God's Alphabet Nubiagroup-powerpoint-collection.blogspot.com
Sometimes, God breaks our spirit to save our soul. Sometimes, He breaks our heart to make us whole. Sometimes, God allows pain so we can be stronger. Sometimes, God sends us failure so we can be humble.. Sometimes, God allows illness so we can take better care of ourselves. Sometimes, God takes everything away from us so we can learn the value Of everything He gave us. Make plans, but understand that we live by God's grace. ~ unknown
A -- Always Always be faithful.B -- Be Be the best you can be.C -- Care Care for all people. D -- Don’t Don't just say it; do it.
E -- Each Each day could be your last – make it count. F -- Forgive G -- Give Give of yourself.
H -- Help Help those in need.
I -- Invite Invite God into your life.
J--JoyJoy is meant for you. K--KindnessKindness counts.
N -- Never Never say things which are mean.
O -- Open Open your heart to God's will. P -- Pray Pray every day.
Q--Quiet Quiet your mind For the answers.
R--ReachReach for your dreams.
S -- SaySay what's in your heart. T -- Today Today is a gift – that's why it's called the 'present'.
U-- Understanding Understanding goes a long way.
V--VanityVanity doesn't get you far.
X--XenophobiaA Xenophobia is fear and hatred f strangers and foreigners - think about it.
Y--YouYou are loved for all time. Z -- Zestfully Zestfully live each day in My name. ~ author : Copyright ~ Ellen M. DuBois
A presentation by Nubia Nubia_group@yahoo.fr Nubiagroup-powerpoint-collection.blogspot.com