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The LysaghtGuardrail is a product manufactured by Lysaght Taperline Poles Pvt. Ltd as per MORTH/IRC specification of manufacturing. Our Guardrail consist of hot-dip galvanized steel. This safety barrier consists of a 3 mm thick u2018Wu2019 Beam rail of 4318 mm. The steel post and the spacer are 75mm x 150mm and 5mm thick & 2m space center-to-center. Use high tensile steel as per IS 2062/AASHTO M 180-00 (2004) standard.<br><br>For More Information:-<br>Contact us: 91 9908495525<br>Mail us: customercareltp@lcpgroup.asia<br>Visit Us: https://lysaghttaperlinepoles.com/metal-beam-crash-barrier.php<br>
The LysaghtGuardrail is a product manufactured by Lysaght Taperline The LysaghtGuardrail is a product manufactured by Lysaght Taperline Poles Pvt. Ltd as per MORTH/IRC specification of manufacturing. Our Guardrail consist of hot MORTH/IRC specification of manufacturing. Our Guardrail consist of hot- -dip galvanized steel. This safety barrier consists of a 3 mm thick ‘W’ Beam rail of 4318 mm. The steel post and the spacer are safety barrier consists of a 3 mm thick ‘W’ Beam rail of 4318 mm. The steel post and the spacer are 75mm x 150mm and 5mm thick & 2m spa 75mm x 150mm and 5mm thick & 2m space center ce center- -to to- -center. Use high tensile steel as per IS 2062/AASHTO M 180 2062/AASHTO M 180- -00 (2004) standard. Poles Pvt. Ltd as per dip galvanized steel. This center. Use high tensile steel as per IS 00 (2004) standard. FOR BUSINESS: Contact us: +91 9908495525 Mail us:customercareltp@lcpgroup.asia Lysaght Taperline Poles