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Discover the intersection of spirituality and NLPt for enhanced mental health. Learn about religious and spiritual problems, peak experiences, Gestalt therapy, Jungian psychology, transpersonal realms, mindfulness, and more. Explore Ken Wilber's integral theory of consciousness and lines of development. Gain insights into achieving self-actualization and spiritual identity. 8 Relevant
NLPt and Spirituality Mr spec Melita Stipančić, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, Croatian-austrian training center for NLPt, Zagreb, Croatia, GAIA-Master (energy healing)
DSM-IV - "Religious or Spiritual Problems, 1994, V62.89 • V code (Code for a condition not attributable to a mental disorder) - - “...when focus of attention on a religious or spiritual problem. Examples include distressing experiencea that involve loss or questioning of faith, problems associated with conversion to a new faith, questioning of spiritual values...” Result of demands that APA become more sensitive toward differing world views arising from an increasingly muliticultural society.
Benefits of new category: 1) increasing the accuracy of diagnostic assessments when religious and spiritual issues are involved; 2) reducing the occurrence of iatrogenic harm from misdiagnosis of religious and spiritual problems; 3) improving treatment of such problems by stimulating clinical research 4) improving treatment of such problems by encouraging training centers to address religious and spiritual issues in their programs.
“V” CODE CAN REFER TO: Wide range of spiritual and religious crises, Including: • Religious experiences • Peak & transpersonal experiences • Ecstatic, blissful experiences • Conflict between experience and religious doctrine • Conflict between conscious and/or unconscious beliefs and experience... • Confrontations with mortality • Existential crisis of meaning and moral conflict ...
Spirituality- NLP definition • The subjective experience of being part of a larger system; one that reaches beyond ourselves as individuals... • It may be represented in terms of a personal 'God,' a whole realm of gods and spirits, a diffuse energy connecting everything in the universe, a vast impersonal order, or as an initiating power, coming to human life and touching it from beyond itself... • "It is the awareness of, what anthropologist and systems theorist Gregory Bateson called, 'the pattern which connects' all things together into a larger whole." Robert Dilts & Judith DeLozier
Spirituality in Psychoanalysis • Siegmund Freud: - Religion – illusion & delusion • Interest in paranormal phenomena : • associated with dreams • associated with waking prophetic & states telepathic “The analyst must turn his unconscious like a receptive organ towards the transmitting unconscious of the patient."
Spirituality in Gestalt • Awareness per se and of itself can be curative (Perls ,1992) AWARENESS –Buddhist Mindfulness OPEN ATTENTION – Meditation “FERTILE VOID” (Perls) – Void in Taoist & Zen Buddhist tradition PEAK EXPERIENCE – Mystical experience
C.G. Jung Meta- psychology Finding spirituality in and through our human pathologies. “We meet our rejected and repressed sacredness at the center of disease.” New Age Spiritual experiences “away” from & “beyond” everyday life, the ego grotesquelyinflated to divine proportions. "I am God, I am God, I am God." Spirituality and Jung
A.Maslow – Hierarchy of Needs “Self-actualized people sometimes experience a state of"transcendence ," in which they become aware of not only their own fullest potential, but the fullest potential of human beings at large.”
NLP – Robert Dilts, “(Neuro) Logical levels” SPIRITUAL IDENTITY SPIRITUAL LEVEL: --Subjective experience of being part of a 'larger system‘ -Our connection with 'who' else and 'what' else are in the larger System -“Awakening" to this greater context that gives our lives meaning and purpose BELIEFS, VALUES CAPABILITIES BEHAVIOR ENVIRONMENT
KEN WILBER • American author, writes on psychology, philosophy, mysticism, ecology, and spiritual evolution • Integral theory of consciousness • “Reality is ultimately a non-dual union of emptiness and form, form being innately subject to development over time.”
INTEGRAL THEORY OF CONSCIOUSNESS, Ken Wilbur “Outward Arc”- the path people take in their development into adults(Piaget, Vygotsky, Erickson...) “Inward arc” - further development of human consciousness through the “Subtle,” “Causal,” and “Atman” realms.
INTEGRAL THEORY OF CONSCIOUSNESS,Ken Wilbur AQAL ("all quadrants all levels“), equally connotes 'all lines', 'all states' and 'all types‘- the five irreducible categories of Wilber's Model of Manifest Existence. QUADRANTS: "I“-Interior-Individual, Intentional (Freud) “It“ -Exterior-Individual, Behavioral (Skinner) "We“-Interior-Collective, Cultural (Gadamer) Its“-Exterior-Collective, Social (Marx)
INTEGRAL THEORY OF CONSCIOUSNESS,Ken Wilbur LINES OF DEVELOPMENT (Intelligencies) – ethical, cognitive, spiritual, kinaesthetic, .... Along each line- LEVELS OF DEVELOPMENT State - a level that is attained only temporarily Broad organisation of levels: • pre-personal (subconscious motivations) • personal (conscious mental processes) • transpersonal (integrative and mystical structures
INTEGRAL THEORY OF CONSCIOUSNESS,Ken Wilbur SPIRITUALIY: • involves peak experiences or altered states, which can occur at almost any stage and any age; • involves the highest levels in any of the lines; • a separate developmental line itself; • spirituality as an attitude (such as openness, trust, or love)
Because … Because … Because … Because … Because … Because … So many models, so many dimensions
METAPHORS OF PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT • “Dark night of the Soul”, “Kundalini Awakening”, “Alchemical proces”.... • Heroe’s Journey (Joseph Campbell) • Phoenix Process (Elisabeth Lesser) “...... Every human being senses an inner longing that goes deeper than the longings for emotional and creative fulfillment. This longing comes from sensing that another, more fulfilling state of consciousness and a larger capacity to experience life must exist."(Pathwork)
“The Divine touches the soul to renew it and to ripen it, in order to make itdivine.“ St John of the Cross
Spiritual crisis • Profound psychological transformation • Non-ordinary states of consciousness • Intense emotions, visions, other sensory changes • Unusual thoughts • Various physical manifestations
“Jerusalem effect” • Roller-coaster of feelings- from profound experiences of oneness, bliss and love to intense painful feelings of alienation, separation, hatred, fear… • Physical symptoms- rushes of energy, heat, spontaneous movements, feeling 'spaced out', forgetting to eat, insomnia... • Perceptual changes - seeing visions, ghosts, angels, u.f.o's, auras etc. Hearing voices, receiving 'guidance'
Spiritual Emergency-Aid • Normalize • Create a therapeutic container • Help patient to reduce environmental and interpersonal stimulation • Have patient temporarily discontinue spiritual practices • Use the therapy session to help ground the patient • Suggest the patient eat a diet of "heavy" foods and avoid fasting • Encourage the patient to become involved in simple, grounding, calming activities • Encourage the patient to draw, mold clay, make music, journal, write poetry, dance • Evaluate for medication
?Questions for the Psychotherapist? • How to distinguish spiritual experience, transpersonal experience, mystical experience, peak experience... from mental disturbances? • (To further complicate it) Stanislav Grof, one of the founders of Transpersonal Psychotherapy, states: “...a clearly psychotic state can evolve into an experience of mystic revelation”....
How can NLP&NLPt help? • NLP provides an excellent set of tools for exploring the structure of personal reality. As with many spiritual traditions, NLP suggests that personality and perception are learned, and that human experience can be transformed.
The outer world is a reflection of the inner world • NLPt: • each person has his/her own map of the world • The map is not the territory • The “outward reality” is perceived through subjective filters - Meta-modell - Belief-change - Meta-programs
Our thoughts create our reality NLPt: • Creating multisensory inner representations of desired goal – states & actions • Emphasis on goal-oriented work
Spiritual healing & growth as result of integration of different parts, dimensions and levels of being • NLPt – concept of integration of inner parts, time-dimensions, levels... - Inner-parts work • Logical levels • Time-line ....
People have an Inner Wisdom providing guidance and stimulating personal healing and development NLPt: • “Wisdom” of the unconscious mind,opening to something beyond the conscious! • “Good intention” of symptoms -Trance-work -Strenghtening resources
“Cleansing” unhappy past influences, living in the present moment NLPt concept of bringing resources where they were lacking- changing inner representations of past Time-line Re-imprint SOAR Change history....
Some questions... To what extent does the psycho- therapists raining prepare him/her to be aware of and respond to spiritual issues To what extent do the psycho- therapists personal beliefs and history In respect to spirituality influence Clinical work? To what extent do psychotherapists recognize, respect, respond to or influence the spiritual values of their client?
........... (much more & always developing) Hvala! Thank you! Merci!