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  1. ENV 100 Entire Course For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ ENV 100 Week 1 DQ 1 ENV 100 Week 1 DQ 2 ENV 100 Week 1 DQ 3 ENV 100 Week 1 Individual Assignment Environmental Fundamentals Paper (2 Papers) ENV 100 Week 1 Individual Assignment Balancing Ecosystems ENV 100 Week 2 DQ 1 ENV 100 Week 2 DQ 2 ENV 100 Week 2 DQ 3 ENV 100 Week 2 Individual Assignment Environmental Hazards ENV 100 Week 2 Individual Population Management ENV 100 Week 3 DQ 1 ENV 100 Week 3 DQ 2

  2. ENV 100 Week 3 DQ 3 ENV 100 Week 3 Individual Assignment Air and Water Pollution Paper (2 Papers) ENV 100 Week 3 Individual Atmospheric Issues ENV 100 Week 4 DQ 1 ENV 100 Week 4 DQ 2 ENV 100 Week 4 DQ 3 ENV 100 Week 4 Individual Assignment Waste and Energy Presentation ENV 100 Week 4 Individual Assignment Impacts of an Energy Resource Plan ENV 100 Week 5 DQ 1 ENV 100 Week 5 DQ 2 ENV 100 Week 5 DQ 3 ENV 100 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Waste and Energy Paper and Presentation ENV 100 Week 5 Individual Assignment Environmental Resources Worksheet ==============================================

  3. ENV 100 Week 1 DQ 1 (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Discuss a particular technology and its use in conducting environmental research using one of the examples listed below: 1) GPS and animal tracking 2) GPS and deforestation 3) doppler radar and animal migrations 4) sensitive detection of chemical exposure in the blood to measure pollution exposure 4) technology used to monitor weather 5) your choice. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 1 DQ 2 (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+

  4. What evidence suggests that the human population has reached its capacity on the planet? How can the health of the environment be measured? ============================================== ENV 100 Week 1 DQ 3 (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ What is sustainable development and why is it important? Why do natural resources have limits? ============================================== ENV 100 Week 1 Individual Assignment Balancing Ecosystems

  5. For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Resource: Episode 1 of Gamescape and Ch. 5 and 6 of VisualizingEnvironmental Science. Complete Episode 1: "Balancing Ecosystems" of Gamescape. Write a 350- to 700-word letter to the City Council in neighboringGlimmerville. In your letter, explain the situation with the Grass Carp and some of the challenges faced in restoring balance to Sparksville's aquatic ecosystem. Since Glimmerville is experiencing a similar situation, provide advice on how to restore their lake ecosystem. Include the following points in your letter: What is ecosystem balance? Which reduction factors and which growth factors impacted ecosystem balance in Episode 1? Describe two ways in which the invasive species and native species impact ecosystem balance. Based on Episode 1 and the assigned readings, describe how native and invasive species might affect succession. How might an invasive species impact the natural selection of the native species within a habitat? Describe how native and invasive species affect the flow of energy in an ecosystem? Describe four possible solutions to the Grass Carp invasion problem. Describe one advantage and one disadvantage for each solution. As you learned in Chapters 5 and 6 of Environmental Science, the flow of energy, species interactions, and natural selection change over time. Since ecosystems and species are in flux, why should humans strive to restore and maintain ecosystem balance? Use one example from Episode

  6. 1 and one example from the assigned reading materials to support your points. Include the Episode Score Report that you generate once you complete the activities from Episode 1. The report is generated in PDF format. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 1 Individual Assignment Environmental Fundamentals Paper (2 Papers) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you discuss the fundamental principles of environment science. In your paper, answer the following questions: How do you define environmental science? How does the relationship between science and technology affect environmental problems and solutions in today’s society? Why is the concept of environmental sustainability important, and why should it be studied? What are the historical patterns surrounding

  7. sustainable and unsustainable human interactions with the environment? In general, how do human values affect sustainability given current challenges facing society? After reviewing the research on the environment, how do environmental hazards affect human health? Provide at least two examples. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 2 DQ 1 (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Living things require nutrients such as an energy source, minerals, and/or vitamins. Pick one of the following and discuss where it obtains its required nutrients: plant, animal, fungus, or bacteria. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 2 DQ 2 (UOP) For more course tutorials visit

  8. www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Discuss the flow of carbon throughout living things considering its transformation from C02 to carbs and back as you to from producers to consumers to decomposers in the ecosystem. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 2 DQ 3 (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Discuss in an example the value of one of the following habitats in ecosystems and how human activity has impacted it: wetlands, riparian (river/stream), mangrove, coastline. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 2 Individual Assignment Environmental Hazards

  9. For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you discuss how environmental hazards affect human population. In your paper, answer the following questions: What are toxicants? How do they affect living organisms? What are disease-causing agents? Select two agents and describe their effects and how they are transmitted. Why are they considered environmental health hazards? How do changes in the environment contribute to human diseases? Is there a link between human activities on the environment and these emerging diseases? Why or why not? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 2 Individual Population Management

  10. For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com As president of the City Council, you have been invited by the Mayor to give a PowerPoint® presentation to Sparksville High School. Develop a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that explains the prairie dog land management issue. Include the following points: Discuss some of the challenges of urbanization and environmental benefits. Explain how the prairie dog land management issues are related to the challenges of urbanization. Explain the factors that influence population growth using prairie dogs as an example to illustrate your points. Briefly review how the natural environment is needed to support cities. Use the ecological role of prairie dogs and their benefit to land management and the city of Sparksville as an example. Describe the different policies that the city explored to manage prairie dog population growth, and discuss how these policies are rooted in environmental science and population dynamics. Discuss the final management decision, and explain how it balanced urban development with environmental sustainability. Include major challenges you faced in addressing this issue and reaching an optimal solution. Include an introductory slide, a summary slide, and a reference slide. Include 350 words in your speaker notes.

  11. Use your textbook and one outside resource. Include supporting visuals, such as photos, diagrams, and/or graphs. Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Include the Episode Score Report that you generate once you complete the activities from Episode 2. The report is generated in PDF format. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 3 DQ 1 (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Discuss one or more air pollutants from autos, trucks, or trains and modern approaches for reducing these. ==============================================

  12. ENV 100 Week 3 DQ 2 (UOP) www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Discuss the causes and consequences of global warming including its impact on the ocean. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 3 DQ 3 (UOP) www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Discuss the eutrophication of water in lakes and streams considering both point and nonpoint sources of pollution. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 3 Individual Assignment Air and Water Pollution Paper (2 Papers)

  13. www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ For this assignment, choose from the following options: • Option 1: Air and Water Pollution Paper • Option 2: Gulf Oil Spill Paper Read the instructions in the University of Phoenix Material: Air and Water Pollution located on the student website and select one option to complete the assignment. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 3 Individual Atmospheric Issues For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com As Newly elected Mayor of Sparksville, the town's citizens are eager to hear what you plan on doing to promote the local economy while maintaining a high level of environmental air quality. Write a 350- to 700-word speech for a Town Hall Meeting that addresses the following points:

  14. State the current economic situation and the three choices that were available to the town of Sparksville. Discuss how these three choices would impact water pollution and indoor and outdoor air pollution. Explain how each of the three choices could be a point and non-source of water and air pollution. Describe how the air and water pollution generated from these sources can impact the health of Sparksville's citizens, the local ecosystem, and the local economy. Include some potential solutions. Explain why your decision addresses the key environmental challenges and is the optimal choice given this situation. Include two outside references to support your main points. One reference should be an academic journal found at the University's Library. Include the Episode Score Report that you generate once you complete the activities from Episode 3. The report is generated in PDF format. Format your citations consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment ============================================== ENV 100 Week 4 DQ 1 (UOP) www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+

  15. Discuss the impact of using fertilizer for farming on soil and at least one method for soil conservation by farmers. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 4 DQ 2 (UOP) www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Discuss some of the environmental problems associated with mining and how bioremediation and/or phytoremediation can be used to help restore mined areas ============================================== ENV 100 Week 4 DQ 3 (UOP) www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+

  16. Discuss sustainable practices for one of the following: forests, rangelands, or farms. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 4 Individual Assignment Waste and Energy Presentation www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Develop a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes in which you evaluate the effects of waste products and fossil fuels on the environment. Include the following items: Select two waste products and two fossil fuels. Describe the effects of your selected waste materials on soil and water quality. Explain how your selected waste materials and fossil fuels affect biological diversity in the environment. Discuss the methods available for the disposal of waste materials. Determine the method of waste management you would recommend for the proper disposal of your selected waste materials. Provide an explanation for your recommendation. From your evaluation of fossil fuels, recommend at least two alternative energy resources that could replace your selected fossil fuels. Explain the advantages and disadvantages for the environment of using these alternative energy resources.

  17. Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 4 Individual Assignment Waste and Energy Presentation For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Develop a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes in which you evaluate the effects of waste products and fossil fuels on the environment. Include the following items: Select two waste products and two fossil fuels. Describe the effects of your selected waste materials on soil and water quality. Explain how your selected waste materials and fossil fuels affect biological diversity in the environment. Discuss the methods available for the disposal of waste materials. Determine the method of waste management you would recommend for the proper disposal of your selected waste materials. Provide an explanation for your recommendation. From your evaluation of fossil fuels, recommend at least two alternative energy resources that could replace your selected fossil

  18. fuels. Explain the advantages and disadvantages for the environment of using these alternative energy resources. Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 5 DQ 1 (UOP) www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Discuss a particular endangered species examining the causes for near extinction and efforts to save or restore them. Also provide a rationale for preserving this species in the context of biodiversity. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 5 DQ 2 (UOP) www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+

  19. Discuss the incorporation of one type of renewable energy (ultra low carbon) for residential or industrial use. Consider some the uses and limitations of your choice. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 5 DQ 3 (UOP) www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Discuss the incorporation of one type of renewable energy (ultra low carbon) for residential or industrial use. Consider some the uses and limitations of your choice. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 5 Individual Assignment Environmental Resources Worksheet www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+

  20. Complete the Environmental Resources Worksheet ============================================== ENV 100 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Waste and Energy Paper and Presentation (UOP) www.tutorialrank.com Tutorial Purchased: 5 Times, Rating: A+ Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you evaluate the impact of your selected waste products and fossil fuels on the environment. In your evaluation, include the following items: • Identify the sources of your selected waste materials. Then, describe the impact of your selected waste materials on soil and water quality. • Explain how your selected waste materials and fossil fuels affect biological diversity in the environment. • Discuss the methods available for the disposal of waste materials. Determine which method of waste management you would recommend for the proper disposal of your selected waste materials. Be sure to provide an explanation for your recommendation. • From your evaluation of fossil fuels, recommend at least two alternative energy resources that could replace your selected fossil fuels. Be sure to explain the advantages and disadvantages of these alternative energy resources on the environment.

  21. Prepare a 10- to 15-minute presentation accompanied by 9- to 10- Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides illustrating your Waste and Energy Paper. Include speaker notes with slides. ============================================== ENV 100 Week 5 WileyPLUS Weekly Exam (June, 2019) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Question 1 A device that initiates and maintains a controlled nuclear fission chain reaction to produce energy for electricity is a Entry field with correct answer geothermal nuclear apparatus. nuclear combustion chamber.

  22. nuclear reactor. nuclear electric engine. electrical fusion device. Question 2 Nuclear energy is released Entry field with correct answer by splitting two electrons. by joining a proton with a neutron. by breaking a chemical bond between two atoms. by splitting an atomic nucleus into two smaller fragments. by combustion of uranium ore. Question 3

  23. Negative environmental impacts from oil and natural gas production may occur due to Entry field with correct answer release of oxides in combustion emissions. accidental spills at extraction sites and during transport. erosion and landslides during withdrawal of resources. improper storage and disposal of spent fuel. unintentional release of methane into atmosphere. Question 4 Which of the following statements is false?

  24. Entry field with correct answer The burning of both oil and natural gas produce nitrogen oxides. The burning of both oil and natural gas leads to acid deposition. The burning of both oil and natural gas produce large amounts of sulfur oxides. The burning of both oil and natural gas provide sources of energy. The burning of both oil and natural gas produce CO2. Question 5 At oil refineries, heated crude oil is separated into different products based on ___. Entry field with correct answer water solubility

  25. density boiling points sulfur content energy potential Question 6 What does the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 legislate for environmental disasters such as the one pictured below? Entry field with correct answer hazardous pay for clean-up workers tidal barriers to help prevent the spread of oil slicks a remediation protocol for impacted wildlife populations

  26. requires that, by 2015, oil be transported by land and not sea a trust fund that pays to clean up oil spills when the responsible party cannot Question 7 What is the best long-term option for the storage of high-level radioactive waste in the U.S.? Entry field with correct answer in compartments at the bottom of cooling towers at nuclear power plants deep burial in steel waste canisters at distant sites from population centers injection underground between layers of clay in remote areas storage in concrete casks at the bottom of the ocean export it to foreign locations

  27. Question 8 The greatest hurdle that must be overcome to fully embrace nuclear power to generate electricity is Entry field with correct answer safe storage of radioactive waste. monitoring low-level radiation continuously being released into the surrounding region. filtering the release of CO2 contributing to greenhouse gasses. deactivating radioactive water flushed from cooling towers. increased safety measures to decrease the potential for nuclear explosion releasing radiation into the atmosphere. Question 9 Incorrect answer. Your answer is incorrect.

  28. In the United States, what sector consumes the greatest portion of the nation’s total energy? Entry field with incorrect answer transportation homes and offices industry mining solid waste management Question 10 What is fluidized-bed combustion?

  29. Entry field with correct answer a device that initiates and maintains a controlled coal burn a method of burning coal underwater to reduce CO2 emissions a filter that cleans power plants’ exhaust from coal combustion a clean-coal technology that neutralizes acidic sulfur compounds produced during combustion a pressurized water vessel that is used to extinguish coal fires Question 11 What technology can make coal a cleaner fuel? Entry field with correct answer fluidized-bed combustion building smoke stacks taller implementing a prewash of coal prior to combustion

  30. using lower quality, high sulfur coal mixing coal with natural gas to create a hybrid fuel Question 12 A major public concern about nuclear power plants stems from Entry field with correct answer use of fossil fuels to run the reactors. the higher consumer costs for electricity. fear of nuclear accidents. excessive emissions of greenhouse gases. size of real estate needed to house the nuclear power plant facility.

  31. Question 13 The best example of an energy storage element in a solar energy system is the Entry field with correct answer natural gas in a propane tank that can be used for cooking. structural overhang that blocks sunlight in a passively cooled home. insulated windows in a passively heated solar home. hot water tank of a solar hot water system. sun-tracking mirrors in a power tower system. Question 14

  32. What is the fuel that is used to power a fuel cell? Entry field with correct answer direct solar input propane oxygen uranium hydrogen Question 15 The major advantage of a fuel cell over a standard battery is that Entry field with correct answer

  33. fuel cells are less expensive to produce and operate than standard batteries. a fuel cell generates electricity without the need for positive or negative electrodes but batteries have these electrodes. fuel cells produce power as long as they are supplied with fuel whereas batteries store a fixed amount of energy. fuel cells generate small amounts of CO2 and sulfur oxide emissions compared to the large amounts emitted by standard batteries. fuel cells do not have any advantages over standard batteries. Question 16 Geothermal energy Entry field with correct answer is derived from solar energy. is rises is sea surface temperature. is a byproduct of subsurface mining operations.

  34. capitalizes on Earth’s internal temperature. is generated through earthquakes. Question 17 Electric meters can run backward for homeowners participating in net metering. What does this mean? Entry field with correct answer homeowners receive meter credit for excess energy they generate and supply to the utility’s power grid the up front costs for installing renewable energy is recovered by rewinding the home’s electric meter if a homeowner uses less energy in one month than the previous month, then the difference is subtracted from the electric meter homeowners who voluntarily cut back on air conditioning use are granted an electric credit

  35. a radio controlled electric meter for remote monitoring allows the utility company to stop the meter during peak demand periods Question 18 Why is biomass an attractive source of energy? Entry field with correct answer a shift to biofuels from petroleum-based fuels would be seamless it makes use of waste products, reducing waste disposal problems it reduces our dependence on fossil fuels it produces lower levels of sulfur and ash than coal combustion all of these choices

  36. Question 19 Which of the following biomass energy sources is incorrectly matched with its biofuel product? Entry field with correct answer sugar cane: alcohol oil used to make French fries: biodiesel clay: biogas manure: methane wood: charcoal Question 20

  37. All of the following are disadvantages of photovoltaic solar cell technology except Entry field with correct answer the manufacturing process requires toxic industrial chemicals. the amount of land needed to hold the number of solar panels required for large-scale use. each panel’s low efficiency at converting solar energy to electricity. the steadily increasing manufacturing cost per watt over the last 35 years. the carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to greenhouse gases. Question 21 What type of solar system, illustrated below, is supplying 10% of Georgetown University’s electricity?

  38. Entry field with correct answer Photovoltaic cell system Passive solar heating system Forced air re-circulating system Nonrenewable radiant energy system Biomass conversion solar system Question 22 According to the U.S. map below of average daily total of annual solar energy, which state is least suited for producing electricity from solar energy?

  39. Entry field with correct answer Nebraska New York New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Question 23 What type of solar heating system would be most efficient at producing high-temperature water for industrial applications or steam to run turbines that generate electricity? Entry field with correct answer

  40. fuel cells that directly convert chemical energy into electricity. biomass generators that burn natural materials to generate heat. solar thermal electric generation systems using mirrors or lenses to concentrate sunlight to heat water. passive solar systems that use building design to maximize winter sunlight to heat water. convection solar heating systems that circulate warm air throughout the liquid. Question 24 What type of heating system is illustrated below for this home in Santa Fe, NM? Entry field with correct answer geothermal

  41. wind turbine passive solar nonrenewable hydropower Question 25 Tidal energy cannot become a significant resource worldwide because Entry field with correct answer the accompanying tidal waves cause too much environmental destruction. the equipment required to harness this energy is not yet. few areas have large enough differences in water level between high and low tides to make power generation feasible. sand damages the equipment.

  42. tidal energy can become a significant resource worldwide. ============================================== ENV 100T Assignment Week 3 Wileyplus Exam (June, 2019) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Question 1 Correct answer. Your answer is correct. When do earthquakes occur? Entry field with correct answer During rockfalls.

  43. When rocks shift or break and allow magma to push up words, releasing energy and heat. As rocks shift or break releasing energy vibrations that travel to the earth’s surface. Rocks shift displacing water that results in tsunamis. Question 2 Correct answer. Your answer is correct. Which of the following statements about the nature of global mineral use is FALSE? Entry field with correct answer Highly developed nations like the United States and Canada have less than 6% of the world population but consume more than 25% of the world’s metals. Many of the world’s top mineral producers are highly developed countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and Russia. Both mineral production and mineral consumption in China is on the rise as the country industrializes – for example, China both produces

  44. and consumes about 34% of the world’s primary aluminum (aluminum obtained from ores). No false statement, all statements are true about the nature of global mineral use. Question 3 Correct answer. Your answer is correct. Contour plowing, strip cropping, and terracing are soil conservation methods that are BEST suited to which of the following situations? Entry field with correct answer Arid soils prone to salinization Nitrogen depleted soils Reclaimed mine areas Soils located on slopes

  45. Question 4 Correct answer. Your answer is correct. Why might an environmentalist argue that gold is an expensive metal? Entry field with correct answer Because gold is more valuable than titanium or platinum. Because the demand for gold is skyrocketing due to increasing wealth in developing countries. Because gold supplies are mostly depleted so prices are higher. Because huge quantities of water are used. Question 5 Correct answer. Your answer is correct.

  46. The Earth’s outermost rigid rock layer the ___ is composed of plates that float on the ___, the region of the mantle where rocks become hot and soft. Entry field with correct answer upper mantle…inner core asthenosphere…lower mantle plate boundary…lithosphere lithosphere…asthenosphere Question 6 Correct answer. Your answer is correct. What is the most likely source of sediment accumulation in a stream adjacent to a farm field? Entry field with correct answer

  47. Eutrophication Soil erosion Acid mine drainage Salinization Question 7 The layer of soil that contains mostly weathered parent material is ___ or the ___. Entry field with incorrect answer topsoil…A-horizon. subsoil…B-horizon. weathered parent material…C-horizon. litter…O-horizon. Question 8

  48. Correct answer. Your answer is correct. On the map below the red, blue and yellow lines show ___ and the arrows indicate the ___. Entry field with correct answer the seven major plates…plate boundaries historical location of the continents…the directions in which the continents are moving three types of plate boundaries…the directions of plate movements the locations of upper, lower, and inner mantle…plate tectonics Question 9 Correct answer. Your answer is correct.

  49. The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is a voluntary subsidy program that pays farmers to stop producing crops on highly erodible farmland. Instead farmers are required to: Entry field with correct answer strip crop native plants with grain crops on the erodible land plant native grasses or trees on the highly erodible land and then ―retire‖ it from further use for 10 to 15 years develop and adopt a 5-year conservation plan for their farms that includes erosion-control measures, and if they do not comply, they lose federal agricultural subsidies such as price supports plant shelterbelts to reduce the impact of wind erosion Question 10 Correct answer. Your answer is correct. In one tree harvesting model called ___, in the first year of harvest, undesirable tree species and dead or diseased trees are removed and then subsequent harvests occur at intervals of several years, allowing time for remaining trees to grow.

  50. Entry field with correct answer clear-cutting even-age harvesting selective cutting shelterwood cutting Question 11 Correct answer. Your answer is correct. Which of the following can be found in U.S. National Parks? Entry field with correct answer Significant modern architecture. Economically significant areas or buildings. Historic battlefields.

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