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Revit MEP Online Training course

Narayana mep is the best and leading Revit MEP Training course with most experienced professionals. We offer best Revit MEP Online Training class at the best price Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, Dubai, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, USA

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Revit MEP Online Training course

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  1. RevitMEPOnline Training course Narayana mep is the best and leading Revit MEP Training course with most experiencedprofessionals.WeofferbestRevitMEPOnlineTrainingclassat the best price Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, Dubai, UAE, Saudi Arabia,Oman,Kuwait,Qatar,USA RevitMEP Training-CourseDetails - Duration(40Hrs) IfyouwanttoLeverageyourcareer in REVITMEPField. YouwillbecomeaProfessionalREVITModellerafter completingthefull course 🎖In the this course you will learn about: Module 1- Introduction to Revit (REVIT MEP) 1. RevitIntroduction ✅FileFormats

  2. ✅BIMDimensions ✅Whatiswhaton screen ✅CommonCommands ✅Trainingfiles setup ✅Modifyingtheview ✅ Common tasks 2.StartingMEPProjects ✅LinkingProjects ✅Visibility/Graphics- VG ✅ViewTemplates 3.ModifyingSystemSettings

  3. ✅GeneralSystemOptions ✅FileLocations ✅SpellingOptions ✅SnapSettings Module2-HVAC(REVIT MEPHVAC) 4.Space&Zones ✅PreparingSpaces ✅PlacingSpaces ✅SpacesinOpenAreas ✅Multi-LevelSpaces ✅AutoSpaces

  4. ✅SpaceNaming ✅ZonesintheSystemBrowser ✅ZonesonaSingleLevel ✅ZonesonMultipleLevels ✅AnalyticalModels ✅VentilationSettings ✅SpaceSetting ✅ZoneSettings ✅Heating&CoolingLoads Calculation ✅ZoneColourSchemes 5. DesigningMechanicalAirSystems

  5. ✅AirflowSchedules ✅HostedAirTerminals ✅Non-HostedAirTerminals ✅SecondarySupplyAirSystems ✅AutoDuctwork ✅DuctSizing-EqualFrictionMethod ✅SystemInspection ✅DuctPressureLoss Report ✅ManuallyCreating Ductwork ✅Duct Sizing-Constant Velocity Method ✅ThermalInsulation

  6. ✅AcousticLining ✅DuctAccessories 6. Designing Mechanical PipingSystems ✅AddingMechanical Equipment ✅CreatingPiping Systems ✅hydronicsupplypiping system ✅hydronicReturnpiping system ✅AddingPipesUsingAuto Layout ✅AddingPipesUsingManualLayout ✅AddingValves ✅PipesSizing

  7. ✅ThermalInsulation ✅InspectingtheSystem ✅PipePressureLossReport ✅CheckingPipingSystems Module 3-Electrical (REVITMEPElectrical) 1. Planning ElectricalSystems ✅SpecifyingElectrical Systems ✅Adda correction factor ✅Adda wiring type ✅Adda voltagedefinition ✅Adda distributionsystem

  8. ✅Specifydemand factors ✅DefiningRequiredLighting ✅ColourFills&Schedules 2.Designing LightingSystems ✅Addaprojectparameter forlighting ✅Verifythenewparameter ✅Createascheduleforrequiredlightinglevels ✅Add spacelightingrequirements tothescheduletable ✅Changethesort order oftheSchedule ✅Applya lightinglevel to spaces ✅CreatingColour FillsandSchedules

  9. ✅Addalegendandapply thecolour scheme ✅Create a spacelighting analysisschedule ✅AddingLighting Fixtures ✅Modify multiplefixtureinstances 3.Designing PowerSystems ✅PlacingSwitches/JunctionBoxes& Receptacles ✅LightingCircuitswith Wire ✅LightingCircuitswithout Wire ✅CreatingSwitchSystems ✅PowerLoads ✅BalancingWireSize-n-BreakerServices

  10. ✅PanelSchedules ✅CheckingYourDesign Module4 -Plumbing (REVIT MEPPlumbing) 1.Plumbing DrainageSystem ✅Plumbing&PipingSystems ✅Createapipetype ✅Loadpipingcomponentfamilies ✅Specifysanitary piping settings ✅Add a pipe size Contactus:9900529008 https://www.narayanamepblr.com/

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