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Unit 20 Death and the Law. What do following pictures make you think of ?. R.I.P. is an abbreviation for requiescat in pace (Latin, translates to English as : “rest in peace”). Learning outcomes of the Unit 19. Students will be able to:
R.I.P. is an abbreviation for requiescat in pace (Latin, translates to English as: “rest in peace”).
LearningoutcomesoftheUnit 19 • Students will be able to: • to define phenomena in which death and law are closely connected (e.g. suicide, abortion, euthanasia, death penalty) • translate into Croatian key expressions related to the topic • report about abortion issue in Croatia • conduct further research into the topics mentioned under point 1. (e.g. positionofthe EU on deathpenalty)
Readthetextanddecidewhichsubtitlesumsupwhichparagraph (twosubtitles are toomuch) 1. Theborder line betweenrightandwrong 2. Examplesused to argue for euthanasia 3. The power to decideabout life anddeath 4. Punishingmurderbycommiting a new one 5. Attitude to suicide at differenttimes 6. Helping a person to diegives rise to muchcontroversy 7. Moral and legal aspectsofending a pregnancyinanunnaturalway. 8. Thesecretborder line between life anddeath
Expressions from the Unit 20 • to bechargedwith (murder / criminaloffence...) • thelawonabortion / capital punishmenthaschanged • to take one’s own stand • to execute a murderer (execution) • thepressure for theabolitonofhanging • to have influence on publicattitudes / person’s behaviour • atthetrial • to commitmurder / suicide / crime
Expressions – part II • a free / liberal attitudetowards • put somethingbeforesomethingelse • seethingsinblackand white • thesupportersof • sufferfromdiminishedresponsibility • to preserve human life • to getawaywithsomething
Fill in the gaps. • Theactofbringigintoeffect a judgementofdeathpenalty is _________________. • _____________ is theactionofdestroying a human foetusprematurely. • Casesof terminal diseasesoften raise thequestionof _______________. • Theunderstandingofpsychiatricconditionsof a murdererinfluencestheattitudetowards_________________ . • __________ __________ is the state of human mind, whichmakes a personnotaccountable for his or her actions.
Fill in the gaps – THE KEY • The act of bringig into effect a judgement of death penalty is execution. • Abortion is the action of destroying a human foetus prematurely. • Cases of terminal diseases often raise the question of euthanasia. • The understanding of psychiatric conditions of a murder influences the attitude towards the punishment he should get. . • Diminished responsibility is the state of human mind, which makes a person not accountable for his or her actions.
Abortionin Croatia As a comment of that Act you can read the article by N. Hlača from the Faculty of Law in Rijeka – use the following link: http://www.bioline.org.br/pdf?me09018
ZAKON O ZDRAVSTVENIM MJERAMA ZA OSTVARIVANJE PRAVA NA SLOBODNO ODLUČIVANJE O RAĐANJU DJECE I. OPĆE ODREDBE Član 1. Radi ostvarivanja prava čovjeka da slobodno odlučuje o rađanju djece, ovim se zakonom uređuju prava i dužnosti građana, koja se odnose na sprečavanje neželjenog začeća, prekid neželjene trudnoće, kao i na medicinsku pomoć onima koji iz zdravstvenih razloga ne mogu ostvariti želju za vlastitim potomstvom. Član 2. Pravo čovjeka da slobodno odlučuje o rađanju djece može se ograničiti samo radi zaštite zdravlja, a pod uvjetima i na način koji određuje ovaj zakon.
Član 3. U cilju ostvarivanja prava građanina na upoznavanje s metodama i prednostima planiranja porodice organiziraju se u djelatnosti zdravstva, odgoja i obrazovanja, socijalne zaštite i drugim djelatnostima savjetovališta i drugi oblici pomoći građanima u vezi s planiranjem porodice. Član 4. Radnici i drugi radni ljudi u osnovnim organizacijama udruženog rada i drugim samoupravnim organizacijama i zajednicama, na načelima solidarnosti i uzajamnosti a u okviru materijalnih mogućnosti, osiguravaju uvjete za ostvarivanje prava čovjeka da slobodno odlučuje o rađanju djece.
Researchtask… Consultthefollowing web-page • http://www.delhrv.ec.europa.eu/?lang=en&content=4369 andfindoutaboutthepositionofthe EU concerningdeathpenalty.