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If you are an employer, facing allegations of discrimination, harassment, or wage claims can be overwhelming. In these situations, you need a skilled lawyer with experience handling these issues by your side. Contact the Pittsburgh employment lawyers at Neva Stotler Law. They have the experience you need to formulate a sound defense against all claims made concerning the issues. They are ready to assist employers throughout central and western PA. You can contact them for a consultation of your case by calling at 724-841-5565.<br><br>
Defending Against Employee-initiated Claims And Litigation
If you are an employer, facing allegations of discrimination, harassment, or wage claims can be overwhelming. In these situations, you need a skilled lawyer with experience handling these issues by your side. At Neva Stotler Law, they have extensive experience helping clients handle employee-initiated claims. Not only do they handle these issues in Pittsburgh, but also throughout central and western Pennsylvania.
EEOC / PHRC Charges Of Discrimination If an employee makes a claim of discrimination against their employer to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC), employers must respond timely and appropriately in order to defend the claim and preserve relevant issues.
01 Race or color 02 Ethnicity or nationality 03 Sex (orientation, gender) 04 Marital status 05 Age
06 Religion (or lack of religion) 07 Pregnancy status 08 Disability
Unemployment Claims There may be times when a former employee files for unemployment, but you disagree with their eligibility. If you have received a notification of a claim, they can help you state your case in a way that speaks to the UC regulations and positions you in the event other employment claims are forthcoming. They can represent you in your hearings, analyze the value of an appeal, and draft all legal documents along the way. Generally, an employee will not have the right to receive unemployment if they voluntarily left their job or lost their job due to willful misconduct.
Wage Claims At Neva Stotler Law they will defend you if an employee or former employee challenges his or her pay, classification, or contractor status. This can include accusations that you have not paid minimum wage, overtime rates, failed to pay commissions and more. They have a thorough understanding of the state and federal wage laws and will review the charge made against you by the employee to formulate the best strategy moving forward.
Family and Medical Leave Claims Employees in Pennsylvania need to be aware of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) that provides generally unpaid absences from work for: ➢ Employees who are suffering from a serious health condition ➢ Serious health condition of a qualifying family member if an employee is caring for them ➢ Care of an injured service member, or an exigent circumstance arising from a family member in the service ➢ The birth, adoption, or foster care placement of a child ➢ COVID-19 related absences (2020 Amendment)
Americans With Disabilities Act Claims Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employers are prohibited from discriminating in any areas of employment against individuals with a qualified disability. Employers must also provide reasonable accommodations to disabled workers covered under the ADA. This law makes it unlawful to discriminate in all employment practices, including:
01 02 03 04 Recruitment Pay Hiring Firing 05 06 07 Job assignments Training Promotion 08 09 10 11 Leave Lay-off Benefits And any other Employment- related activities
Contact Them For Help Today If you are an employer and are facing any of the allegations they mentioned above, you need to speak to an attorney as soon as possible. At Neva Stotler Law, they have the experience you need to formulate a sound defense against all claims made concerning the issues above. Let the Pittsburgh employment lawyers focus on investigating these allegations so you can focus on running your business. They are ready to assist employers throughout central and western PA. You can contact them for a consultation of your case by calling at 724-841-5565.
Neva Stotler Law P .O. Box 1585 Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania 16066 724-841-5565 https://www.nstotlerlaw.com/contact-us/