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Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion Standards Citations Teacher Notes. A WebQuest for Kindergarten (English) Designed by – Jennifer Delzeith jdelzei@bgnet.bgsu.edu EDTL 680 – Information Literacy for Teaching and Learning – Summer 2005
Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion Standards Citations Teacher Notes A WebQuest for Kindergarten (English) Designed by – Jennifer Delzeith jdelzei@bgnet.bgsu.edu EDTL 680 – Information Literacy for Teaching and Learning – Summer 2005 Based on a template from The WebQuest Page AlphabeticalOrder
Introduction • Imagine you are a letter of the alphabet climbing up the coconut tree. When the last letter, z, climbs up the coconut tree, Chicka Chicka Boom BOOM! You and all of the other letters of the alphabet fall down and get scrambled up. Can you help put all of the letters back in alphabetical order? r S u w Y T v x z
Task After listening to Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault, your job as part of the alphabet is to: Sing, Say, Write, Unscramble, &Match the letters of the alphabet
Resources • Classroom Materials Needed: • The book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault • Overhead • The Alphabet Tree transparency • Overhead markers • Computer • Websites: • http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/lessonplans/profbooks/alphatree.pdf • http://www.playkidsgames.com/games/alphabetGame/default.htm • http://school.eb.com/elementary/browse/learning?topic=k5_language_games_reading • http://www.infohio.org • String for a clothes line for each group • Clothes pins • 2 Plastic wash tubs for each group • A set of Ellison die cut outs of uppercase and lowercase letters for each group • The Alphabet Tree paper • Pencil • An Alphabet Chart or paper with all of the letters in alphabetical order
Process (Step 1) • While listening to the teacher read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom pay attention to the order of the letters as they climb up the coconut tree. What letter will climb up the tree next? What will be the last letter to climb up the tree? • Together, as a class, sing the alphabet song. • As the teacher uses the overhead and The Alphabet Tree transparency at http://teacher.scholastic.com/ lessonrepro/lessonplans/profbooks/alphatree.pdf help the teacher put the letters in alphabetical order. What letter will we start with? What letter will come next? What letter will we end with? To Step 2
Process (Step 2) • Go to your assigned computer. • Type this address in the URL: www.infohio.org • Pleasecontact your school library media center for the password. • Select “Resources for Grades K-5.” • Select “Britannica Online.” • Select “Britannica Online, again.” • Under other features choose “Learning Materials.” • Select “Language Arts.” • Under Reading choose “Exercises.” • Choose the game “What’s Next?” • Play the game. • Print your score by holding down on the “control” key while selecting the “P” key. • Write your name on the paper and turn it in the tray. A B C To Step 3
Process (Step 3) • Make groups of 3 or 4. • With your group members go to one of the ABC stations set up. • Take turns and work together to carefully find the lowercase letters in the plastic wash tub. • Match the lowercase letters from the wash tub with the uppercase letters hanging from the clothes line and clip them together. • Report back to the teacher when your group has completed this task. To Step 4
Process (Step 4) • Go to your assigned computer. • Type the web site below in the URL: http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrep ro/lessonplans/profbooks/alphatree.pdf • Print page 2, The Alphabet Tree. • Write the letters in alphabetical order starting at the top left hand corner and ending at the bottom right hand corner. • Write your name at the top and put your paper in the tray. To Step 5 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Process (Step 5) • Listen for the teacher or classroom volunteer to call your name. • Go to him or her and be prepared to say, not sing, the letters of the alphabet while you point to and say each letter on an alphabet chart. • If you were not one of the first students called go to “Process (Step 6).” • Begin working on “Process (Step 6)” and wait patiently for your name to be called. To Step 6
Process (Step 6) • Go to your assigned computer. • Type the web site below in the URL: http://www.playkidsgames.com/games/alphabetGame/default.htm • After you have played the above web site game try Capital Letter Match and/or Letter Match at this website: http://school.eb.com/elementary/browse/learning?topic=k5_language_games_reading
Conclusion • Congratulations! Thanks to you the alphabet letters have successfully been placed back into alphabetical order. • Now, as part of the alphabet, you and your classmates may now climb the coconut tree in alphabetical order. a d f b e g h c
Standards Ohio Academic Content Standards: Early Learning Content Standards Book/English Language Arts. Academic Content Standards Book/K-12 Library Guidelines. Academic Content Standards Book/K-12 Technology. Standards: I. Phonemic Awareness, Word Recognition and Fluency Standard Technology Literacy IV. Technology and Communication Applications Benchmark: A. Use letter-sound correspondence knowledge and structural analysis to decode words. B. Apply basic Internet browser and navigation skills to search for information on the Internet. C. Participate in group projects and learning activities using technology communications. Grade Level Indicator: Kindergarten – Distinguish and name all upper- and lower-case letters. Kindergarten – 1. Talk about the Internet and information source. 2. Use Web page functions: a. Scroll up and down page; b. Click on links; c. Use back button. Kindergarten – Engage teacher – directed online activities.
Teacher Note 1 • A fun and exciting idea to conclude this lesson is to have the students help make an enormous paper coconut tree on the floor. In their free time students can paint and color the tree. • At the end of this lesson assign a student a letter of the alphabet or line them up in alphabetical order by their first or last name and allow the students to climb (walk up) the coconut tree. • NOTE: Make sure the tree is large enough for all of the students to stand on it. To Note 2
Teacher Note 2 • Another exciting lesson: • Finding plastic magnetic alphabet letters in a small plastic pool filled with sand. • One at a time, each student will get the opportunity to find one letter in the sand. • The student who finds the letter A will put the letter A on the chalk board starting at the far left hand side. • The student who finds the letter B will put the letter B next to the letter A working towards the right. • This will continue until all of the letters are found and the letter Z is the last letter to be placed on the chalk board. • Conclude this lesson by singing the alphabet song and/or reading the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. ** Note: Students hold onto their letter until someone puts the letter that comes before their letter on the chalkboard. For example, a student found letter K in the sand. He or she has to wait until J is put on the chalk board (A – J) before the student can put K on the chalkboard. Students need to know what letter comes before their letter and pay attention so they can put their letter up as soon as they can. If needed remind children to look at an alphabet chart in the classroom. • Materials needed: • Small plastic pool • Sand • Magnetic letters • Magnetic Chalkboard (or anything else that is magnetic such as a refrigerator.)
Citations • Alphabet Book Game. (2002). Retrieved July 28, 2005, from Playkidsgames.com Web site:http://www.playkidsgames.com/games/alphabetGame/default.htm • The Alphabet Tree. (2005 – 1996), Retrieved July 28, 2005 from Scholastic Web site: http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/lessonplans/profbooks/alphatree.pdf • Martin, B. Jr. & Archambault, J. (1989). Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc. Publishing. • Capital Letter Match. (2005). Retrieved July 28, 2005, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition Web site: http://school.eb.com/elementary/browse/learning?topic=k5_language_games_reading • Letter Match. (2005). Retrieved July 28, 2005, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition Web site: http://school.eb.com/elementary/browse/learning?topic=k5_language_games_reading • What’s Next? (2005). Retrieved July 28, 2005, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition Web site: http://school.eb.com/elementary/browse/ learning?topic=k5_language_games_reading