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Narayana mep is the best and leading Autocad Training course in Hyderabad with most experienced professionals. We offer best Autocad Online Training class in Hyderabad at the best price<br><br>AutoCAD programs typically consist of a single course that teaches students the basics of computer-aided drafting and geometric dimensioning. Students become acquainted with AutoCAD tools and gain experience using them to create and edit scaled drawings. AutoCAD software is typically included in the price of the program.
AutoCADOnlinetraininginHyderabad Narayana mep is the best and leading Autocad Training course in Hyderabad with most experienced professionals. We offer best Autocad Online Training classin Hyderabadatthe bestprice
AutoCAD programstypically consistofa singlecourse thatteachesstudents the basics of computer-aided drafting and geometric dimensioning. Students becomeacquaintedwithAutoCADtoolsandgainexperience using them to create andeditscaled drawings.AutoCADsoftwareistypicallyincludedinthe priceoftheprogram. Informationand Requirements Online AutoCADcertificateanddiplomaprograms arestand-alonecourses that haveno prerequisitesor general educationcomponents.Becausetheseare self-paced coursesofstudy, studentscancompletesomeprogramsinasfew as 150 hours,butothers maytakeup to14 months.Studymaterials are both posted onlineandshippedphysically.Instructorassistance isofferedthrough emailandoverthe phone. Suchprogramsdon'thaveanyspecial technical requirements,butcoursesmaynotbe compatiblewith Macoperatingsystems. CommonCourses
Theprogramsbeginbygivingstudentsbasicroadmapsof AutoCADprogram functions.Oncethe studenthas masteredthe foundationaltools,studies branchintomore refinedareas,suchas: DraftingTools Courses cover the geometry used in basic drafting for mechanical and architecturaldrawings.Studentsarealsointroducedtothe equipmentand suppliesused, such as scalesandverniers. Layouts Studentslearn about layeringeffectsandviewpointsfor2-Ddrawings.They alsolearnhowto prepare layouts forplotting. AdvancedFunctions Studentslearnabouteditingfunctions, addingtextandparametricconstraints. Macros,custom routinesandpublishingfunctionsare also explored. PART1 :CREATINGASIMPLEDRAWING LESSON 1:GettingStarted withAutoCAD
LESSON2:StartingAutoCAD LESSON 3: AutoCAD's Screen Layout LESSON4:WorkingwithCommands LESSON 5: Opening an Existing Drawing File LESSON 6:SavingYourWork LESSON7:AutoCAD'sCartesianWorkspace LESSON 8: AbsoluteCoordinate System LESSON 9:Relative Coordinate System LESSON 10:PolarCoordinateSystem PART 2 : Basic Drawing & Editing Commands LESSON 1:DrawingLines LESSON2:Erasing Objects LESSON 3:DrawingLines with PolarTracking
LESSON4:DrawingRectangles LESSON 5:DrawingCircles LESSON6:ViewingYourDrawing LESSON7:Undoing andRedoingActions PART3 :MAKING YOUR DRAWINGSMORE PRECISE LESSON1:DrawingPrecisionin AutoCAD LESSON 2:Using ObjectSnap LESSON 3:ObjectSnapOverrides LESSON 4:PolarTrackingSettings LESSON5:ObjectSnapTracking LESSON 6:DrawingwithSNAP and GRID LESSON 7:MakingChanges inYourDrawing LESSON 8:SelectingObjectsfor Editing
LESSON9:MovingObjects LESSON 10: Copying Objects LESSON 11: Rotating Objects LESSON 12: Scaling Objects LESSON13:MirroringObjects PART4: DRAWING ORGANIZATION ANDINFORMATION LESSON1: UsingtheFunctionKeys [Statustool bar] LESSON2:Purpose ofF1– F12Keywordkeys LESSON3:Organizing Your DrawingwithLayers LESSON4:Creating NewDrawingsWithTemplates LESSON 5:What are Layers? LESSON6:Layer Properties LESSON 7:Changingan Object's Layer
LESSON 8: Advanced ObjectTypes LESSON 9:DrawingArcs LESSON 10:DrawingPolylines LESSON 11: EditingPolylines LESSON 12:DrawingPolygons LESSON 13:Drawing Ellipses PART5 :CREATINGMORE COMPLEX OBJECTS LESSON 1:AdvancedEditingCommands LESSON 2:Trimming andExtending LESSON 3:StretchingObjects LESSON 4:CreatingFilletsandChamfers LESSON 5:Offsetting Objects LESSON 6:Creating ArraysofObjects
LESSON 7:InsertingBlocks LESSON8:What AreBlocks? LESSON9:InsertingBlocksfromToolPalettes LESSON 10:InsertingBlocksusingInsert PART6 :PREPARINGTOPRINT LESSON 1:SettingUpa Layout LESSON2:Printing Concepts LESSON3:Creating Viewports LESSON 4:SettingupLayouts LESSON 5:Guidelinesfor Layouts LESSON6: PrintingYour Drawing LESSON 7:PrintingLayouts PART7 :ANNOTATINGYOURDRAWING
LESSON1:Text LESSON 2: Working with Annotations LESSON3: Adding Text ina Drawing LESSON 4:ModifyingMultiline Text LESSON 5:Formatting Multiline Text LESSON 6:Hatching LESSON7: Adding Dimensions LESSON 8:Dimensioning Concepts LESSON9:Adding LinearDimensions LESSON10: Adding Radial andAngularDimensions LESSON 11: EditingDimensions LESSON 12: Adding Notes to Your Drawing Contactus:9900529008