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Creating a Home Page for Yourself and/or Your Classes Using MS Word to create web pages from other web pages February 20, 2002 Using MS Word to create web pages from other web pages Use Internet Explorer to find a web page that looks similar to the one you want to make
Creating a Home Page for Yourself and/or Your Classes Using MS Word to create web pages from other web pages February 20, 2002
Using MS Word to create web pages from other web pages • Use Internet Explorer to find a web page that looks similar to the one you want to make • From Internet Explorer’s File menu, select Save As and give the file a meaningful name. File name extension should be .html or .htm • Start MS Word. From Word’s File menu, select Open to open the file the you saved from Internet Explorer. Now use Word to Edit the file
Using MS Word to create web pages from other web pages • Save edited file in public_html folder on your U: drive (or a folder inside of public_html folder) • Make sure file properties allow EVERYONE to READ and Execute the file • Make sure folder properties allow EVERYONE to Execute the folder
1. Use Internet Explorer to find a model web page • Use Internet Explorer to find a web page similar to one you want to make. • You are welcome to “borrow” examples from www.fit.edu/~jbarlow where I have links to templates for my class home pages and syllabi. • Look at other University web sites for ideas. See last slide here for links to some interesting faculty web pages.
2. Save a copy of the web page so that you can edit it • From Internet Explorer’s File menu, select Save As and give the file a meaningful name. File name extension should be .html or .htm • HINT: make sure that you have filename extensions option turned on as this will make it easier to find your work on the web.
Turning on filename extension feature in MS Windows Open My Computer on your desktop and select Folder Options from the View menu • Make sure that Hide file filename extensions is NOT selected
3. Edit File Using MS Word • Start MS Word • Select Open From Word’s File Menu and edit as you like • You can insert hyperlinks using Word’s Insert menu • You can insert graphics, audio, or video using Word’s Insert menu • You can find graphics using MS Clipart
3. Edit File Using MS Word (cont.) • There are also some great web sites where you can find free graphics, audio, & video: • www.iconbazaar.com • Use www.google.com and search for • gif and jpg files (e.g., “dog gif” will help find websites with dog graphics files that you can use) • wav for audio files • Good source of free audio clips • more audio clips • mov or avi for video files
FUN! 3. Edit File Using MS Word (cont.) • You can also experiment with backgrounds • Use Word’s Format menu and select Background • Try adding some • AutoShapes can also be fun but save your work often! • When the web page looks (and sounds) the way you want it, Save it as a Web Page Word Art
4. Save the file in your web-assessable folder • Save the file in your public_html folder on your U: drive. Remember the file’s full name and extension. • If the file is named index.html, it will be displayed automatically when it’s folder is viewed using Internet Explorer: • my.fit.edu/~jbarlow will display the file named index.html in jbarlow’s public_html folder • my.fit.edu/~jbarlow/syllabus.doc will display the file named syllabus.doc in jbarlow’s public_html folder
Hints & Common Problems • Remember filenames and folder names are case-sensitive – Public_HTML is different than public_html • Try to avoid using spaces in filenames (unpredictable) • If a file is named test.htm and stored in jbarlow’s public_html folder, it can be viewed on the web at my.fit.edu/~jbarlow/test.htm • If that same file is stored in folder BUS1234 inside of jbarlow’s public_html folder, it can be viewed on the web at my.fit.edu/~jbarlow/BUS1234/test.htm
Some Faculty Web Pages • www.fit.edu/~jbarlow (mine) • uts.cc.utexas.edu/~grazioli/ (good) • www.fit.edu/~bpierce/courses.htm (Barb Pierce) • e3.se.fit.edu/becker (Becker CS dept) • cs.fit.edu/courses/cse5081 (another CS dept) • cs.fit.edu/~wds (Shoaff CS dept) • www.csis.american.edu/ribiere/english/classes (excellent!)