy, Tara .Levi,Valeria Li; .Andy Maceo, Elizabeth Maa, Jen-fue Marzulli, Debra Masonson, Harvey McAdam, Edward McCroskery, Peter McLean, William Melino, Michael Mendell-Harary, Renee Jeanne Mennella, Robert 8323 8.1 2t)9410/510357 3
Case 1:15-md-02606-RBK-JS Document 222 Filed 01/14/16 Page 6 of 11 PageID: 5823 In re Benicar (Olmesartan) Products Liability Litigation 1DL No. 2606 Name Merkel, Jennifer Mire, David Mohammed, Merchant Molt, James Montes de Oca, Deanna Noble, Robert Norfleet, Randi Nwose, Oliseyenum OHagan, Shawn O’Neill, Nina Osfrow, Michael Page, Hilliard Parker, Crawford Parrish, Richard Patel, Jalpa Patel, Maini Pate!, Nurpesh Pieroni, Joseph Plat. Francis Podesta, Hamta Proszynski, Donna Pruitt, William 83%X231X.I t)91It) 51t)35? 4
Case 1:15-md-02606-RBK-JS Document 222 Filed 01/14/16 Page 7 of 11 PageID: 5824 In re Benicar (Olmesartan) Products Liability Litigation MDL No. 2606 Name Rala, John, Jr. Reheis, Kara Rogers, Joan Rose, Brent Sause, Robert, Jr. Schirnel, Mark Short, John Shukia, Dhruma Silfani, Tonous Smith, Carissa Smith, Nefl Stranick, Kimberly Swift, Daniel Switzer, Daniel Tanaka, Mirei Trott, Andrea Trzaska, Edward Trzcinski, Lerryn Vieira, John Walker, Crystal Wang, Antonia Wang, Irene 83882318.1 209410 51035? 5
Case 1:15-md-02606-RBK-JS Document 222 Filed 01/14/16 Page 8 of 11 PageID: 5825 In re Benicar (Olmesartan) Products Liability Litigation MDL No. 2606 Name Warrnke, Jeffrey Waverczak, William Weitzenfeld, Amy Welsher, Allen Yahaskel, Albert S. 83882318.1 209410 5103S7 6
Case 1:15-md-02606-RBK-JS Document 222 Filed 01/14/16 Page 9 of 11 PageID: 5826 In re Benicar (Olmesartan) Products Liability Litigation MDL No. 2606 forest Defendants Custodians Name Ameres, John Ashworth. Bob Azzari, Gerard Backer, Rene Baker, Michael Baxter - Schmidt, Deb Berger, Daniel Bianchi, Allen Devlin, Mark Farrington, Katherine Gergel, Ivan Goodman, Kenneth Hjrwick, Wãde Hochberg, Elaine• Jackson,Rdbert Kaplan, Arnie Kelly, Jon Kilbane, Julie Levy, Ten Lipka, Leslie Lynch, Jerome 38823 18.1 209410/51f)357 7
Case 1:15-md-02606-RBK-JS Document 222 Filed 01/14/16 Page 10 of 11 PageID: 5827 In re Benicar (Olmesartan) Products Liability Litigation MDL No. 2606 Name MacPhee, John McFadden, Steve Meury, Bill Montes de Oca, Deanna Nec, Thomas Olanoff, Lawrence Peter, Shawn Prehn, N4ary Pugsley, Michael Ragins, Stuart Reed, Paul Renaldo, Angelo, III Renner, Cary Roche, Donna Rubin, Amy Shusterman, Neil Solomon, David Solomon, Howard Spivey, Brad Stafford, Raymond Stasiuk, Dave Teatsorth, Reg 83882318.1 20941t]1510357 8
Case 1:15-md-02606-RBK-JS Document 222 Filed 01/14/16 Page 11 of 11 PageID: 5828 In Ic Benicar (Olnwsartan) Products Liability Litigation MDL No. 2606 Name Theodore. Maria Trenaman, Jennifer Weisbard. Kathryn Zimmerman, Joseph 83882318.1 209410/510357 9