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23.05.2018 The Guide From Semalt To Avoiding CryptoLocker Ransomware The possibility of CryptoLocker computer infections has become a reality for the ordinary computer user. This explains the prevalence of online queries especially from Microsoft Windows users relating to protection and recovery from such infections. Ivan Konovalov, the expert from Semalt Digital Services, unveils here some useful preventive measures to avoid this ransomware. First, CryptoLocker has become the generic term for the strain of malicious software that encrypts all user ?les on a computer system until a ransom fee is paid. This now prevalent software has made thousands of ?rms and individuals worldwide to cough up millions of dollars in ransom fees. Security experts believe ransomware spreads through booby strapped attachments on spam or legitimate emails. It also penetrates through hacked websites aided by the use of outdated plugins on web browsers. While eliminating this ransomware may not be a complicated process, it effectively scrambles and permanently encrypts all your personal ?les on the computer system making it virtually impossible to access them until the ransom is paid in the form of Bitcoin currency. https://rankexperience.com/articles/article1289.html 1/2
23.05.2018 Though ransomware seems to be a new technology, its incarnations have been around for years though on low intensity and application. Traditionally, computer users have always had to back up their ?les to mitigate against data loss from malicious software and viruses. However, CryptoLocker works with such ruthlessness it also encrypts backup drives and local network computers if all are physically connected. Upon infestation, the malware takes hours even days in?ltrating the system and encrypting ?les, and the computer system might not exhibit outward signs of an imminent attack. Once encryption is complete, the Trojan has a pop-up dial box that includes a short message and timer demanding the computer system owner and now victim to pay a ransom within the stipulated time line. Luckily, we now have CryptoLocker Prevention Kits which are free for use for system administrators and ordinary home users. The kit includes effective and comprehensive set of policies and instructions for blocking malware infections across a domain. Alternatively, John Shaw of Foolish IT has also developed CryptoPrevent – a utility application tool designed to apply CryptoLocker Prevention Kit on a home user level. It comes with a portable version and installer for virtually any home computer system. However, this tool has occasionally been ?agged down as suspicious software by anti virus kits such as McAfee SiteAdvisor. Every cloud has a silver lining. Amidst all this chaos, cloud storage services have experienced a business boom since CryptoLocker surfaced. More corporate clients are now engaging cloud data storage systems as their ultimate data backup should CryptoLocker infestation affect their systems. Victims of this ransomware can attest to the magnitude of destructions it brings around, encrypting everything in its wake. Computer experts and users alike are perplexed by this level of technology pending the question on how the next ransomware will be like. In conclusion, computer systems administrators and ordinary home users need to take all steps possible to protect their computers from ransomware. They're ever evolving thus necessitating one to learn how they operate and adapt to them. Update your ?rewall and browser and scan your emails before reading them. https://rankexperience.com/articles/article1289.html 2/2