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Career Opportunities in Horticulture. November 29 & 30. Why is it good to know this?. 2 reasons: Good to know that horticulture is so much more than basic farming Always good to know what jobs are available in a particular field if you are considering changing your major or adding a minor.
Career Opportunities in Horticulture November 29 & 30
Why is it good to know this? • 2 reasons: • Good to know that horticulture is so much more than basic farming • Always good to know what jobs are available in a particular field if you are considering changing your major or adding a minor
Production Nursery www.networlddirectory.com www.treenurseries.us • Growing plants in containers or fields • Sold on wholesale market • Propagation by seed, cuttings, or grafting (ex: fruit trees) • Plants grown: • Trees (shade, fruit, evergreen) • Container plants (annuals and perennials) • Career examples: Propagator, Field Supervisor, Sales and Marketing
Landscape Contracting and Architecture www.milieu-design.com • Landscape Contracting • Constructing, establishing and maintaining landscapes that range from small residential projects to large commercial projects • Landscape Architecture • Focuses to design large, public spaces that have environmental, socio-behavioral and ecological benefit • http://www.dcp.ufl.edu/landscape /www.gaialandscapedesignbackgrounds.net
Landscape Nursery appeldoornlandscapenursery.com Preparation of sites used for landscaping Purchasing and planting shrubs, trees, vines, turfgrass Work with landscape architect or designer Career examples: construction supervisor and superintendent, designer, salesperson
www.latrobe.vic.gov.au Landscape Maintenance www.enterprisecdd.org Caring for established landscape Mowing, spraying, fertilization, pruning, weed control, and planting Excellent way to begin a successful business if knowledgeable about plants Career examples: crew supervisor, salesperson www.seamanslandscape.com
Herbaceous Plant and Seed Producers Commercial growers of ornamental and vegetable crops Develop new cultivars and propagate plants Career opportunities: plant breeder, propagator, independent grower, salesperson and dealer
Retail Nursery (Garden Center) www.bigmoosemedia.com www.tonysgarden.com /www.whitneysfarm.com Plants and items to care for plants sold directly to consumers Can be part of a chain store or independently owned Career examples: buyer, landscape designer, plant technician
Arboretum, Botanical and Horticultural Gardens phipps.conservatory.org Plant collections for study by the general study by everyone both in and outside of the horticultural field Arboretum – collection of trees in a natural setting Botanical garden – plant collection habitat Horticultural garden – many horticultural plant varieties arranged to be aesthetically pleasing Career examples: writer, researcher, propagator, educational director, librarian, curator, greenhouse manager
Production www.comesatradehub.com Growing floral plants and materials Career examples: grower, production, marketing, inventory
Wholesale Florist Merchandizes cut flowers and related goods Work closely with retail flower shops Career examples: manager, buyer, sales www.amystewart.com farm4.static.flickr.com
Retail Florist www.chateaugranville.com Sells cut flowers and houseplants (foliage plants, flowering plants, container gardens) and terrariums Main markets include weddings and formal occasions Career examples: manager/owner, designer i.ehow.com ww12.1800flowers.com
Production envirorealestate.org.au • Production • Olericulture – production, storage, processing, and marketing vegetables • Pomology – fruit and nut production • Crops are grown, processed and shipped to both US and global markets • Career examples: manager, processing field technician
Marketing Cleaning, grading, packing, applying chemicals or treatments to reduce spoilage and damage in transit Career examples: sales agency, broker, post-harvest physiologist, marketing and promotional organization
Turfgrass centrevillesod.com wtcampaigns.files.wordpress.com • Sod Production • Production of sod on sod farms • Turf Establishment • Establishing sod, sprigs and seed for recreation, ornamental, utility or sports use • Career examples: construction and planting superintendent • Golf Course Design and Maintenance • Design, manage, maintain golf courses • Career examples: golf course architect, superintendant, landscape technician
Horticultural Areas www.therapytimes.com • Horticultural Therapist • Helps individuals with heath problems and disabilities • Works with the physically and mentally disabled, nursing home and mental intuition patients, and those with learning disabilities • Consultant • Advises growers and industry professionals • Communicator in Horticulture • Prepares and presents educational presentations to the media and garden clubs • Writes magazine or newspaper articles relating to plants
More Horticultural Areas /courses.cit.cornell.edu • Plant Inspector • Participates in activities designed to prevent spread of pests and monitor populations • Inspect shipments coming into the country • Jurisdictions at the local, state, and federal levels (ex: USDA-APHIS)
Careers Related to Academia • Agriculture Education Teacher • High school, technical schools, community college, arboreta, public gardens • Cooperative Extension Agent/Horticultural Specialist • Work as part of the agricultural department for a land grant university to provide information to the public and to local farmers • Works with 4-H, home gardeners, commercial producers, processors and distributors of horticultural crops
Careers Related to Academia www.ars.usda.gov • Professor • Teaches and does research at the university level different disciplines of horticulture • Research Scientist / Technician / Assistant • Works to improve horticulture crops through research and develops more economical and effective techniques for all aspects of crop production
Horticultural Sciences Department http://www.hos.ufl.edu/welcome/default.htm
To find out more…. • General information • http://www.hos.ufl.edu/undergraduate/default.htm • For info. about majors and minors • Major options: • http://www.hos.ufl.edu/undergraduate/curriculum.htm • Minor: • http://www.hos.ufl.edu/undergraduate/minor.htm • Horticultural Sciences Department Undergraduate Coordinator • Dr. Rebecca Darnell: rld@ifas.ufl.edu
Presentation References • Schroeder,C.B.; Seagle, E.D.;Felton, L.M.; Ruter, J.M.; Kelley, W.T.; and G. Krewer. 2004. Achieving Success in Horticulture, p.16-49. In: Introduction to Horticulture. 4th ed. Pearson Education by Prentice Hall Interstate Publishing Company, Upper Saddle River, NJ.