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Toehold is a one stop shop for travel and photography enthusiasts. Enabling photography enthusiasts to learn photography through our weekend workshops. Travel on expert guided photography tours or hire camera gear in Bengaluru, Mumbai or Pune. We also plan your customised holidays in Africa, India and across the globe. For more info: https://infograph.venngage.com/ps/pfBJybjR1I/toehold-travel-photography<br>
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"There'sabigdifferencebetween simplybeingatouristandbeinga trueworldtraveler." GAINNEW MEMORIESAND NEWFRIENDS TOEHOLD.IN Peak of Mt. Sifonn, Bulgaria Reasonsfortravelinginclude recreation, tourismor vacationing, researchtravel forthegatheringof information, forholidayto visitpeople, volunteertravel forcharity, migrationtobegin lifesomewhereelse, religious pilgrimagesandmissiontrips, orbusinesstravel CLIMB MOUNTAINS CHALLENGE YOURSELFTONEW HEIGHTS FEEL LIKE A BRAND NEW PERSON Italsostatesthattheword comesfromMiddleEnglish travailen, travelen (which meanstotorment, labor, strive, journey) andearlier fromOldFrenchtravailler (whichmeanstowork strenuously, toil). InEnglish westilloccasionallyusethe wordstravailandtravails, whichmeanstruggle. Lone Tree, Thailand VISIT PLACES THAT ARE UNTOUCHED Sunset at the hills of Kenya, Africa