Continuous Passive Motion Devices Market - Global Industry Insights, 2026
Continuous passive motion (CPM) devices are mechanical motorized devices that help move legs, shoulders, hands, and hips in arc motions for a specific period of time with adjusted speed. These devices assist faster recovery and are recommended to be used within 48 hours post-surgery or immediately after severe trauma. These devices avoid muscle stiffness in the joints, by moving the fluid consisting blood and edema away from joint and periarticular tissue. Thereby facilitating better diffusion of nutrients into the damaged and healing areas of the joint. Continuous passive motion devices also avoid tendon fibrosis and prevent swelling and pain at the site of application. These device may be used to maintain or improve range of motion, following knee arthroplasty, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, rotator cuff repair, elbow, osteoarthritis, and fracture from trauma. CPM devices are also used after surgical procedures involving articular cartilage (microfracture, and chondroplasty) and for patients who are unable to comply with exercise due to certain disorders such as complex regional pain syndrome and extensive joint contracture. CPM devices can be used at both hospitals and homes and vary in design based on site of application.
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