Sci-fi AnastasiiaLukinskaia
Narrative conventions of sci-fi Time travel Teleportation Mindcontrol, telepathy, and telekinesis Aliens, extraterrestrial lifeforms, and mutants Space travel and exploration Interplanetarywarfare Paralleluniverses Fictionalworlds Alternative histories Speculativetechnology Superintelligent computers and robots
Technical conventions of sci-fi Low key lighting Wide angle shots to show interesting locations Artificial lighting (often in labs) Close ups of eyes (really oftene.g moments of reincarnations) CGI Non-diegetic: intense, dramatic music Diegetic: machinery/technology sounds, alarms
Sub genres Fantasy fiction: Sci-fistoriesinspired by mythology and folklore thatofteninclude elements ofmagic. Supernaturalfiction: Sci-fistoriesaboutsecretknowledge or hiddenabilitiesthatincludewitchcraft, spiritualism, and psychicabilities. Utopianfiction: Sci-fistoriesaboutcivilizationstheauthorsdeem to be perfect, ideal societies. Utopianfiction is oftensatirical. Dystopianfiction: Sci-fistoriesaboutsocietiestheauthorsdeem to be problematic for things like governmentrules, poverty, or oppression. Space opera: A play onthe term “soap opera,” sci-fistoriesthattakeplace in outerspace and centeraroundconflict, romance, and adventure. Space western: Sci-fistoriesthat blend elements of science fictionwith elements ofthe western genre. Cyberpunk:Sci-fistoriesthatjuxtaposeadvancedtechnologywith less advanced, broken downsociety. Steampunk:Sci-fistoriesthat blend technologywith steam-poweredmachinery.
hybrids of sci-fi Romance sci-fi Comedy sci-fi Thriller sci-fi Fantasy sci-fi Horror sci-fi Psychological sci-fi Action sci-fi
Symbolic of sci-fi movies Colours: white, grey, blue, silver and red which signifies danger Clothes: these which show status dirty clothes to show how difficult life can be lab coats/space suits identical clothes to show that everyone is equal Objects: space ships, futuristic technology, lasers, computers Settings: alternative realities, prisons, outer space, other planets, laboratories