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Android training in Chandigarh provide you a best training. Android training work on all these aspects that mentions in pdf file. For more detail visit : http://goo.gl/aUQFo9
Android is a software stack which consists of a kernel based on the Linux kernel, middleware libraries and APIs written in C and application software running on an application framework which includes Java-compatible libraries. The Android SDK is a development kit which provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications on the Android platform using the Java Programming Language. Our Android training in Chandigarh work on all given aspects below. INTRODUCTION TO ANDROID ● What is Android? ● Setting up development environment ● Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apk file extension ● Fundamentals ● Basic Building blocks -Activities,Services,Broadcast Receivers & Content providers. ● UI Components -Views & notifications ● Components for communication -Intents & Intent Filters ● Android API levels (versions & version names) APPLICATION STRUCTURE AndroidManifest.xml, Uses-permission & uses-sdk, Resources & R.java, Assets, Layouts & Drawable Resources, Activities and Activity lifecycle EMULATOR-ANDROID VIRTUAL DEVICE Editing Emulator Settings, Emulator Shortcuts, Logcat Usage, Introduction to DDMS, Second App:-(Switching Between Activities), Develop an app for demonstrating the communication between Intents. BASIC UI DESIGN Form widgets, Text Fields, Layouts, [dip, dp, sip, sp] versus px, Lists, Web View & Web Pages. MENU like Option Menu, Context Menu, Sub Menu, Menu from XML, Menu via Code INTENTS (IN DETAIL) What is intent? How many types of intents use in android. ● Explicit Intents ● Implicit intents
UI DESIGN like Time and Date, Images and media, Composite, Alert Dialogs & Toast, Popup. STYLES & THEMES Styles.xml, Drawable resources for shapes, gradients (selectors), Style attribute in layout file, Applying themes via code and manifest file CONTENT PROVIDERS ● SQLite Programming ● SQLiteOpenHelper ● SQLiteDatabse ● Reading and updating Contacts ● Reading bookmarks ● Develop an App to demonstrate database usage. CRUD operations must be implemented. ADAPTERS AND WIDGETS ● Array Adapters ● Base Adapters ● ListView and ListActivity ● Listview ● GridView using adapters ● Gallery using adapters ● Hashtable, Hashmap NOTIFICATIONS Broadcast Receivers, Services and notifications, Toast, Alarms CUSTOM COMPONENTS Custom Tabs, Custom Layout, Other Components. Threads, Preferences, Tabs and tab Activity, Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Tool, Android Speech, Android Animation
ADVANCED ● XML Parsing, JSON Parsing, Maps, Accessing Phone services (Call, SMS, MMS), Sensors. Android Multimedia like Media Player Audio, Video view , Recording media. Android Telephony ●TelephonyManager ●Get Call State ●Simple Caller Talker ●Phone Call ●Send SMS Android Device likeBluetooth Tutorial, List Paired Devices, WIFI. Our Android Training in Chandigarh offer regular, fast track and weekend training in Core JAVA and Android. Study material is provided with the course, which consists of concepts, examples and real time examples. We have huge question bank which help in clearing the interview and make us pioneer in Android Training in Chandigarh.