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A Strategic Alliance

A Strategic Alliance. The MIF Program to Promote Public Private Partnerships for Infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean 2008-2009. About the Program. Program Rationale. Insufficient capacity to plan and carry out PPPs effectively

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A Strategic Alliance

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  1. A Strategic Alliance The MIF Program to Promote Public Private Partnerships for Infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean 2008-2009

  2. About the Program

  3. Program Rationale • Insufficient capacity to plan and carry out PPPs effectively • Inadequate legal, regulatory, institutional environment for PPPs • Frequent renegotiations • Unintended fiscal consequences

  4. Program Goal Improve capacity to plan and carry out public private partnerships in infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean

  5. Program Funding • €873,000 (General Cooperation Fund of Spain) • $5,000,000 (Multilateral Investment Fund) • Advisory Assignments • Project Preparation • Knowledge Dissemination Activities

  6. Program Accomplishments

  7. Advisory Services Basic PPP Policy National • Paraguay – National PPP Program • El Salvador – PPP Policy Seminar Subnational • Ecuador – Municipal PPPs • Argentina – Bus System in Rosario • Uruguay – Urban Transport Centers

  8. Project Preparation Support MIF Contributions • Peru – US$ 730,000 • Paraguay – US$ 610,000 • Mexico – US$ 2,000,000 • Trinidad and Tobago – US$ 750,000 MIF contributions of US$ 4,090,000 have leveraged an additional US$ 4 million in country contributions

  9. Disseminating Knowledge • Workshop on hospital PPPs in Washington, D.C., in October 2008 • Infrascope to measure capacity to implement PPPs and identify areas for improvement • Seminar: “Infrastructure Development for Sustainable Economic Growth: Lessons Learned from the Spanish Experience”

  10. Program Goals 2010 Advisory Assignments • 5 additional Advisory Assignments Project Preparation • Identification and preparation of 3 new PPP capacity building projects Knowledge Dissemination • Publication of Spanish case study • Workshop on PPP experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean to be held in Brazil • 2nd edition of Infrascope • Collaboration with World Bank and Asian Development Bank to develop new global PPP learning materials • New Tool – value for money analysis software

  11. Contacts David Bloomgarden Senior Project SpecialistMultilateral Investment Fund DavidB@iadb.org Rocío Quesada Mquesada@iadb.org

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