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The last few years have brought many challenges due to the pandemic, and it has had a great impact on the mental health of the population around the world. People with existing mental illnesses have experienced even greater effects, and healthcare workers who have worked tirelessly to provide care in difficult circumstances have also faced additional stress.
The last few years have brought many challenges due to the pandemic, and it has had a great impact on the mental health of the population around the world. Peoplewithexistingmentalillnesseshaveexperiencedevengreatereffects,and healthcare workers who have worked tirelessly to provide care in difficult circumstanceshavealsofacedadditionalstress. • Students have had to adjust to online classes and employees have faced risks due to the economic fallout from the pandemic. Those who have lost loved ones havealsobeenaffected emotionally. Duetotheseandotherfactors,theneedfor mental health and psychosocial support is expected to increase significantly in thecomingyears. • WhatisTelehealth? • Telehealth is the use of digital information and communication technologies to accesshealthcareservicesremotelyandmanageyourhealthcare.Technologies canincludecomputersandmobiledevices,suchastabletsandsmartphones. • This may be the technology you use from home. Or a nurse or other healthcare professionalcanprovidetelehealthfromadoctor'sofficeormobilevan,suchas in rural areas. Telehealth for anxietycan also be technology that your healthcareproviderusestoimproveorsupporthealthcareservices. • Thegoalsoftelehealth,sometimescallede-healthorm-health(mobile health),includethefollowing: • Makinghealthcareeasiertoobtainforpeoplelivinginremotecommunities orinthecountryside. • Keepyourselfandotherssafeifyouhaveaninfectiousdiseaselike COVID-19. • Offersprimarycareformanyconditions. • Makeserviceseasiertoofferorpracticalforpeoplewhohavelimitedability tomove,timeortransport. • Offeraccesstospecialistdoctors. • Improvecommunicationandcoordinationofcarebetweenmembersofthe healthcareteamandthepersonreceivingcare. • Offeradviceforself-managementofhealthcare.
ManypeoplefoundtelehealthhelpfulduringtheCOVID-19pandemicand arestillusingit.Telehealthisbeingusedmore frequently. • Herearemanyexamplesoftelehealthservicesthatmaybehelpfultoyourhealth care. • Anxietyandthebenefitsoftelehealth • Anxietyisacommonandfrequentfunctionofthehumanexperience.Ourfightor flightresponseisintegratedandhasadiscretepurpose. • At one time, it was a valuable tool in ensuring our survival in the face of an immediate Talk therapy for depression. He prepared us to flee from large predatorsthroughthefrozenwildernessandkeptoureyesandearsopenforany signofdanger. • In a modern world where we don't have to evade saber-tooth tigers, anxiety is a littlelesshelpful.But,formany,itisanevenmorepenetratingexperiencethanit wasforourancestors. • Telehealthpreferenceformentalhealthdependingonconditions • Telehealth wasmostpopularwithpeoplestrugglingwithanxietyandfear-related disorders.Thegroupofpeoplewhopreferredtelehealthforanxiety(27.5%)was largerthanthosewhopreferredface-to-facevisits(25.5%). • On the other hand, those treated for schizophrenia did not prefer telemental health visits (1.7%) to face-to-face visits (2.7%). Additionally, black and Hispanic people who lived alone and people with lower incomes were less likely to opt for telementalhealth.However,theresearcherspostulatedthatapossiblecausefor the difference may have been a lack of access to technology or a lack of skills neededtousethenecessarytechnology. • StudyFindingsonTelehealthforMentalHealth • Dr. Zhu and his colleagues used a non-governmental claims clearinghouse to analyzedatafrom2016to2018andcomparethepandemicperiodofMarchto
December2020.Theyreviewedatotalof101.7millionoutpatienthealthvisits. mental. They identified individuals 12 years of age or older who encountered primary diagnosis codes for mental health conditions and classified the encounters as in-person or telehealth, using current procedural terminology (CPT)andplace-of-servicecodes. The results showed that in-person mental health visits decreased by 21.9% after the start of the pandemic, despite the fact that it produced a climate that exacerbatedmentalhealthproblems.However,theindustryquicklyrecoveredas many patients turned to telehealth for mental health treatment, with 47.9% transitioningtotelehealthbytheendoftheyear. FutureofTelementalHealth While they predict a strong growth trajectory for telemental health, the researchersstresstheimportanceofexpandingaccesstoservicesthroughnew modalitieswithoutsupplantingtheface-to-facecareneededforcertaingroups. They concluded: While lowering payment and regulatory barriers may improve accesstocare,increasedrelianceontelehealthcouldexacerbateexistinghealth care disparities or worsen care outcomes for other populations, particularly if the BroadbandInternetaccessislimitedinsomeregionsornotavailableto low-incomepeople.orclinicallyvulnerablepopulations. They continued: Future research is needed to understand how telehealth modalitiescanbestimproveequitableaccesstomentalhealthcareinthefaceof increasedoveralldemand.